14. Introduction Content
1.Background and Psyco Social Support(PSS)
2. Japan IsraAID Support Program (JISP) activity
in Japan
3.Healing Japan Program
4. JISP International Center for Trauma-care and
Emergency Relief (JICTER)
15. 1.Background and Psyco Social Support
The earthquake also caused serious damage to the
nuclear plant in Fukushima. The psychological
impact of the disaster and the emotional scars it left
for many did not fade away.
17. At the same time, there is a worrying increase of
negative symptoms experienced by individuals such
-chronic fatigue,
- depression,
-addiction to alcohol,
- gambling.
→ Psycho Social support (PSS)
19. What is Psycho Social support (PSS)
Psycho Social support (PSS) is used to describe
any type of local or outside support that aims to
protect or promote psychosocial well-being.
In emergency situations, PSS activities include
programs such as: Building community resilience,
support groups, stress management and stress
relief, life skills, active listening, etc.. (The UN
IASC guidelines)
21. 2.JISP (Japan International support Program)
activity in Japan
●On March 11th 2011, Japan’s northeastern Tohoku
region was devastated by a powerful earthquake and
massive tsunami. The loss in human life and damage to the
infrastructure was overwhelming, and governments and
organizations rushed in to help.
●The first IsraAID teams arrived on the ground 4 days
after the tsunami and distributed aid, cleaned houses,
created child-friendly spaces, and rebuilt schools. During
this period, IsraAID discovered a worrying and rapidly
growing need for psycho-social and post-traumatic care,
and the organization launched the Japan IsraAID Support
Program (JISP). In 2013, IsraAID officially opened a branch
in Japan, Japan IsraAID support Program(JISP)
22. JISP activity in Japan
●In Japan,IsraAID provided intensive training programs in
the field of psycho social support and community resilience
to more than 2,500 participants in Tohoku.
● We identified a gap in the lack of PSS supporters on the
community level.
●In August 2013, IsraAID established JISP, its Japanese
branch aiming to build the capacity of Japanese service
providers in the field of PSS and provide support for
23. JISP: Goals & Objectives
The Japan IsraAID Support Program (JISP) aims to
provide Japan’s mental-health professionals with
educational training targeted at
?PTSD prevention techniques,
? trauma-care,
? stress-management,
? self-care,
?and Psychological First-Aid.
24. ●
Healing Japan program is a scalable and
intensive training course aimed at developing
local professional networks capable of assisting
a traumatized population through non-verbal
techniques due to their cultural relevance in
45. Let’s paint islands for each group and plant your
Which you like please paint what you want to paint.
You can paint the ocean around the island
and color according to you wish.
Training Communities in Healing Trauma :
Based on A Case Study of the " Healing
Japan " Project by Rissho Kosei
46. Let's connect all the island
Training Communities in Healing Trauma :
Based on A Case Study of the " Healing
Japan " Project by Rissho Kosei
47. You can speak out?
What you felt during the two-day seminar.
While passing under the island
where all the trees are planted.
Training Communities in Healing Trauma :Based on A Case Study of the " Healing Japan " Project by Rissho