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Plan MarketingowyPlan Marketingowy
1. Social	Media	Bonus
2. Multimedia	Bonus
3. Sales	Bonus
4. Advertising	Sales	Bonus
5. Friends Bonus
6. Matching Bonus
7. Leader	Bonus	(Infinity)
8. Career	Plan	(prizes)
Marketing PlanMarketing Plan
FutureNet Marketingplan en
We	pay	for	your	activity	on	the	social	media	platform
YourActivity ontheFutureNet Platformisrewarded.
FutureNet advertising revenueis dividedbetween
activeUsers of theFutureNetSocial Platform.
Social MediaBonusis areward foractiveUsers of theSocial Platform.Itiscalculateddaily
accordingto special script,taking intoaccountspecificparameters of activity.Youractivity
paramerers will beespecially rewarded whileusing theinternalcomunicationtool- Futurenet
On thebasis of thespecificParameters there iscalculatedyouractivity andanamountof daily
bonus: Social MediaBonus.
Social Media BonusSocial Media Bonus
FutureNet Marketingplan en
Multimedia BonusMultimedia Bonus
You	may	upload	your	multimedia	files	on	our	Platform	and	resell	them	to	other	Users.
Do	you	have	your	own	multimedia	files?	You	may	resell	them	to	other	Users	on	the	FutureNet Platform.	Load	your	files	in	the	
"Products"	tab,	specify	the	price	you	want	to	charge	and	make	money	every	time	other	Users	download	the	files.	
You	may	use	external	links	to	share	your	products,	and	FutureNet servers	 to	store	the	files.	
For	each	sale	you	will	keep	50%	of	the	price,	40%	goes	to	the	Marketing	Plan	in	the	form	of	turnover,	and	10%	is	the	FutureNet
Attention:	The	products	for	the	
further	resell	can	be	only	uploaded	
by	PREMIUM	members	after	accepting	
the	Terms	and	Regulations	
of the FutureNet
Make	Money	Online	with	usMake	Money	Online	with	us
FutureNet Marketingplan en
Sales BonusSales Bonus
For	each	sale	of	the	FutureNet products	you	will	receive	a	
30%	of	direct	commission.
In	addition,	you	are	rewarded	for	each	sale	in	your	team	
up	to	10	levels	inside:
1. Level 5%
2. Level 5%
3. Level 5%
4. Level 5%
5. Level 5%
6. Level 3%
7. Level 3%
8. Level 3%
9. Level 3%
10.Level 3%
Sales	Bonus	does	not	apply	to	purchases
made	with	Media	Points.
 Website	templates
 Momentum	System	
 FutureNet	Games
FutureNet Marketingplan en
Advertising Sales BonusAdvertising Sales Bonus
You get for each advertising customer
20%	direct commission
If you bring	advertising customers to the
FutureNet,	they will	be connected to you
For each turnover you get a	
direct commission of 20%
Become Premium Member
LetsPurchase Matrixes
Premium MatrixesPremium Matrixes
+10	%	Media	Point
+	Career	Plan
+	Leader	Bonus
+ 15	%	Media	Point
+	Ref	Link	at	FutureNet	Page
+	Career	Plan
+	Leader	Bonus
+	20	%	Media	Point
+	Ref	Link	at	FutureNet	Page
+	Career	Plan
+	Leader	Bonus
Business MatrixesBusiness Matrixes
Business PackagesBusiness Packages
FutureNet Marketingplan en
The	Partner	in	each	Friends	Tree	can	have	three	
friends	at	the	first	level	above,	the	fourth	and	each	
next	friend	will	be	placed	at	higher	levels	of	the	
Friends	Tree.
Friends	Tree	Example.	3x3	Matrix
up to 10 levels.
Frends Bonus
Level Partners Percent Commisions
1 3 5% 27.75$
2 9 5% 83.25$
3 27 5% 249.75$
4 81 5% 749.25$
5 243 5% 2.247,75$
6 729 5% 6.743,25$
7 2.187 5% 20.229,75$
8 6.561 5% 60.689,75$
9 19.683 5% 182.067,75$
10 59.049 5% 546.203,25$
Friends	Tree	in Exclusive package ( )Friends	Tree	in Exclusive package (185$)
*	This	is just	an	example,	not	an	income promise or a	guarantee.	Your income depends on	your turnover.
FutureNet Marketingplan en
The	Matching	Bonus	is	calculated	on	the	basis	
of	income	from:	FRIENDS	TREE	BONUS
Dla	ka甜dej	z	matryc	osobno:	10	/	25	/	50	/	100	/	
500	/	1.000
Matching BonusMatching Bonus
Personal	Partner	=	up	to	50%	Matching	Bonus
To	get	Matching	Bonus	you	do	not	need	to	have	any	
From	each	directly	invited	Partner,	who	gets	the	bonus	in	Friends	
Tree	you	get	from	10%	to	50%	of	his	income	value!	The	amount	of	
Matching	Bonus	depends	on	the	owned	Package.
