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PAC Analysis as a single subject
mixed method or a qualitative
いとう たけひこ (和光大学)
Takehiko Ito
(4th JSMMR Conference 2018)
2018年9月29日(土) 16:10?16:40
順天堂大学医療看護学部 会場:演11→演24
日本心理学会第82回大会 仙台
PAC分析学会 https://pacanalysis.jimdo.com/
What kind of mixed methods research is
PAC Analysis?
Takehiko Ito いとうたけひこ
Wako University, Tokyo 和光大学(東京)
0-17 (Proceedings page 69.)
www.itotakehiko.com www.pacanalysis.com
Mixed Methods International Research Association (MMIRA) Asia Regional
Conference 2017/ 3rd Japan Society for Mixed Methods Research (JSMMR)
Conference 2017
Ritsumeikan University
August 6, 2017
? Personal Attitude Construct (PAC)
Analysis was proposed by Tetsuo Naito
(1993, 1997) as a method to seek for
the individual structure of attitude. 個
? The purpose of the present research is
to recharacterize PAC Analysis from the
perspective of mixed methods research
under the Methods-Strand Matrix
proposed by Teddlie and Tashakkori
What is PAC Analysis?
? Personal Attitude Construct
(PAC) Analysis個人別態度構造
分析 was proposed by Tetsuo
Naito (1993, 1997) 内藤哲雄
? as a method to seek the
individual structure of attitude
(Case study)事例研究法
? using visualization
(dendrogram:QUAN data)樹形
and a dialogical interview
(Narrative: QUAL data). 対話
Two unique research methods originated in Japan
often referred as qualitative research methods
(QUAL) using diagrams(QUAN/QUAL)
? PAC Analysis
? Trajectory Equfinality Approach
Characteristics of PAC Analysis
? Case study/single subject事例研究?1被験者
? QUAL > quan 質中心
? Sequential: QUAN -> QUAL 順次的: ->
? Successive: 継続的:
? Data conversion データ変換 QUAN -> QUAL
Procedure of PAC Analysis= 7 Steps
(1) QUAN strand: 量的データ生成
Phase 1: Word association語連想
Phase 2: Pair words distance rating距離の評定
Phase 3: Cluster analysis (Data 1)クラスター分析による樹形図
(2) QUAL strand: 質的データ生成
Phase 4: Cluster interpretation クラスター解釈
Phase 5: Structural interpretation 全体構造の解釈
Phase 6: Category table カテゴリー図の生成(Data 2) (Optional)
(3) Meta-Inference (Integration) メタ推論
Phase 7: Discussion/Conclusion全体的考察?結論
Phase ① QUAL (open-ended questions)
Procedure: By stimulus sentence (n=1),刺激文
Word association produced 連想法
Product: List of associated word/sentence連想項目
Phase ② quan (closed-ended questions)
Procedure: Paired-words rating of distance
Product: Distance Matrix距離行列
Phase ③ quan (multivariate analysis)多変量解析
Procedure: Cluster Analysis クラスター分析
Product: Dendrogram 樹形図
Phase ④ quan → QUAL (open-ended questions)
Procedure: Ask the meaning of each and higher clusters
Product: Dialogue narrative & cluster name (=meaning)
Phase ⑤: Interpretation(open-ended questions)
Procedure: Cooperative dialogue to final interpretation
Product: cluster name (=meaning) &
fully explained dendrogram
Phase ⑥ (for dialogue with non-PACA users)(Optional)
Procedure: Categorization of high-low clusters
Product: Summarized Category Table as Joint Display
PAC分析 PAC分析学会第8回大会プログラム?発表抄録集, 17-21.
