This document discusses sentiment analysis of hotel reviews using data mining techniques. It describes building a sentiment lexicon by expanding an existing lexicon using rule-based mining and establishing word relations. A Bayesian network is used to analyze sentiment polarity by looking up sentiments in the expanded lexicon. The system achieved 57% precision and 63% recall in validating sentiment labels. Expanding the lexicon to capture domain and context sensitivities was advocated to improve coverage.
This document summarizes a student project on mining user opinions from hotel reviews. It discusses using data mining techniques like machine learning and sentiment analysis to analyze large amounts of online hotel review data and identify useful patterns. Specifically, it aims to predict review sentiment polarity, classify words by polarity in a sentiment lexicon, and detect relations between aspects and sentiments. The challenges include limitations of current sentiment lexicons and algorithms in capturing domain and context dependencies. The student proposes expanding existing lexicons using rule-based mining to help improve sentiment analysis accuracy.
This document discusses sentiment analysis techniques in machine learning. It defines sentiment analysis as using natural language processing to identify subjective information and extract sentiment from text. Several machine learning algorithms can be used for sentiment analysis, including na誰ve Bayes classification, Word2Vec, and neural recursive networks. The document also provides examples of industries that use sentiment analysis, such as retail, entertainment, and healthcare.
1) The document discusses techniques for sentiment classification of text using machine learning. It examines applying Naive Bayes, Maximum Entropy, and Support Vector Machines to determine if a text has a positive, negative, or neutral sentiment.
2) It uses a dataset of movie reviews labeled as positive or negative to train and evaluate the models. Key features for the models include unigram presence in the text.
3) Evaluation results show that Naive Bayes and Support Vector Machines achieved over 82% accuracy in classifying positive and negative sentiment in the movie review texts. The best performing feature was unigram presence rather than frequency.
This document summarizes an approach to generating abstractive summaries of product reviews. It discusses extracting aspects from reviews, annotating reviews with aspect sentiment polarity and strength, applying a discourse parser to obtain discourse trees, aggregating trees to generate an Aspect Rhetorical Relation Graph (ARRG), selecting important aspects and relations using PageRank, and generating a natural language summary template based on the selected content. Evaluation shows the approach identifies aspects and relations accurately and is able to generate a multi-sentence summary reflecting the most prominent aspects of multiple reviews.
Question Answering System using machine learning approachGarima Nanda
In a compact form, this is a presentation reflecting how the machine learning approach can be used for the effective and efficient interaction using classification techniques.
The document discusses a project that uses natural language processing and machine learning techniques to perform sentiment analysis on movie reviews collected from websites. The researchers collected over 15,000 movie reviews, preprocessed the data by removing stop words and punctuation, then extracted word features. They used naive Bayes and random forest classifiers to classify the reviews as positive or negative, achieving 87% and 93% accuracy respectively. Finally, they developed a web application that takes user-inputted reviews and predicts the sentiment using the trained classifiers.
Twitter has brought much attention recently as a hot research topic in the domain of sentiment analysis. Training sentiment classifiers from tweets data often faces the data sparsity problem partly due to the large variety of short and irregular forms introduced to tweets because of the 140-character limit. In this work we propose using two different sets of features to alleviate the data sparseness problem. One is the semantic feature set where we extract semantically hidden concepts from tweets and then incorporate them into classifier training through interpolation. Another is the sentiment-topic feature set where we extract latent topics and the associated topic sentiment from tweets, then augment the original feature space with these sentiment-topics. Experimental results on the Stanford Twitter Sentiment Dataset show that both feature sets outperform the baseline model using unigrams only. Moreover, using semantic features rivals the previously reported best result. Using sentiment-topic features achieves 86.3% sentiment classification accuracy, which outperforms existing approaches.
A brief survey presentation about Arabic Question Answering touching the different Natural Language Processing and Information Retrieval Approaches to Question Analysis, Passage Retrieval and Answer Extraction. In addition to the listing of the different NLP tools used in AQA and the Challenges and future trends in this area.
Please if you want to cite this paper you can download it here:
A Vague Sense Classifier for Detecting Vague Definitions in OntologiesPanos Alexopoulos
The document summarizes a study on developing a classifier to detect vague definitions in ontologies. It describes training a naive Bayes classifier on 2000 WordNet senses labeled as vague or not vague. The classifier achieved 84% accuracy on a test set. It was then used to classify relations in the CiTO ontology, correctly identifying 82% as vague or not vague. While a subjectivity classifier only identified 40% of the same relations accurately. Future work involves improving the classifier and incorporating it into an ontology analysis tool.
