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New York City Housing Authority
Johnson Community Center
– 專題研討會
參加方法: 致電 (212) 306-3800 或電郵至
2012年6月5日 –布魯克林區
NY Technical College
285 Jay Street
2012年6月14日 –史旦頓島
Stapleton Community Center
230 Broad Street
2012年6月7日 – 曼哈頓區
Johnson Community Center
1829 Lexington Avenue
2012年6月18日 –布朗克斯區
Classic (Melrose) Center
286 East 156th Street
2012年6月12日 – 皇后區
Electrical Industry Center
67-35 Parsons Blvd (Jewel Avenue旁)
– 專題研討會
Manhattan Center Studios
311 West 34th Street
New York, NY 10001
郵寄 :
Public Housing Agency Plan Comments
Church Street Station
P.O. Box 3422
New York, New York 10008-3422
傳真: (212) 306-7905
1. 申請條件和資格認證
2. 財政狀況
3. 基建項目
4. 防治罪案和保障安全
5. 社區服務
? 與會者逐一發言
? 請勿插話
? 尊重別人
? 請勿批評指正他人意見
? 各桌的引導員和筆記員採用不記名方式﹐記錄和
? 簡報完畢後﹐ 有興趣上前公開提出意見人士 ﹐請
議題 1: 申請條件和資格認證
(TSAP) – 申請調遷的公房住戶較新登記申請人
優先獲得編配空置公寓 。
議題 1: 申請條件和資格認證
議題 1: 申請條件和資格認證
申請審核程序 – 修改時間限制
定面談日期的三個月內重新預約 (現為六個月)
?在核實配房資格面談被要求補交證明文件的申請人 ﹐
必須於面談後三個月內遞交所需文件 (現為六個月)
議題 1: 申請條件和資格認證
議題 2: 財政狀況
?2013 年度HUD 財政預算建議案一覽表
?正式通過2012 年至2016 年營運和基建預算案
–擬參加租金補助示範計劃 (RAD)
–獲准參加促進就業計劃 (MTW)
議題 2: 財政狀況
房屋局 歷年所得的營運資金
2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012
NYCHA Received NYCHA Eligible
房屋局所得撥款 房屋局應得撥款
自2001 年起﹐ 聯邦營運資金逐年遞減
累積損失多達 7.57 億美元
議題 2: 財政狀況
房屋局 歷年所得的基建資金
2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012
Federal Capital Funding Decline Since 2001
Annual Federal Capital Grant Cumulative Loss vs 2001 Funding Level
自2001 年起﹐ 聯邦基建資金逐年遞減
累積損失多達 8.76 億美元
聯邦年度基建補助金 累積削減金額 (與2001 年撥款金額相比)
議題 2: 財政狀況
?全國公共房屋營運資金 45.24 億美元
– 估計紐約市房屋局所得配額約為9億美元
?全國公共房屋基建資金 20.70億美元
?HUD建議將規定租金下限由50 美元調升至75 美元
―約有 700戶公共房屋住戶和4700戶第8 章租金援助戶受影
議題 2: 財政狀況
($61.1) ($61.1)
($61.3) ($63.3)
$1.7 $3.1
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
General Fund (Deficit)/Surplus Prior and Current Plan
2011-2015 Plan 2012-2016 Plan
($ millions)以百萬美元計
新舊預算案的綜合資金 (赤字) / 盈餘對照
2011年至2015年預算案 2012年至2016年預算案
議題 2: 財政狀況
房屋委員會簽訂了公平計算租金政策。目前共有4.7萬戶繳付 (最高) 固定租
市場公平租金 (FMR) 的合理升幅 規定﹐逐步調升其中2.8萬戶家庭的租金。
2012 年度租金明細表
議題 2: 財政狀況
–獲5 億美元資助樓宇翻新工程
–市/州建住宅區內仍有約5700 個公共房屋單元未獲專款資
–根據HUD於2008 年9 月所通過的房屋轉換計劃﹐將未獲資助
的單元轉型為第8 章資助的住宅單元。
議題 2: 財政狀況
?擬參加HUD的租金補助示範計劃 (RAD)
?獲批參加HUD的促進就業計劃 (MTW)
建和營運專款﹐ 並實施簡化租金和行政程序
議題 3: 基建項目
2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012
Federal Capital Funding Decline Since 2001
Annual Federal Capital Grant Cumulative Loss vs 2001 Funding Level
累積損失多達 8.76 億美元
聯邦年度基建補助金 累積削減金額 (與2001 年撥款金額相比)
議題 3: 基建項目
議題 3: 基建項目
合計: 4.23亿美元
議題 3: 基建項目
未達2006年建築需求檢驗 (PNA) 標準
2006 年至2011 年
實獲/ 缺乏補助
2012 年至2016 年
預計/ 缺乏補助
備註: 按PNA 規定﹐2017年至2020年的所需資金是72億美元; 15年共需250億美元 。
議題 3: 基建項目
? 加緊完成2012至2016財政年度的五年基建預算案
? 積極規劃基建工程
議題 3: 基建項目
議題 3: 基建項目
議題 4:防治罪案和安全措施
議題 4:防治罪案和安全措施
議題 4:防治罪案和安全措施
?監管轄下停車位並 嚴格執行相關規則
議題 4:防治罪案和安全措施
?鞏固與紐約警務處 (NYPD) 的合作關係
議題 5: 社區服務
社會服務工作和達致經濟自立 :
?公共房屋居民 (除獲豁免人士) 每月必須履行8小時的社會服