Dendrogram → Joint Display (hierarchy)
樹形図 → ジョイントディスプレイ(階層図)
Phase ⑦: Meta-Inferenceメタ推論
Procedure: Integrated holistic explanation
Product: Discussion & Conclusion考察?結論
Three Hypotheses: PAC Analysis can
be characterized as either
? Hypothesis (1):multiplied mixed methods
research 乗算的ミックス法? (Inoue & Ito, 2011)
? Hypothesis (2): explanatory sequential design
説明的順次デザイン? (Ito, et al., 2015)
? Hypothesis (3): (monostrand) conversion
design (単線型)変換型デザイン? (Teddlie &
Tashakkori, 2009)
(1)Characterizing PAC Analysis as
multiplied mixed methods research
(乗算的ミックス法) (Inoue & Ito,2011)
? Inoue and Ito (2011) argued that the PAC
Analysis is one of multiplied mixed
? while the mixed methods research is usually
referred to NOT multiplicative
? BUT additive combination of qualitative and
quantitative approaches
(QUAL+QUAN:足し算的). ※1+1=3
? ※ multiplied ≒ converted (QUAL?QUAN)
乗算≒データ変換 (質的?量的)
(2)Characterizing PAC Analysis
as Explanatory sequential design (2014-2015)
From Creswell and Fetters’ Workshop at MMIRA Conference in Boston College,
2014 to MMIRA in Ritsumeikan U, 2015
What I learned:Three types of basic MMR
①収斂型 ②順次説明型 ③順次探究型
My worksheet (2014):
Phase, Procedure, and Product of
PAC Analysis
Ito(2015=1 year and 3 months later)
Ito, 2015の結論 Japanese version
(3) Characterizing PAC Analysis
as monostrand or multustrand conversion
design 単線型or複線型変換型混合デザイン
? Seven sequential phases of PAC analysis procedure were
examined whether they have single strand or plural
strands in order to decide whether PAC Analysis is
monostrand conversion quasi-mixed design or multistrand
conversion mixed design. 単線型か複線型か
? A strand 小縄:研究のひとまとまり includes three stages:
1 conceptualization stage, 概念化段階 (=[問題?]目的)
2 experiential stage, データ収集/分析段階(=結果)
3 and inferential stage. 推論段階(=考察[?結論])
Data conversion データ変換
Data conversion occurs
when collected QUAN data are converted into narratives
or when QUAL data are converted into numbers.
? Quantitizing data: the process of converting QUAL data into
numbers that can be statistically analyzed.
Eg. associated words連想語 →distance matrix距離行列
→dendrogram 樹形図
? Qualitizing data: the process whereby QUAN data are
transformed into narrative data that can be analyzed
Eg. dendrogram 樹形図→interview 面接→narratives 本人の語り
Methods-Strand Matrix paradigm方法*ストランド行列表
Teddlie and Tashakkori (2009 /2017).
単線型 複線型
Monodtrand Multistrand
monostrand conversion design
Teddlie & Tashakkori, 2009
※Text mining as an example of
monostrand conversion design
? Quantitizing data: the process of converting
QUAL data(=narrative) into numbers that can
be statistically analyzed (=word count).
? Word frequency analysis単語頻度分析
? Word association analysis係り受け分析
? Word network analysis単語ネットワーク分析
? Positive/ Negative expression analysis 評判分析
multistrand conversion design
Teddlie & Tashakkori, 2009
Model 1: QUAN to QUAL monostrand
conversion case study method
(1) QUAN data collection: 量的データ生成
Phase 1: Word association語連想
Phase 2: Pair words distance rating距離の評定
Phase 3: Cluster analysis (Data 1)クラスター分析による樹形図
(2) Conversion from QUAN to QUAL: 質的データへ変換
Phase 4: Cluster interpretation クラスター解釈
Phase 5: Structural interpretation 全体構造の解釈
(Phase 6: Category table カテゴリー図の生成(Data 2))
(3) Inference 推論
Phase 7: Discussion/Conclusion考察?結論
Model 2: QUAN/QUAL multi(bi-)strand