Sentiment Features based Analysis of Online Reviewsiosrjce
IOSR Journal of Computer Engineering (IOSR-JCE) is a double blind peer reviewed International Journal that provides rapid publication (within a month) of articles in all areas of computer engineering and its applications. The journal welcomes publications of high quality papers on theoretical developments and practical applications in computer technology. Original research papers, state-of-the-art reviews, and high quality technical notes are invited for publications.
Sentiment Analysis also known as opinion mining and Emotional AI
Refers to the use of natural language processing, text analysis, computational linguistics and biometrics to systematically identify, extract, quantify and study affective states and subjective information.
widely used in
Survey responses
Online and social media
Health care
Arabic is the 6th most wide-spread natural language in the world with more than 350 million native speakers. Arabic question answering systems are gaining great significance due to the increasing amounts of Arabic unstructured content on the Internet and the increasing demand for information that regular information retrieval techniques do not satisfy. Question answering systems generally, and Arabic systems are no exception, hit an upper bound of performance due to the propagation of error in their pipeline. This increases the significance of answer selection and validation systems as they enhance the certainty and accuracy of question answering systems. Very few works tackled the Arabic answer selection and validation problem, and they used the same question answering pipeline without any changes to satisfy the requirements of answer selection and validation. That is why they did not perform adequately well in this task. In this dissertation, a new approach to Arabic answer selection and validation is presented through ALQASIM, which is a QA4MRE (Question Answering for Machine Reading Evaluation) system. ALQASIM analyzes the reading test documents instead of the questions, utilizes sentence splitting, root expansion, and semantic expansion using an ontology built from the CLEF 2012 background collections. Our experiments have been conducted on the test-set provided by CLEF 2012 through the task of QA4MRE. This approach led to a promising performance of 0.36 Accuracy and 0.42 C@1, which is double the performance of the best performing Arabic QA4MRE system.
In this talk we cover
1. Why NLP and DL
2. Practical Challenges
3. Some Popular Deep Learning models for NLP
Today you can take any webpage in any language and translate it automatically into language you know! You can also cut paste an article or other document into NLP systems and immediately get list of companies and people it talks about, topics that are relevant and the sentiment of the document. When you talk to Google or Amazon assistant, you are using NLP systems. NLP is not perfect but given the advances in last two years and continuing, it is a growing field. Lets see how it actually works, specifically using Deep learning
About Shishir
Shishir is a Senior Data Scientist at Thomson Reuters working on Deep Learning and NLP to solve real customer pain, even ones they have become used to.
This document summarizes several approaches for sentiment analysis of tweets. It discusses basic machine learning approaches using features like n-grams, part-of-speech tags, and relationships between tweets. Advanced approaches exploit social and topical contexts, learn sentiment-specific word embeddings, and use recursive neural networks and convolutional neural networks. Deep learning methods like recursive neural tensor networks and convolutional neural networks achieved state-of-the-art performance. Open challenges remain in handling sarcasm, ambiguity and incorporating contextual information.
Sentiment analysis and opinion mining is almost same thing however there is minor difference between them that is opinion mining extracts and analyze people's opinion about an entity while Sentiment analysis search for the sentiment words/expression in a text and then analyze it.
It uses machine learning techniques like SVM (Support Vector Machines) to analyze the text and classify them as positive, negative or neutral.
NLP with Deep Learning Guest Lecture slides by Fatih Mehmet G端ler, PragmaCraft. Includes my background on the subject, our projects, the NLP stages and the latest developments.
Learning Vague Knowledge From Socially Generated Content in an Enterprise Fra...Panos Alexopoulos
This document discusses a framework for acquiring vague knowledge from socially generated content in an enterprise setting. It involves setting up a microblogging platform for employees to discuss topics related to the enterprise. Vague knowledge assertions are extracted from posts and used to determine fuzzy degrees and membership functions for concepts, relations, and datatypes in a fuzzy ontology representing the enterprise's knowledge. The strength of each assertion is calculated based on social characteristics of the discussions. Future work involves applying the framework in a real enterprise to evaluate its ability to acquire vague knowledge and accuracy of the learned fuzzy ontology.