務或參與「經濟自立」活動 。
?違者將於十二個月租約期滿時被拒續約 (即終止租約) 。
議題 5: 社區服務
?房屋局已咨詢居民意見 ﹐並完成制定一系列社區服務豁免條件
?國會議員Charlie Rangel 確保條例延至2003年才得以執行
議題 5: 社區服務
社區服務 (CS) 全新執行計劃
1) 2012年度收入審核手續
? 將履行CS時數調回零 (“0”)
? 更新CS豁免資格資料
? 要求住戶簽署文件證明獲悉社區服務規定
? 未獲豁免的家庭成員必須完成社區服務工作
2) 2013年度收入審核手續
? 更新CS豁免資格或完成進度資料
? 必須履行從2012年起計的規定CS時數
3) 2014年度收入審核手續
? 新CS豁免資格或完成進度資料
? 必須履行未完成的規定CS時數
? 違者將被終止租約
議題 5: 社區服務
? 思考問題:
? 您對剛才的簡報有什麼想法?
? 您認為最重要的是什麼? 為什麼? 有什麼地方需要補充/加
? 為取得成功﹐大家可以合力做些什麼?
討論話題 :
- 申請條件和資格認證 - 財政狀況
- 基建項目 - 防治罪案和安全措施
- 社區服務
?其他議題 – 租金 ﹐營運和管理﹐申訴程序﹐長者住房編配, 經濟自
立計劃﹐寵物政策,Hope VI 房屋翻新/混合融資/清拆/讓與 /自置
房屋計劃﹐ 等等

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Annual Plan for Fiscal Year 2014 Presentation - Manhattan (Chinese)

Editor's Notes

  • #3: [SLIDE: Introductions]Borough Director: Welcome everyone, my name is Christopher Shaffner , Director of Manhattan Property Management and I am glad to be here with you. Before we begin I would like to let you know that we have available Spanish, Chinese, Russian and Sign Language Interpreters; in addition to simultaneous interpretation equipment. I will now ask the interpreters to introduce themselvesEvery conversation begins with an introduction so let’s begin by taking a few minutes to get to know each other. So to get started my name is Christopher Shaffner, I live in x, I have lived there for X years and I am [personal fact]. Then introduce NYCHA senior staff , senior NYPD representatives, the CCOP representatives and ask resident leaders to stand and wave to identify themselves.?At each table is a Facilitator—please raise your hands. With their help, we are going to go around the table and ask each person to share their name, where you live and one personal fact about yourself. ..Okay, let’s take 10 minutes.?[10 min] [Break out to tables – Facilitators lead introductions. Facilitators monitor time and then bring everyone’s attention to the front]
  • #4: Deidra Gilliard:In accordance with Section 5A of the United States Housing Act of 1937, as amended, Housing Authorities are required to develop, with review and input from residents and the general public, an Annual Plan that outlines their priorities for the upcoming year. As mandated, NYCHA has developed a Draft Agency Plan for FY 2013. In order to facilitate comments, the Authority will hold 5 Round Table Meetings during the month of June. Every resident should have received a letter from the Chairman with the Annual Plan notice in their recent rent bill. Flyers for the Roundtables were placed under every residents’ door. They were also posted in every building, senior and community center and property management offices. The flyers were also translated into Spanish, Chinese and Russian. The Customer Contact Center has also made calls to every household with information about the roundtables and public hearing.