conversion case study method
(1) QUAN strand: 量的データ生成
Phase 1: Word association語連想
Phase 2: Pair words distance rating距離の評定
Phase 3: Cluster analysis (Data 1)クラスター分析による樹形図
(2) QUAL strand: 質的データ生成
Phase 4: Cluster interpretation クラスター解釈
Phase 5: Structural interpretation 全体構造の解釈
Phase 6: Category table カテゴリー図の生成(Data 2)
(3) Meta-Inference (Integration) メタ推論
Phase 7: Discussion/Conclusion全体的考察?結論
Model 3:QUAL/QUAN/QUAL sequential
multi(tri-)strand conversion case study
(1) QUAL strand: 質的データ生成
Phase 1: Word association(Data 1)語連想
(2) QUAN strand: 量的データ生成
Phase 2: Pair words distance rating距離の評定
Phase 3: Cluster analysis (Data 2)クラスター分析による樹形図
(3) QUAL strand: 質的データ生成
Phase 4: Cluster interpretation クラスター解釈
Phase 5: Structural interpretation 全体構造の解釈
Phase 6: Category table カテゴリー図の生成(Data 3)
(4) Meta-Inference (Integration) メタ推論
Phase 7: Discussion/Conclusion全体的考察?結論 37
Tentative Conclusion(1)
PAC Analysis can be characterized as either :
? (1) QUAN to QUAL monostrand conversion case study method
? (2) QUAN/QUAL multi(bi-)strand conversion case study method
? (3) QUAL/QUAN/QUAL multi(tri-)strand conversion case study
? ※Depending on interpretation of unit of strand
Tentative Conclusion(2)
PAC Analysis can be characterized as both:
(1) QUAN to QUAL
monostrand conversion
case study method 単線
法, if we skip Phase 6
(2) QUAN/QUAL multi(bi-
)strand conversion case
study method 複線型変
換型混合事例研究法 with
Phase 6 (Joint Display)
Thank you!

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  • 1. 混合研究法または質的研究法と してのPAC分析 PAC Analysis as a single subject mixed method or a qualitative method. いとう たけひこ (和光大学) Takehiko Ito take@wako.ac.jp 第4回日本混合研究法学会年次大会 (4th JSMMR Conference 2018) ラウンドテーブル2 2018年9月29日(土) 16:10?16:40 順天堂大学医療看護学部 会場:演11→演24 1
  • 6. What kind of mixed methods research is PAC Analysis? PAC分析はどのような種類の混合研究法か? Takehiko Ito いとうたけひこ Wako University, Tokyo 和光大学(東京) 0-17 (Proceedings page 69.) www.itotakehiko.com www.pacanalysis.com Mixed Methods International Research Association (MMIRA) Asia Regional Conference 2017/ 3rd Japan Society for Mixed Methods Research (JSMMR) Conference 2017 Ritsumeikan University August 6, 2017 (国際混合研究法学会アジア地域会議/第3回日本混合研究法学会年次大会 2017年8月6日) 6
  • 9. Purpose ? Personal Attitude Construct (PAC) Analysis was proposed by Tetsuo Naito (1993, 1997) as a method to seek for the individual structure of attitude. 個 人別態度構造分析(内藤) ? The purpose of the present research is to recharacterize PAC Analysis from the perspective of mixed methods research under the Methods-Strand Matrix paradigm方法*ストランド行列表 proposed by Teddlie and Tashakkori (2009). 9
  • 10. What is PAC Analysis? ? Personal Attitude Construct (PAC) Analysis個人別態度構造 分析 was proposed by Tetsuo Naito (1993, 1997) 内藤哲雄 ? as a method to seek the individual structure of attitude (Case study)事例研究法 ? using visualization (dendrogram:QUAN data)樹形 図による量的データの可視化 and a dialogical interview (Narrative: QUAL data). 対話 的面接(語り:質的データ 10
  • 11. Two unique research methods originated in Japan often referred as qualitative research methods (QUAL) using diagrams(QUAN/QUAL) 日本発信の図を用いた2つの質的研究法 ? PAC Analysis (個人別態度行動分析) ? Trajectory Equfinality Approach (複線径路等至性モデル) 11