Qualitative Studies in Software Engineering - Interviews, Observation, Ground...alessio_ferrari
Lecture about qualitative data collection methods and qualitative data analysis in software engineering. Topics covered are:
1. Sampling
2. Interviews
3. Observation and Participant Observation
4. Archival Data Collection
5. Grounded theory, Coding, Thematic Analysis
6. Threats to validity in qualitative studies
Find the videos at:
Recommending Scientific Papers: Investigating the User CurriculumJonathas Magalh達es
In this paper, we propose a Personalized Paper Recommender System, a new user-paper based approach that takes into consideration the user academic curriculum vitae. To build the user profiles, we use a Brazilian academic platform called CV-Lattes. Furthermore, we examine some issues related to user profiling, such as (i) we define and compare different strategies to build and represent the user profiles, using terms and using concepts; (ii) we verify how much past information of a user is required to provide good recommendations; (iii) we compare our approaches with the state-of-art in paper recommendation using the CV-Lattes. To validate our strategies, we conduct a user study experiment involving 30 users in the Computer Science domain. Our results show that (i) our approaches outperform the state-of-art in CV-Lattes; (ii) concepts profiles are comparable with the terms profiles; (iii) analyzing the content of the past four years for terms profiles and five years for concepts profiles achieved the best results; and (iv) terms profiles provide better results but they are slower than concepts profiles, thus, if the system needs real time recommendations, concepts profiles are better.
Sentiment analysis techniques are used to analyze customer reviews and understand sentiment. Lexical analysis uses dictionaries to analyze sentiment while machine learning uses labeled training data. The document describes using these techniques to analyze hotel reviews from Word clouds and scatter plots of reviews are generated, showing mostly negative sentiment around breakfast, staff, rooms and facilities. Topic modeling reveals specific issues to address like soundproofing, air conditioning and parking. The analysis helps the hotel manager understand customer sentiment and priorities for improvement.
Are you manually coding all or part of your research data? Are you analyzing large volumes of text? See how NVivo can speed up the coding process giving you the ability to efficiently and effectively review and refine your research data.
This document summarizes two Arabic question answering systems: QASAL and QARAB. It describes the main components of each system, including question analysis, passage retrieval, and answer extraction. It also discusses how each system handles yes/no questions in Arabic. The document concludes by comparing the performance of the two systems and different techniques for Arabic question answering.
This presentation consist of detail description regarding how social media sentiments analysis is performed , what is its scope and benefits in real life scenario.
SentiCheNews - Sentiment Analysis on Newspapers and Tweets Manuel Coppotelli
1. The document describes SentiCheNews, a tool for analyzing relationships between news and tweet sentiments. It aims to determine if newspapers and tweets report the same sentiment on a given day and which newspaper most closely matches average tweet sentiment.
2. It collects Italian news and tweets, preprocessing them by removing stop words, normalization, and considering word stems. However, stemming is not used due to words with different meanings having the same stem.
3. Analysis is presented through a dashboard showing mean and variance of sentiment for each source over time through bubbles, with points inside bubbles representing individual sentiments. Trends are also shown for mean and variance over time intervals.
This document summarizes market research on the video game industry in Russia. It finds that the Russian PC and online gaming market makes up 72% of the overall video games market, worth $1 billion in 2010. The document then outlines a proposed free-to-play online PC game strategy, including targeting young male gamers, using social media and video for promotion, and projecting revenue of $20k per month through microtransactions from 10k monthly active users. It includes costs, revenue projections, and a break-even analysis showing the project reaching profitability in year 2.
A Vague Sense Classifier for Detecting Vague Definitions in OntologiesPanos Alexopoulos
The document summarizes a study on developing a classifier to detect vague definitions in ontologies. It describes training a naive Bayes classifier on 2000 WordNet senses labeled as vague or not vague. The classifier achieved 84% accuracy on a test set. It was then used to classify relations in the CiTO ontology, correctly identifying 82% as vague or not vague. While a subjectivity classifier only identified 40% of the same relations accurately. Future work involves improving the classifier and incorporating it into an ontology analysis tool.
Sentiment Features based Analysis of Online Reviewsiosrjce
IOSR Journal of Computer Engineering (IOSR-JCE) is a double blind peer reviewed International Journal that provides rapid publication (within a month) of articles in all areas of computer engineering and its applications. The journal welcomes publications of high quality papers on theoretical developments and practical applications in computer technology. Original research papers, state-of-the-art reviews, and high quality technical notes are invited for publications.
Sentiment Analysis also known as opinion mining and Emotional AI
Refers to the use of natural language processing, text analysis, computational linguistics and biometrics to systematically identify, extract, quantify and study affective states and subjective information.
widely used in
Survey responses
Online and social media
Health care
Arabic is the 6th most wide-spread natural language in the world with more than 350 million native speakers. Arabic question answering systems are gaining great significance due to the increasing amounts of Arabic unstructured content on the Internet and the increasing demand for information that regular information retrieval techniques do not satisfy. Question answering systems generally, and Arabic systems are no exception, hit an upper bound of performance due to the propagation of error in their pipeline. This increases the significance of answer selection and validation systems as they enhance the certainty and accuracy of question answering systems. Very few works tackled the Arabic answer selection and validation problem, and they used the same question answering pipeline without any changes to satisfy the requirements of answer selection and validation. That is why they did not perform adequately well in this task. In this dissertation, a new approach to Arabic answer selection and validation is presented through ALQASIM, which is a QA4MRE (Question Answering for Machine Reading Evaluation) system. ALQASIM analyzes the reading test documents instead of the questions, utilizes sentence splitting, root expansion, and semantic expansion using an ontology built from the CLEF 2012 background collections. Our experiments have been conducted on the test-set provided by CLEF 2012 through the task of QA4MRE. This approach led to a promising performance of 0.36 Accuracy and 0.42 C@1, which is double the performance of the best performing Arabic QA4MRE system.