  • #5: Deidra Gilliard:The Draft Plan was made available on May 17, 2012 for public inspection at NYCHA’s principal office at 250 Broadway, on NYCHA’s website, at each local Public Housing development management office, at all Community Operations/Management & Leased Housing Borough Offices, and at 9 designated Community Centers. The Draft Plan was also sent to all Resident Advisory Board (RAB) delegates and alternates, to each TA President and Section 8 RAB Representatives. In addition, NYCHA encourages residents, advocates and the public to provide written comments on the Draft Plan for FY 2013. The comments will be accepted via fax, through the mail and collected at each of the Round Table Meetings.
  • #6: Deidra Gilliard:In an attempt to accurately reflect NYCHA’s most critical priorities and needs, the Draft Plan is an evolving document. The purpose of this Round Table meeting today is to provide a venue where residents and the public are invited comment on the Draft Plan. NYCHA staff will make brief presentations on the topics listed on the screen. Residents and the public will meet for 30 minutes at your tables to discuss your comments and suggestions. NYCHA staff are at each table to act as facilitators and note takers. At the end of the 30 minutes each table will have the opportunity to read out their comments to everyone. There will then be an open mike for half an hour for additional questions and comments.
  • #7: Deidra Gilliard:We hope that as many people as possible will have an opportunity to express their comments. So before we begin, let’s go over the following ground rules. The passing out of materials, photo taking and video recordings are not allowed, however, a “General Information” station is available outside where leaflets and flyers may be displayed. Resource tables have been set up outside with information so that the end of the meeting you can pick-up information which may be of interest to you on: Resident Employment Services, Fair Housing, Family Services, Citywide Programs, and Health. Introduce Tina Lam, Director of the Applications and Tenancy Administration Department, to discuss the 1st topic- Eligibility and Admissions
  • #8: Tina Lam: Currently 3 out of 5 vacant apartments are offered to transfers. NYCHA is considering increasing the number of vacant apartments available to transfers over new applicants. Modification of NYCHA’s Tenant Selection and Assignment Plan (TSAP) to:1. Optimize apartment usagemore than 55,000 NYCHA families are residing in underoccupied apartments ????? more than 15,000 NYCHA families are residing in overcrowded apartment more than 160,000 applications on NYCHA’s public housing waiting list2. Give priority for rental of vacant apartments to NYCHA residents transfers first (over applicants).Choice to remain in same or another development
  • #9: Tina Lam:
  • #10: Tina Lam:
  • #11: Tina Lam:At the end of slide, introduce Andreas Spitzer, Acting Executive Vice-President and Chief Financial Officer, to discuss Topic 2 – Financial Resources
  • #12: Andreas Spitzer:
  • #13: Andreas Spitzer:
  • #14: Ray Ribeiro:
  • #15: Andreas Spitzer:
  • #16: Andreas Spitzer:
  • #17: Andreas Spitzer: Rent example: A three-person family with an income of $44k living in a 2 bedroom apartment will have a new rent of $641, a $39 increase over their current rent of $602. Overall, the average rent for the Flat Rent households will increase about $60 in 2013.