  • 12. Characteristics of PAC Analysis ? Case study/single subject事例研究?1被験者 ? QUAL > quan 質中心 ? Sequential: QUAN -> QUAL 順次的: -> ? Successive: 継続的: ? Data conversion データ変換 QUAN -> QUAL 12
  • 13. Procedure of PAC Analysis= 7 Steps PAC分析の7つのステップ (1) QUAN strand: 量的データ生成 Phase 1: Word association語連想 Phase 2: Pair words distance rating距離の評定 Phase 3: Cluster analysis (Data 1)クラスター分析による樹形図 (2) QUAL strand: 質的データ生成 Phase 4: Cluster interpretation クラスター解釈 Phase 5: Structural interpretation 全体構造の解釈 Phase 6: Category table カテゴリー図の生成(Data 2) (Optional) (3) Meta-Inference (Integration) メタ推論 Phase 7: Discussion/Conclusion全体的考察?結論 13
  • 14. Phase ① QUAL (open-ended questions) Procedure: By stimulus sentence (n=1),刺激文 Word association produced 連想法 Product: List of associated word/sentence連想項目 14
  • 15. Phase ② quan (closed-ended questions) Procedure: Paired-words rating of distance 一対比較法 Product: Distance Matrix距離行列 15
  • 16. Phase ③ quan (multivariate analysis)多変量解析 Procedure: Cluster Analysis クラスター分析 Product: Dendrogram 樹形図 16
  • 17. Phase ④ quan → QUAL (open-ended questions) Procedure: Ask the meaning of each and higher clusters Product: Dialogue narrative & cluster name (=meaning) 面接でのナラティブ生成によるクラスターの意味化と命名 17
  • 18. Phase ⑤: Interpretation(open-ended questions) Procedure: Cooperative dialogue to final interpretation Product: cluster name (=meaning) & fully explained dendrogram 高次クラスターの命名?意味化と全体の説明 18
  • 19. Phase ⑥ (for dialogue with non-PACA users)(Optional) Procedure: Categorization of high-low clusters Product: Summarized Category Table as Joint Display 質的研究者のためのカテゴリー図の生成(新しい提案) 内海裕里花?内藤哲雄?七海隆之(2014)コンパニオンアニマルへのフラストレーションと攻撃行動:飼い猫を対象としての PAC分析 PAC分析学会第8回大会プログラム?発表抄録集, 17-21. Dendrogram → Joint Display (hierarchy) 樹形図 → ジョイントディスプレイ(階層図) 19
  • 20. Phase ⑦: Meta-Inferenceメタ推論 Procedure: Integrated holistic explanation 統合的説明 Product: Discussion & Conclusion考察?結論 20
  • 21. Three Hypotheses: PAC Analysis can be characterized as either ? Hypothesis (1):multiplied mixed methods research 乗算的ミックス法? (Inoue & Ito, 2011) or ? Hypothesis (2): explanatory sequential design 説明的順次デザイン? (Ito, et al., 2015) or ? Hypothesis (3): (monostrand) conversion design (単線型)変換型デザイン? (Teddlie & Tashakkori, 2009) 21
  • 22. (1)Characterizing PAC Analysis as multiplied mixed methods research (乗算的ミックス法) (Inoue & Ito,2011) ? Inoue and Ito (2011) argued that the PAC Analysis is one of multiplied mixed methods(乗算的ミックス法), ? while the mixed methods research is usually referred to NOT multiplicative (QUAL*QUAN:かけ算的) ? BUT additive combination of qualitative and quantitative approaches (QUAL+QUAN:足し算的). ※1+1=3 ? ※ multiplied ≒ converted (QUAL?QUAN) 乗算≒データ変換 (質的?量的) 22
  • 23. (2)Characterizing PAC Analysis as Explanatory sequential design (2014-2015) From Creswell and Fetters’ Workshop at MMIRA Conference in Boston College, 2014 to MMIRA in Ritsumeikan U, 2015 23
  • 24. What I learned:Three types of basic MMR ①収斂型 ②順次説明型 ③順次探究型 24
  • 25. My worksheet (2014): Phase, Procedure, and Product of PAC Analysis 25
  • 26. Ito(2015=1 year and 3 months later) 26
  • 28. (3) Characterizing PAC Analysis as monostrand or multustrand conversion design 単線型or複線型変換型混合デザイン ? Seven sequential phases of PAC analysis procedure were examined whether they have single strand or plural strands in order to decide whether PAC Analysis is monostrand conversion quasi-mixed design or multistrand conversion mixed design. 単線型か複線型か ? A strand 小縄:研究のひとまとまり includes three stages: 1 conceptualization stage, 概念化段階 (=[問題?]目的) 2 experiential stage, データ収集/分析段階(=結果) 3 and inferential stage. 推論段階(=考察[?結論]) 28