In this talk we cover
1. Why NLP and DL
2. Practical Challenges
3. Some Popular Deep Learning models for NLP
Today you can take any webpage in any language and translate it automatically into language you know! You can also cut paste an article or other document into NLP systems and immediately get list of companies and people it talks about, topics that are relevant and the sentiment of the document. When you talk to Google or Amazon assistant, you are using NLP systems. NLP is not perfect but given the advances in last two years and continuing, it is a growing field. Lets see how it actually works, specifically using Deep learning
About Shishir
Shishir is a Senior Data Scientist at Thomson Reuters working on Deep Learning and NLP to solve real customer pain, even ones they have become used to.
This document summarizes several approaches for sentiment analysis of tweets. It discusses basic machine learning approaches using features like n-grams, part-of-speech tags, and relationships between tweets. Advanced approaches exploit social and topical contexts, learn sentiment-specific word embeddings, and use recursive neural networks and convolutional neural networks. Deep learning methods like recursive neural tensor networks and convolutional neural networks achieved state-of-the-art performance. Open challenges remain in handling sarcasm, ambiguity and incorporating contextual information.
Sentiment analysis and opinion mining is almost same thing however there is minor difference between them that is opinion mining extracts and analyze people's opinion about an entity while Sentiment analysis search for the sentiment words/expression in a text and then analyze it.
It uses machine learning techniques like SVM (Support Vector Machines) to analyze the text and classify them as positive, negative or neutral.
NLP with Deep Learning Guest Lecture slides by Fatih Mehmet G端ler, PragmaCraft. Includes my background on the subject, our projects, the NLP stages and the latest developments.
Learning Vague Knowledge From Socially Generated Content in an Enterprise Fra...Panos Alexopoulos
This document discusses a framework for acquiring vague knowledge from socially generated content in an enterprise setting. It involves setting up a microblogging platform for employees to discuss topics related to the enterprise. Vague knowledge assertions are extracted from posts and used to determine fuzzy degrees and membership functions for concepts, relations, and datatypes in a fuzzy ontology representing the enterprise's knowledge. The strength of each assertion is calculated based on social characteristics of the discussions. Future work involves applying the framework in a real enterprise to evaluate its ability to acquire vague knowledge and accuracy of the learned fuzzy ontology.
Qualitative Studies in Software Engineering - Interviews, Observation, Ground...alessio_ferrari
Lecture about qualitative data collection methods and qualitative data analysis in software engineering. Topics covered are:
1. Sampling
2. Interviews
3. Observation and Participant Observation
4. Archival Data Collection
5. Grounded theory, Coding, Thematic Analysis
6. Threats to validity in qualitative studies
Find the videos at:
Recommending Scientific Papers: Investigating the User CurriculumJonathas Magalh達es
In this paper, we propose a Personalized Paper Recommender System, a new user-paper based approach that takes into consideration the user academic curriculum vitae. To build the user profiles, we use a Brazilian academic platform called CV-Lattes. Furthermore, we examine some issues related to user profiling, such as (i) we define and compare different strategies to build and represent the user profiles, using terms and using concepts; (ii) we verify how much past information of a user is required to provide good recommendations; (iii) we compare our approaches with the state-of-art in paper recommendation using the CV-Lattes. To validate our strategies, we conduct a user study experiment involving 30 users in the Computer Science domain. Our results show that (i) our approaches outperform the state-of-art in CV-Lattes; (ii) concepts profiles are comparable with the terms profiles; (iii) analyzing the content of the past four years for terms profiles and five years for concepts profiles achieved the best results; and (iv) terms profiles provide better results but they are slower than concepts profiles, thus, if the system needs real time recommendations, concepts profiles are better.
Sentiment analysis techniques are used to analyze customer reviews and understand sentiment. Lexical analysis uses dictionaries to analyze sentiment while machine learning uses labeled training data. The document describes using these techniques to analyze hotel reviews from Word clouds and scatter plots of reviews are generated, showing mostly negative sentiment around breakfast, staff, rooms and facilities. Topic modeling reveals specific issues to address like soundproofing, air conditioning and parking. The analysis helps the hotel manager understand customer sentiment and priorities for improvement.