Matching BonusMatching Bonus
From 1 PersonalPartner
up to 50 % Matching Bonus
Personal	Partner
3 PersonalPartners
up to 50% Matching Bonusfrom each one
Personal	Partner
Personal	Partner
Personal	Partner
Personal	Partner
Personal Partners = up to 50% Matching Bonus
Personal	Partner Personal	Partner Personal	PartnerPersonal	Partner
It	doesnt	matter	how	many	personal	partners	
you	have.	If	you	are	at	the	Exclusive	position,	
each	of	them	generates	50%	Matching	Bonus
FutureNet Marketingplan en
With	the	Leader	Bonus	you	get	%	income	from	all	your	structure	without	any	depth	limits,	
from	the	first	level,	to	infinity.	The	amount	of	%	income	depends	on	your	qualification.
If	your	Personal	Partner	also	qualify	to	the	specified	level	of	the	Leader	Bonus,	then	you	earn	the	%	
If	you	qualify	for	4%	Leader	Bonus	and	your	Partner	qualifies	for	2%	Leader	Bonus.	Out	of	this	
group,	you	earn	2%	without	any	limits	in	level	depth.	From	the	other	groups	you	still	earn	4%.
Leader Bonus(infinity)Leader Bonus(infinity)
If	you	get	the	7%	Leader	Bonus	in	your	group	and	one	of	your	partners	also	achieve	7%,	then	you	qualify	
for	the	5%	share	in	the	WORLD	POOL
Your Leader Bonus
If	you	get	the	7%	Leader	Bonus	in	your	group	and	one	of	your	partners	also	achieve	7%,	then	you	qualify	
for	the	5%	share	in	the	WORLD	POOL
Leader	BonusLeader	Bonus
% Requirements Total
Turnover division
6 personal partners; 3 of them with3
personal partners 2.000$ -
Maximum 50% from oneteam
3 personal partners
qualified for 1% 10.000$ -
Maximum 50% from oneteam
3 personal partners
qualified for 2% 25.000$ -
Maximum 50% from oneteam
3 persoanl partners
qualified for 3% 100.000$ -
Maximum 50% from oneteam
Leader	Bonus	Leader	Bonus	
% Requirements TotalTurnover Monthly
Turnover division
3 personal partnersqualified for 4% or 6
personal partnersqualified for 3%
250.000$ 5000$
Maximum 50% fromoneteam
3 personal partnersqualified for 5% or 6
personal partnersqualified for 4%
500.000$ 15.000$
Maximum 50% fromoneteam
3 personal partnersqualified for 6% or 6
personal partnersqualified for 5%
1.000.000$ 25.000$
Maximum 50% fromoneteam
If	you	get	the	7%	Leader	Bonus	in	your	group	and	one	of	your	partners	also	achieve	7%,	then	you	qualify	
for	the	5%	share	in	the	WORLD	POOL
Career PlanCareer Plan
FutureNetCareer PlanFutureNetCareer Plan
All the scoresfrom your structure are countedinto your Career Plan.
Turnover	from	all packages and	upgrades 1$			=		1 Points
Turnover from	product	sales 1$		=		2 Points
(product	purchase	with	Media	Points	is	not	taken	into	account)
Scoring SystemScoring System
20.000	Points
5 Personal	Business	Partners
50	000	points
7	Personal	Business	Partners
3	qualified	for	smartphone	prize
Smartphones Tablets/Laptops
Prizes	(Smartphone/Tablet/Laptop)	will	be	sent	through	
delivery	services.	Each	of	the	above	prizes	you	can	get	only	once.
*Points	for	the	qualification	are	divided	by	the	turnover	
from	3	teams	in	any	combination:	40%,	30%,	30%
Career PlanCareer Plan
Eachof thementionedprizesyou can getonly once
*Points	for	the	qualification	are	divided	by	the	turnover	
from	3	teams	in	any	combination:	40%,	30%,	30%
1.200.000	Points
1.000	Business	Partners
15	Personal	Partners	Business
3	Partnersqualified	for	prizes:	a	trip
1.500.000	Points
2.000	Business	Partners
20	Personal	Partners	Business
3	Partnersqualified	for Trip
1.800.000	Points
3.000	BusinessPartners
30	Personal	Partners	Business
3	Partnersqualified	for Trip
Audi	A3 Audi	A4 Audi	A6
Career Plan CarProgramCareer Plan CarProgram
*Points	for	the	qualification	are	divided	by	the	turnover	
from	3	teams	in	any	combination:	40%,	30%,	30%
Grand Prize: Porsche PanameraGrand Prize: Porsche Panamera
3.500.000 points
5.000Business Partners
30 Personal	Partners	Business
3 Partners	qualified	for	the	Car	Program
Your Partnerstotal pointsfromtheCar Program
must be5.000.000 points
Credit Cards OnlinePayments Bank Transfer
Bank	Transfer
Eachpartner has apossibility to withdraw hismoneyfrom Online accountwith
registration codes
Thecode can be soldto other partner.
Only Partners with atleastBasic position can make
acash withdrawal.
Minimum amounts:
20$ - only Bitcoin
50$ - all withdrawal methods

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