  • 29. Data conversion データ変換 Data conversion occurs when collected QUAN data are converted into narratives or when QUAL data are converted into numbers. ? Quantitizing data: the process of converting QUAL data into numbers that can be statistically analyzed. Eg. associated words連想語 →distance matrix距離行列 →dendrogram 樹形図 ? Qualitizing data: the process whereby QUAN data are transformed into narrative data that can be analyzed qualitatively. Eg. dendrogram 樹形図→interview 面接→narratives 本人の語り 29
  • 30. Methods-Strand Matrix paradigm方法*ストランド行列表 Teddlie and Tashakkori (2009 /2017). 30 単線型 複線型
  • 33. ※Text mining as an example of monostrand conversion design 単線型変換型混合デザインとしてのテキストマイニング ? Quantitizing data: the process of converting QUAL data(=narrative) into numbers that can be statistically analyzed (=word count). ? Word frequency analysis単語頻度分析 ? Word association analysis係り受け分析 ? Word network analysis単語ネットワーク分析 ? Positive/ Negative expression analysis 評判分析 33
  • 35. Model 1: QUAN to QUAL monostrand conversion case study method 単線型変換型混合事例研究法 (1) QUAN data collection: 量的データ生成 Phase 1: Word association語連想 Phase 2: Pair words distance rating距離の評定 Phase 3: Cluster analysis (Data 1)クラスター分析による樹形図 (2) Conversion from QUAN to QUAL: 質的データへ変換 Phase 4: Cluster interpretation クラスター解釈 Phase 5: Structural interpretation 全体構造の解釈 (Phase 6: Category table カテゴリー図の生成(Data 2)) (3) Inference 推論 Phase 7: Discussion/Conclusion考察?結論 35
  • 36. Model 2: QUAN/QUAL multi(bi-)strand conversion case study method 複線型変換型混合事例研究法 (1) QUAN strand: 量的データ生成 Phase 1: Word association語連想 Phase 2: Pair words distance rating距離の評定 Phase 3: Cluster analysis (Data 1)クラスター分析による樹形図 (2) QUAL strand: 質的データ生成 Phase 4: Cluster interpretation クラスター解釈 Phase 5: Structural interpretation 全体構造の解釈 Phase 6: Category table カテゴリー図の生成(Data 2) (3) Meta-Inference (Integration) メタ推論 Phase 7: Discussion/Conclusion全体的考察?結論 36
  • 37. Model 3:QUAL/QUAN/QUAL sequential multi(tri-)strand conversion case study 複々線型変換型混合事例研究法 (1) QUAL strand: 質的データ生成 Phase 1: Word association(Data 1)語連想 (2) QUAN strand: 量的データ生成 Phase 2: Pair words distance rating距離の評定 Phase 3: Cluster analysis (Data 2)クラスター分析による樹形図 (3) QUAL strand: 質的データ生成 Phase 4: Cluster interpretation クラスター解釈 Phase 5: Structural interpretation 全体構造の解釈 Phase 6: Category table カテゴリー図の生成(Data 3) (4) Meta-Inference (Integration) メタ推論 Phase 7: Discussion/Conclusion全体的考察?結論 37
  • 38. Tentative Conclusion(1) PAC Analysis can be characterized as either : ? (1) QUAN to QUAL monostrand conversion case study method 単線型変換型混合事例研究法 or ? (2) QUAN/QUAL multi(bi-)strand conversion case study method 複線型変換型混合事例研究法 or ? (3) QUAL/QUAN/QUAL multi(tri-)strand conversion case study 複々線型変換型混合事例研究法 ? ※Depending on interpretation of unit of strand 38
  • 39. Tentative Conclusion(2) PAC Analysis can be characterized as both: (1) QUAN to QUAL monostrand conversion case study method 単線 型変換型混合事例研究 法, if we skip Phase 6 (2) QUAN/QUAL multi(bi- )strand conversion case study method 複線型変 換型混合事例研究法 with Phase 6 (Joint Display) 39