Are you manually coding all or part of your research data? Are you analyzing large volumes of text? See how NVivo can speed up the coding process giving you the ability to efficiently and effectively review and refine your research data.
This document summarizes two Arabic question answering systems: QASAL and QARAB. It describes the main components of each system, including question analysis, passage retrieval, and answer extraction. It also discusses how each system handles yes/no questions in Arabic. The document concludes by comparing the performance of the two systems and different techniques for Arabic question answering.
This presentation consist of detail description regarding how social media sentiments analysis is performed , what is its scope and benefits in real life scenario.
SentiCheNews - Sentiment Analysis on Newspapers and Tweets Manuel Coppotelli
1. The document describes SentiCheNews, a tool for analyzing relationships between news and tweet sentiments. It aims to determine if newspapers and tweets report the same sentiment on a given day and which newspaper most closely matches average tweet sentiment.
2. It collects Italian news and tweets, preprocessing them by removing stop words, normalization, and considering word stems. However, stemming is not used due to words with different meanings having the same stem.
3. Analysis is presented through a dashboard showing mean and variance of sentiment for each source over time through bubbles, with points inside bubbles representing individual sentiments. Trends are also shown for mean and variance over time intervals.
This document summarizes market research on the video game industry in Russia. It finds that the Russian PC and online gaming market makes up 72% of the overall video games market, worth $1 billion in 2010. The document then outlines a proposed free-to-play online PC game strategy, including targeting young male gamers, using social media and video for promotion, and projecting revenue of $20k per month through microtransactions from 10k monthly active users. It includes costs, revenue projections, and a break-even analysis showing the project reaching profitability in year 2.
The document discusses mining user opinions on hotels from online sources to identify popular aspects and attributes that customers like in order to help hotels improve their sales and margins. It outlines applying data mining techniques such as sentiment analysis to extract patterns from user comments on various hotel aspects with little human interaction to predict what hotel features customers rate positively.
3 largest urban area in each continent (1)proudyproud
The document provides population and urban area rankings for major cities around the world. It lists the top cities in Asia, Europe, North America, South America, Australia, and Africa by urban area population and world/regional urban area and population ranks. Seoul and Tokyo are the top two Asian cities by population and urban area. Moscow, Koln-Ruhr Area, and Paris lead in Europe. Mexico City, New York, and Los Angeles are the largest North American cities. Buenos Aires and Sao Paulo have the largest populations and urban areas in South America. Sydney and Melbourne are the first and second largest cities in Australia. Lagos, Cairo, and Kinshasa are Africa's top three most populated urban areas.
This document summarizes a student project on mining user opinions from hotel reviews. It discusses using data mining techniques like machine learning and sentiment analysis to analyze large amounts of online hotel review data and identify useful patterns. Specifically, it aims to predict review sentiment polarity, classify words by polarity in a sentiment lexicon, and detect relations between aspects and sentiments. The challenges include limitations of current sentiment lexicons and algorithms in capturing domain and context dependencies. The student proposes expanding existing lexicons using rule-based mining to help improve sentiment analysis accuracy.
This document lists major cities around the world organized by continent. It includes cities in Asia such as Seoul, Tokyo, and Osaka; in Europe such as Koln-Ruhr Area and Paris; in North America such as New York, Mexico City, and Los Angeles; in South America such as Sao Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, and Buenos Aires; in Australia such as Sydney, Brisbane, and Melbourne; and in Africa such as Cairo, Lagos, and Kinshasa.
The document discusses mining user opinions from hotel reviews through sentiment analysis and data mining techniques. It describes how sentiment analysis can be used to identify aspects of hotels that customers like or dislike in order to improve sales and margins. It also discusses some limitations of machines in sentiment analysis and examples. The document then outlines the data mining process used, including data cleaning, preprocessing with part-of-speech tagging and sentiment lexicon tagging. It finds issues with sentiment lexicon coverage and proposes rule-based and relation-based mining as solutions. Validation results show 84% precision and 78% recall for the sentiment analysis techniques.
AI_attachment.pptx prepared for all studentstalldesalegn
The document discusses probabilistic modeling and learning probabilistic models. It describes probabilistic modeling as using random occurrences to forecast possible future results while accounting for uncertainty. The key steps in learning probabilistic models are selecting an appropriate model, collecting representative data, initializing model parameters, using an estimation algorithm to update parameters based on data, and evaluating and refining the model. Learning probabilistic models enables more accurate predictions and insights across many domains. Examples provided include Naive Bayes classifiers, hidden Markov models, and Gaussian mixture models.
