This document discusses the use of different verbs to express future actions or intentions in English. It explains that "will" is used with verbs like "go" and "eat" to indicate the future, such as "I will go to the cinema". It can be contracted to "won't" for negation. "Shall" is used similarly to "will" but only with first-person pronouns. The phrase "be going to" followed by an infinitive verb also expresses the future, whether a plan or prediction, like "They are going to eat pizza for lunch".
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Future simple & be going to a2
1. Se usa para expresar una acción , intención , promesa o hecho
que ocurrirá en el futuro
• I will go the cinema ( yo iré al cine)
• They will eat pizza for lunch (ellos comerán pizza al almuerzo)
• El verbo “will”, pertenece a un grupo de verbos auxiliares llamados
“modales” los que usamos para cambiar el “modo” del verbo al que
acompañan. En los ejemplos de arriba, acompañan a “go” y, a “eat”
y los convierte en futuro.
2. • I will not go to the cinema
• I won`t go to the cinema
• They will not eat pizza for lunch
• They won’t eat pizza for lunch
- La forma para la negación es will not.
- Se utiliza won’t en su forma contraída.
3. No usar con: you , they , he , she, it
*La forma “shall” se usa de la misma manera que
“will” pero solo con los pronombres “I” y “we”, o
*I shall = I will
*We shall = we will
*I shall be late tomorrow
*I think we shall win
4. * be going to + infinitive
I’m going to the cinema (plan).
- They are going to eat pizza for lunch (intention).
-This afternoon is going to be rainy (prediction).
- I’m sure England are going to lose tomorrow ( prediction).
Be going to
5. Conjugation
Full form Contraction
I am
You are
He/she/It is
We are
They are
going to
Have a holiday
next month.
Study English tonight.
I am not
You are not
He/She/It is not
We are not
They are not
I’m not
You aren’t
We aren’t
They aren’t
going to
Have a holiday
next month.
Study English tonight.