The document discusses potential future scenarios for social media. It begins with an introduction and outlines an agenda covering social media for marketing, customer relationship management (CRM), and enterprise collaboration. For social marketing, it suggests scenarios where users abandon social networks en masse or new, more respectful networks develop. For social CRM, scenarios include whether organizations can successfully industrialize social customer service or become overwhelmed by rising volumes.
1. scenarios for the future of social media
picture cc 2011 Yann Gourvennec
> Orange Business Services
Paris, September 27th, 2012
some rights reserved - CC 2008 - - Yann A. Gourvennec 1
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> You are allowed to use one or all the
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some rights reserved - CC 2008 - - Yann A. Gourvennec
3. my personal research online
some rights reserved - CC 2008 - - Yann A. Gourvennec 3
4. 2 publications in 2011
> >
some rights reserved - CC 2008 - - Yann A. Gourvennec 4
8. agenda
> introduction
> for marketing
> for CRM
> 3.enterprise
> conclusion
picture: microsoft gallery
some rights reserved - CC 2008 - - Yann A. Gourvennec 8
9. scenarios for the future of social media
picture cc 2011 Yann Gourvennec
> introduction
some rights reserved - CC 2008 - - Yann A. Gourvennec 9
16. scenarios for the future of social media
picture cc 2011 Yann Gourvennec
> 1. for marketing
some rights reserved - CC 2008 - - Yann A. Gourvennec 16
17. a word of caution
> a risky exercise
> use hindsight but
> dont think negatively
> nobody can really
predict the future
some rights reserved - CC 2008 - - Yann A. Gourvennec 17
18. scenarios for the future of social media
picture cc 2011 Yann Gourvennec
> 1 social marketing
some rights reserved - CC 2008 - - Yann A. Gourvennec 18
19. 19
Cluetrain Theses (Original)
1. Markets are conversations.
2. Markets consist of human
beings, not demographic
3. Conversations among
human beings sound
human. They are conducted
in a human voice.
息 2012 Altimeter Group
20. 20
Cluetrain Theses (Updated for 2012)
1. Markets are conversations
conversational ads
2. Markets consist of human
beings, brand pages, not
demographic sectors. and
social graph targeting
3. Conversations among
human beings sound
human. They are conducted
in a human voice. Analyzed
by social performance
息 2012 Altimeter Group
21. Orange Silicon Valleys Georges Nahon, 2012
Apple, Amazon, Facebook and
Google will continue to develop
their non-searchable adjacent
event sponsored by Georges Nahon
CEO Orange Silicon Valley
22. (after diaspora*)
> Dalton Caldwells
> blog post - July 2012
> twitters ecosystem
> respect for users
> 10k instant users
> 20k users as of now
> $50 p.a.
> $100 p.a
some rights reserved - CC 2008 - - Yann A. Gourvennec 22
23. what potential scenarios?
facts scenarios
> social networks change > 1. users abandon social
gears networks en masse (West)
- ecosystem under control > 2. new more respectful
- create adjacent web social networks develop
(Nahon) > 3. niche social networks
- monetise, monetise, develop, less privileged
monetise users get spammed
- marketing by interruption > 4. alternative social
(again) networks vanish, marketing
> 5. the unexpected happens
some rights reserved - CC 2008 - - Yann A. Gourvennec 23
24. scenarios for the future of social media
picture cc 2011 Yann Gourvennec
> 2 social CRM
some rights reserved - CC 2008 - - Yann A. Gourvennec 24
25. not applicable to all brands/businesses
some rights reserved - CC 2008 - - Yann A. Gourvennec 25
26. phases in SCRM implementation
some rights reserved - CC 2008 - - Yann A. Gourvennec 26
27. question 4: should we handle online customers better?
picture: microsoft gallery
some rights reserved - CC 2008 - - Yann A. Gourvennec 27
28. what potential scenarios?
facts scenarios
> angry customers speak > 1. industrialisation doesnt
up happen, organisations try
> social media makes to cope
complaints visible to all > 2. industrialisation
> volumes are rising happens, social becomes
> scaling is key a major channel
> processes are key > 3. volumes rise,
companies cant cope,
> not all brands are equal new channel is
some rights reserved - CC 2008 - - Yann A. Gourvennec 28
29. scenarios for the future of social media
picture cc 2011 Yann Gourvennec
> 3. enterprise collaboration
some rights reserved - CC 2008 - - Yann A. Gourvennec 29
30. abolishing internal email
Some rights reserved by sualk61
some rights reserved - CC 2008 - - Yann A. Gourvennec 30
31. what potential scenarios?
facts scenarios
> repositories are > 1. internal systems
ubiquitous multiply, chaos settles in
> a few major players: ms / > 2. new yammer-like
ibm / jive disruptions?