II-SDV 2017: Localizing International Content for Search, Data Mining and Ana...Dr. Haxel Consult
Advances in text mining, analytics and machine learning are transforming our applications and enabling ever more powerful applications, yet most applications and platforms are designed to deal with a single (normalized) language. Hence as our applications and platforms are increasingly required to ingest international content, the challenge becomes to find ways to normalize content to a single language without compromising quality. An extension of this question in terms of such applications is also how we define quality in this context and what, if any, bi-products a localization effort can produce that may enhance the usefulness of the application.
This talk will, using patent searching as an example use case, review the challenges and possible solution approaches for handling localization effectively and will show what current emerging technology offers, what to expect and what not to expect and provide an introductory practical guide to handling localization in the context of data mining and analytics.
Sentiment analysis involves the process of automatically detecting the polarity of a text and extracting the author's reviews on the subject, and finally, classifying the text. In many research approaches, the textual data classification is done using deep learning models. This is due to the ability of deep learning models to classify a text with a high accuracy and the ability to model the sequence of textual data with word dependencies throughout the sentence. One of these deep learning models is RNN (Recurrent Neural Network). In order to use these models, the textual data and words must be converted into numerical vectors, for which various algorithms and methods have been proposed [10]. Today's pretrained word embedding libraries such as FastText have a high accuracy and quality in vector representations for words. Accordingly, in most current systems and research approaches, these libraries are used to convert the textual data to numerical vectors
Enhancing Enterprise Search with Machine Learning - Simon Hughes, Dice.comSimon Hughes
In the talk I describe two approaches for improve the recall and precision of an enterprise search engine using machine learning techniques. The main focus is improving relevancy with ML while using your existing search stack, be that Luce, Solr, Elastic Search, Endeca or something else.
Mobile Recommendation Engine
collaborative filtering and content based approach in hybrid manner then Genetic Algorithm for Enhancement of the Recommendation Engine. by this marketers also will get the unique characteristics of the product that must be created and also recommend to the user.
Umm, how did you get that number? Managing Data Integrity throughout the Data...John Kinmonth
We live at the intersection of data and people. Data integrity is a function of the decisions that people make throughout the data lifecycle.
Dave De Noia, Pointmarc lead solution architect in data management, gives his take on the processes and people that affect data integrity throughout organizations at DRIVE 2014 (Data, Reporting, Intelligence, and Visualization Exchange)
Whether you're a retailer merging web analytics data with offline numbers or a healthcare company adding new data management software, De Noia explains how to avoid logic wobble and establish shared data structures.
About Dave:
Dave De Noia lives in the balance of chaos and order inherent to working with data. Starting his career at Microsoft building analyses in both SQL and big data environments, Dave later moved onto Redfin where he created and managed data infrastructure for analysis and reporting projects. Dave now serves as the senior solution and data architect at Pointmarc, a Bellevue-based digital analytics consultancy, where he helps some of the worlds largest brands get value from their data. Naturally functioning as a bridge between business and technical teams, Daves professional passion lies at the intersection of data and people.
About Pointmarc:
Pointmarc is a leading digital analytics agency providing actionable marketing insight and analytics platform instrumentation services for Fortune 500 clients within retail, technology, financial, media and pharmaceutical industries. With offices in Seattle, Boston, San Francisco and Portland, Pointmarcs immersive approach to analytics empowers businesses to dive deeper into their data.
Email for more information on data management or analytics instrumentation, and follow @pointmarc on Twitter for the latest in analytics.
SciBite is an award-winning leading provider of semantic solutions for the life sciences industry. Our fast, scalable easy-to-use semantic technologies understand the complexity and variability of content within life sciences. We can quickly identify and extract scientific terminology from unstructured text and transform it into valuable machine-readable data for your downstream applications. Our hand-curated ontologies ensure accuracy and reliability of high-quality results. Headquartered in the UK, we support our customers with additional sites in the US and Japan.
More infos at:
A Comparison of Non-Dictionary Based Approaches to Automate Cancer Detection Using Plaintext Medical Data with Dr. Shaun Grannis, Dr. Brian Dixon et. al. presented at the Regenstrief WIP (7th Jan 2015)
This document discusses sentiment analysis and opinion mining methods for analyzing tweets. It compares the bag-of-words approach and keyword spotting using emoticons. For the bag-of-words method, tweets are classified based on the ratio of positive and negative words. This leads to many false positives. Keyword spotting instead looks for happy and sad emoticons in tweets. While this analyzes less data, results are less ambiguous. Maps of London show the geographic distribution of positively and negatively classified tweets for each method. Validation found the bag-of-words approach was only correct 60% of the time, while no validation was done for emoticons.