  • #18: Andreas Spitzer:
  • #19: Andreas Spitzer:At end of slide, introduce Raymond Ribeiro, Executive Vice- President for Capital Projects, to discuss Topic 3 – Capital Projects
  • #20: Ray Ribeiro:
  • #21: Ray Ribeiro:
  • #22: Ray Ribeiro:ARRA$423M-bricks, roofs, elevators-mixed finance transactions-Over 730 resident hires
  • #23: Ray Ribeiro:2.7B since 2006 vs identified need of 6.9BDiscuss potential 30B need28% need in 1-5 vs 56%(more than 50%) need in 1-5
  • #24: Ray Ribeiro:Structural work/exteriors represents principally building envelope work and major renovationsElevators represents 9?percent of Plan, Heating and Plumbing represent 8 percentFollowing $500 million bond issue, 13 percent of all funding sources towards debt serviceAt end of slide, introduce Patrick O’Hagan, Director of Security, who will now speak about topic 4 –Safety and Crime Prevention
  • #25: $2.4 billion total planned funding sources, 68 percent FederalCFFP bond issue of $500 million, 21 percent
  • #26: Ray Ribeiro:Structural work/exteriors represents principally building envelope work and major renovationsElevators represents 9?percent of Plan, Heating and Plumbing represent 8 percentFollowing $500 million bond issue, 13 percent of all funding sources towards debt serviceAt end of slide, introduce Patrick O’Hagan, Director of Security, who will now speak about topic 4 –Safety and Crime Prevention – No JOKES!
  • #27: Patrick O’Hagan:
  • #28: Patrick O’Hagan: Change text of opening statement to 78% of NYCHA respondents to a 2010 Resident Survey of selected developments reported that they were fearful of crime in their development.
  • #29: Patrick O’Hagan:
  • #30: Patrick O’Hagan: At the end of slide, introduce, Deidra Gilliard, Executive Vice President for Community Operations, to discuss topic 5 - Community Service.
  • #31: Alan Pelikow: How many people here know about Community Service?You should ALL know because since 2003 NYCHA has been sending 2 letters per year to each head of household (HOH) explaining the requirement and providing the status of each family memberThe requirement was created by the federal government in 1998 as part of the Quality Housing and Work Responsibility ActIt requires all unemployed public housing residents between the ages of 18-60 who are not otherwise exempt to perform 8 hours of community service or participate in 8 hours of economic self-sufficiency activities each month (96 hours per year)Enforcement was postponed until 2003 (Congressman Charles Rangel)Resident violation of the service requirement is grounds for non-renewal of lease (i.e. termination of tenancy) at the end of the twelve month term
  • #32: Deidra Gilliard:
  • #33: Deidra Gilliard:
  • #34: Alan Pelikow:At end of presentation, turn over to Deidra Gilliard.
  • #35: Deidra Gilliard: We will now meet for the next 20 minutes at your tables to discuss your comments and suggestions. NYCHA staff are at each table to act as facilitators and note takers. At the end of the 20 minutes the facilitator at each table will have the opportunity to read out their table’s comments to everyone. There will then be an open mike for half an hour for additional questions and comments. Please make sure you have filled out a speakers slip.
  • #36: Deidra Gilliard: – We hope that as many people as possible will have an opportunity to express their comments. So before we begin, let’s go over the following ground rules:1. If you wish to speak, first you must fill out a “Speakers Slip”. They are available in the entrance area at the table marked “Speaker Sign in” Please line up at each of the microphones in the center aisles and wait your turn to speak. Each speaker is allowed 3 minutes to speak. On the stage, you will see a timer with three lights. When you begin to speak, the green light will be on and the timer will begin to count down. When the yellow light is lit, it means that you should start to conclude your remarks. When the red light is turned on, your three minutes to provide comment are over. A table has been set up outside so that written comments may also be submitted.2. Numbered speaker slips are non transferable and if you are not present or do not wish to speak when your name and number is called, you will forfeit the opportunity to speak3. The hearing is being recorded and transcribed by a stenographer so please speak only from the microphones in the aisles and identify yourself and your development or affiliation.4. Remember we are here to comment on NYCHA’s FY 2011 Draft Annual Plan. Any personal comments on, criticisms of or oral attacks on NYCHA personnel, resident representatives, and public attendees or any demeaning, discriminatory or ethnic slurs, or vulgar language will not be tolerated. I, as the moderator of this evening’s meeting, reserve the right to immediately move on to the next speaker on line if any comments are deemed inappropriate. The Moderator on the stage is in charge of the Public Hearing, please be considerate of your neighbors and obey the moderator’s directions.5. We are here to consider issues that are of concern to everyone; not issues that concern only a single resident or individual. If you have an issue that concerns only you or your apartment, we have tables set up outside specifically for that purpose. You may fill out a resident response form at the table outside marked “Residents Complaints”.
  • #37: Deidra Gilliard: This concludes the Roundtable meeting for tonight.