> email is the cause of a > 3. ms & ibm win
major productivity/well- > 4. status quo, focus shifts
being issue on education, true
> collaboration isnt easy business collaboration
> business processes at
some rights reserved - CC 2008 - - Yann A. Gourvennec 31
32. scenarios for the future of social media
picture cc 2011 Yann Gourvennec
> conclusion
some rights reserved - CC 2008 - - Yann A. Gourvennec 32
33. my hunch as to what will/wont change
post may 2012 landscape
what will not change what might well change
> R.I.P Web 2.0 > gamification?
> social CRM must scale > Facebook IPO outcome?
or die > data privacy issues
> the Web is social, > niche social platforms?
consumers go social > more globalisation?
> web teams do social > mobile first platforms win
> websites are/will be social
> all go mobile
> emerging countries are
our future
some rights reserved - CC 2008 - - Yann A. Gourvennec 33
34. thank you
some rights reserved - CC 2008 - - Yann A. Gourvennec 34
35. interact with us online
some rights reserved - CC 2008 - - Yann A. Gourvennec 35
Editor's Notes
#11: Just returning from a blogger tour in Silicon Valley which took place Sept 17-22, 2012. Invaluable feedback, visions and first-hand information straight from the horses mouthweve been talking to some of the most innovative start-ups in the Valley (World)Ill use this information in order to populate my predictions as much as possibleall stories about that tour can be found online at
#12: Even 10 years later, there is a lot of sniggering with regard to how social media can fit in the business space. Yet, many a company has successfully managed to use these tools (and the philosophy behind it) to integrate word of mouth marketing into their Marketing strategies. This has been the subject of many a presentation I have uploaded on our space, but I wont touch on that in todays presentation. I will take these the fact that social media can be used for business for granted and jump to the part dedicated to the analysis of what I think could well be the future of social media.For those who havent yet got to grips with the benefits of social media in business and how it can be implemented, please refer to my slideshare presentation entitled: useful social media: what social media platform for what purpose? available from our slideshare corporate space at
#14: what happened is this. From a marketing bubble we have jumped into a financial bubble but the effects of that bubble are far less severe than 10 years ago. fewers companies are overvalued, LinkedIn has even performed very well and there are far fewer companies launching IPOs nowadays as compared to 12 years ago during the dot com craze. It has been noted though that IPO could also stand for Its Probably Overpriced!
#18: so here are my thoughts on the subject. I was asked to put this presentation together at very short notice but at the same time, the timing was really good as today is the pivoting moment for social media. Yet, one should be aware that predicting the future is hardly easy!Nostradamus (aka Michel de Notredame, the famous 16th century seer who is still regarded as an oracle has made so many predictions which never came true that I would be ill advised to do the same.
#19: This is why I decided to turn my predictions into potential scenarios of what could happen, post Facebook IPO in the small world of social media. They are mere assumptions, of course, anybody is allowed to disagree, correct me, add to this etc.
#20: Jeremiah Owyang has sounded the death knell of the spirit instilled by the creators of the cluetrain manifesto. As many in the audience so I realised time and time again unfortunately, even in business schools are barely discovering that the manifesto exists and what it meant to us pioneers of the World Wide Web,
#27: these are the steps which we have roughly followed at Orange when adapting social media to CRM situations in response to the amazing uptake of social media usage by customers in order to get help about their products.
#28: my answer to that question is a resounding NO! online customers should be handled equally and all deserve attention. failing to address ordinary customers and focussing on self proclaimed influential bloggers who tend more and more to behave like spoilt children is hardly a good idea.I am therefore advocating for a dramatic rise in the quality of service in which social media can play a role as a tale-telling sign (for complaints cannot be hidden on social media). Obviously, perfection is not attainable and there are also a lot of complaining customers in bad faith but all must be helped as well as possible.Will I be heard though, is another story.