This document discusses how data and machine learning systems work, and some of their limitations. It makes three key points:
1. Machine learning systems are only as good as the data used to train them, and all data has some inherent bias which can negatively impact results if not addressed.
2. While large datasets and machine learning are powerful, humans still need to provide oversight to catch errors, prevent harm, and ensure systems don't behave in unexpected ways.
3. Thorough testing of systems with diverse datasets is needed to identify and address biases, anticipate problems, and ensure models are robust and represent their intended domains.
際際滷s presented at AI-Biz.
Title : Identifying Legality of Japanese Online Advertisements using Complex-valued Support Vector Machine with DFT-based Document Features
Lymba PowerAgent employs artificially intelligent language learning to improve the quality of your customer service/support experience for the customer and the agent.
Machine Learning Foundations for Professional ManagersAlbert Y. C. Chen
20180804@Taiwan AI Academy, Hsinchu
6 hour lecture for those new to machine learning, to grasps the concepts, advantages and limitations of various classical machine learning methods. More importantly, to learn the skills to break down large complicated AI projects into manageable pieces, where features and functionalities could be added incrementally and annotated data accumulated. Take home message: machine learning is always a delicate balance between model complexity M and number of data N so that the trained classifier generalizes well and does not overfit.
2. Content
1. Background
2.Formulating the
3. Data Mining Process
4. Techniques
5. Analysis
3. What is Data
Extraction of meaningful /
useful / Interesting patterns
from a large volume of data
In this project, the source will
be large volume of WEB HOTEL
Data mining is one of the top
ten emerging technology
4. What is Data
Process of exploration and
By automatic / semi automatic
With little or no human
To discover meaningful
patterns and rulesAND LINOFF, 2000
5. Users Opinions in
Increase in social
media and web user
Increase in valuable
opinion oriented data
in Hotel due to web
Identify potential hotel
to stay by looking at
the aspects
Overall Sentiments on
hotel are greatly
sought on the web for
6. What can Data Mining
Identify best prospects
(ASPECTS), and retain
Predict what ASPECTS
customers like and
promote accordingly
Learn parameters
influencing trends in
sales and margins
Identification of
opinions for customers
7. What are the
Exponential growth of
users opinions
Limitations of human
Accuracy of human
Machines can be trained
to take over human
analysis with advanced
computer technology
and it is done with LOW
8. Some Limitations of
Unable to read like a
No emotions
Cannot detect
Expression of
sentiments in different
topic and domain
Polarity analysis
Facts Vs Opinion
9. Some machine
The service is as
limitation examples
good as none.
Negation not obvious
to machine
Swimming pool is big
enough to swim with
comfort , There is a
big crowd at the
counter complaining.
Polarity might change
with context.
11. Machine
A tool for data mining and
intelligent decision support
Application of computer
algorithms that improve
automatically through
12. Types of Machine
Supervised Learning
A training set is
provided (data with
correct answers)
which is used to mine
for known pattern
Unsupervised Learning
Data are provided
with no prior
knowledge of the
hidden patterns that
they contain.
13. Supervised Learning
Rule Mining and Rule
Bayesian Networks
Support Vector
14. Project
Prediction of sentence polarity
Classification of polarity for
sentiment lexicon
Detection of relations
15. Pre-requisite
Large data set
Relevant Prior
Knowledge to domain,
in our case the hotel
Eg. Rating
Sentiment lexicon for
sentiment analysis
Data selection for
reliability and
17. Cleaning the Dirty
Frequent problem : Data
Data (60% of effort)
Duplicate data
Spelling Errors != Trim from
Foreign accent and characters
Singular / Plural conversion
Punctuations removal /
Noise and incomplete data
Naming convention misused,
18. Data Preprocessing
Part of Speech Tagging (POS)
using Brill Tagger
Polarity tagging using
19. Findings
Part of Speech Tagging (POS)
using Brill Tagger - NO
-95% accuracy POS tagging
words after data cleaning
20. Findings
Polarity tagging using
sentiment lexicon BIG
-40% sentiment words not found
in sentiment lexicon
-10% sentiment words with a
positive or negative polarity
found are in the neutral section
of sentiment lexicon
21. Problems
Sentiment lexicon not
comprehensive to fulfill
machine learning technique
Polarity of sentiment words
who are domain dependent are
founded in neutral section of
sentiment lexicon
Polarity of sentiment words
can also change within the
domain even though they are
domain dependent
22. Solution
Classify the polarity of
unlabeled sentiment word
using rule based mining
Classify domain dependent
sentiment words
Establish word relations
between labeled and unlabeled
sentiment words
23. Data Processing
Rule based mining using
conjunction and punctuation
Polarity Assignment Rules
Same Adj AND/OR - Adj
Opposite Neg - Adj AND/OR - Adj /
Adj AND/OR - Neg- Adj
Same Neg - Adj AND/OR - Neg- Adj
Opposite Adj BUT/NOR Adj
Same Neg - Adj BUT/NOR - Adj /
Adj BUT/NOR - Neg- Adj
Opposite Neg - Adj BUT/NOR - Neg- Adj
Same Adj , Adj
26. Analysis
Using the expanded sentiment
lexicon, we analyze the polarity
sentiment by doing a sentiment
lookup using Bayesian Network
27. Bayesian
To determine polarity of
P(X | Y) = P(X) P(Y | X) / P(Y)
Probability that a sentiments is
positive or negative, given it's
Assumptions: There is no link
between words
P(sentiment | sentence) =
28. Validation
Precision = N (agree & found) /
N (found)
High precision means most of
the correct sentiment words
are found by the system
Recall = N (agree & found) / N
High recall means most of
29. Validation Results
It is found that out of the 350
aspect-unlabelled sentiment
word pairs,
Only 194 are founded by the
methods. Thus, the precision is
about 57%.
The recall is also not very high;
only 126 words are corrected
labelled by the system, which is
about 63%.
30. Discussion
The results will improve if more
rules are applied such the
inclusion of more adverbs such
as excessively as negation
There might not be enough
dataset for the system to work
on. There are only 350 aspect-
unlabelled sentiment word
pairs for the application to
work with.
This, however requires more
31. Conclusion
Comprehensive Sentiment
Lexicon is a simple yet
effective solution to sentiment
analysis as it does not requires
prior training
Current sentiment lexicon does
not capture such domain and
context sensitivities of
sentiment expressions
32. Conclusion
This leads to poor coverage
Thus, expanding general
sentiment lexicon to capture
domain and context
sensitivities of sentiment
expressions are advocated
#7: What can data mining do in a hotel domain, in other words, learn the market
#8: Impossible for humans to read every single opinions Biased of humans to read certain opinions Machines Allow fast access to vast amount of data Allow computational intensive algorithm and statistical methods
#9: Impossible for humans to read every single opinions Biased of humans to read certain opinions Machines Allow fast access to vast amount of data Allow computational intensive algorithm and statistical methods
#11: Many fields of data mining and in this project we will focus on these 4
#12: Growing data volume , limitation of humans and low cost to human
#13: The goal for unsupervised learning is to discover these patterns Semi Knowledge is known and applied from one data collection in order to mine, classify, analyze, interpret a related data collection
#15: Some of the problems to be solved by data mining Prediction of sentence polarity Classification of polarity for sentiment lexicon Detection of relations
#18: Data inconsistencies: Say good in the title but in the review say bad
#19: Assigning a label to every word in the text to allow machine to do something with it
#20: Pos tagging wrong due to some word like heart having double tagging
#22: For example, in the domain of handheld devices, the word large can express positivity for screen size but negativity in the phone size.
#24: Assigning a label to every word in the text to allow machine to do something with it
#25: After establishing relations, we have a graph of nodes (Sentiments / Aspects) Determine the probability that the node is positive or negative given its surrounding nodes Start with a high frequency unlabelled sentiment word-aspect pair then based on the aspect and its label semtiment pair, determine the polarity for the unlabel This process iterate till all unlabe found their polarity
#26: After establishing relations, we have a graph of nodes (Sentiments / Aspects) Determine the probability that the node is positive or negative given its surrounding nodes Start with a high frequency unlabelled sentiment word-aspect pair then based on the aspect and its label semtiment pair, determine the polarity for the unlabel This process iterate till all unlabe found their polarity
#30: Assigning a label to every word in the text to allow machine to do something with it
#32: A comprehensive sentiment lexicon can provide a simple yet effective solution to sentiment analysis, because it is general and does not require prior training. Therefore, attention and effort have been paid to the construction of such lexicons. However, a significant challenge to this approach is that the polarity of many words is domain and context dependent. For example, long is positive in long battery life and negative in long shutter lag. Current sentiment lexicons do not capture such domain and context sensitivities of sentiment expressions. They either exclude such domain and context dependent sentiment expressions or tag them with an overall polarity tendency based on statistics gathered from certain corpus such as the world wide web accessed via the internet. While excluding such expressions leads to poor coverage, simply tagging them with a polarity tendency leads to poor precision.
#33: AThey either exclude such domain and context dependent sentiment expressions or tag them with an overall polarity tendency based on statistics gathered from certain corpus such as the world wide web accessed via the internet. While excluding such expressions leads to poor coverage, simply tagging them with a polarity tendency leads to poor precision.