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Ghulam Ali
Address: House 41, Mountain View, Lalitpur, Nepal,
Mobile: 977-9813046682 Emails: alinhunz@gmail.com
Profile Summary:
A competent professional with vast experience in leading and managing change. A change associated with peoples
lives and livelihoodsprimarily affected due to poverty, disaster,emergencies and climate change. Got sixteen yearsof
extensive experience and handson knowledge in not only to plan, implement and evaluate effectivenessof different
interventions but also to design strategy, steer the processes, lead the teams and to evolve consistent pattern of
communication and coordination among all stakeholders  aimed at collective results and learnings.
Began career making markets work for poor women in far remote mountains in the north of Pakistan with handicrafts
linking with tourism value chain.At the same time led & evolved a grass root community institution as a model civil
society organization with remarkable repute and exemplary interventions in environment, culture, rehabilitation,
Information and communication enterprise, and above all continuous engaging multi-stakeholders forawarenessand
education. Also, pursued a sustainable strategy with engagement community, private sector, markets and
government institutions.
Planned and steered various national level food security and livelihoods programs with Save the Children during the
flood disaster 2010. Designed and managed cash transfer programs successfully included; food vouchers,cash grants,
enterprise grants. Privileged to spend huge amount of money with no complains during emergency 2010. At the same
time had the advantage to plan and manage long term programs with Save the Children with the perspective of
improvements in livelihoods of children families. Asset transfer, vocational skills, household trainings, financial
literacy, and micro entrepreneurship used as vehicles. Implemented holistic & integrated (with multi inputs / services
 health, education, economic development and child protection) programto ensure right of children and wellbeing of
their families.
Have the honor to lead and thoroughly enjoy market development approaches/ programs, value chains, vocational
skills and business incubation programs, enterprise development and entrepreneurship as my favorite areas. Private
sector engagement,also you development as entrepreneurs as well as future leaders has been fascinating work which
I thoroughly enjoyed.Creating resilience, frameworks,practicesand policies in context of livelihoods approaches in
context of climate change in mountain context has been cornerstone of recent work.Honorto attract private sector,
knowledge and communities toward resilient communities.Drafted strategies and implemented variousprograms to
blend the nature, people and biodiversity for greater harmony.
Qualified MBA from Institute of Business Administration (IBA) Pakistan with strong analytical, programmatic,
financial, and teammanagement skillswith proven abilities in addressing development issues being competent at both
strategic and operations. Extensive work experience with grass root, national and international level.
1. Core areas of expertise:
Core Areas  Skills / Qualities
 Market Development, Entrepreneurship
& Value chain Development
 Extensive knowledge oftheory and practice of value chain, market
development approaches and entrepreneurship. Practical
experience of managing various value chains.Toolsand education
for entrepreneurship including business incubation.
 Strategic Management / leadership  Always good at seeing things strategically being a good leader 
with honesty, ability to delegate, communication, sense of humor,
Creativity, commitment, ability to inspire, and confidence,
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 Project management (included project
design planning, implementation,
monitoring and Evaluation,)
 Good at program cycle with analytical skills,people management,
well versed in LFA design, know budget management &
Implementation tools, aware about the complete toolkit including
the Monitoring, evaluation and learning.
 Private sector  Brining ownership and investment from private sector to sustain
products and services within the less privileged communities by
developing skills, innovating products, accessing markets, sharing
risks, and increasing services
 Being bridge between communities and private sectors to create
sustained conditions
 Livelihoods in emergencies, Cash
Transfer Programming - food vouchers,
cash transfer, cash for work, enterprise
 Design, implementation and monitoring of overall cash transfer
programing with tools and methodologies, strategies, SOPS,
training and mentorship, monitoring of teams, data and work,
reports, case studies and communication
 Advocacy  Lobbying with Govt. for effective policies and frameworks
 Technical Vocational Education,
Education for employment
 Identification ofskills in demand,content and strategy development
 Rights based programming, withdraw
child labour related interventions and
 I have strong experience of right based as well as need based
programing. Know and have experience of Integrated approach
health, education, child protection and livelihoods
 Institutional Development,  Governance trainings, change management, systems development
 Rural Development and advocacy  Advisory on Natural resource management. Developing advocacy
2. Qualification, Trainings, and Workshops:
o MBA from Institute of Business Administration Karachi, 2000
o Business Development Services training at Scotland Glasgow UK 2002
o Presentation Dare to share fair in Switzerland 2004
o Project Monitoring workshopand training arrangedby Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) Islamabad
o Presentations skills for Managers 2001 held at Pakistan Institute of Management Karachi.
o Organization capacity assessment by NGORC a project of Aga Khan Foundation 2003
o Board Development workshop by NGORC 2004
o Board Development and Institutional development by Rona Howarth 2001
o GKP workshop on Resource Mobilization Sri Lanka, May 2006
o Written resource mobilization case on KADO in Goa, India 2007 in writeshop organized by IDRC
o Team leader for a ICT4D presentation in GK3, Malaysia, 2007
o Change management training by Invent 2008
o Mountain Tourism Seminar China 2008
o Advocacy Workshop ICIMOD, Nepal November 2008
3. Career & Experience
3.1 International Centre Integrated Mountain Development ICIMOD Oct 2015 to date (fulltime)
ICIMOD is a leading regional inter-governmental organization ofSAARC countries to create lasting impact for wellbeing of
mountainsand its people
Food Security and Livelihoods Specialist/ Manager Economic Empowerment: Oct 2015 to date
 Responsible for designing,managing and implementing with partners various livelihoods interventions and project aimed
at improving livelihoods of the people.
 Add value in implementation and planning of value chains, enterprise and entrepreneurship interventions
 Creating ideas, frameworks, papers, content related to value chains,entrepreneurships,and integration of private sector
 To innovate and improve on and off farm livelihoods
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 Create resilience for market as well as developing production and supplies chain in wake of climate change challenges
 Design customized strategies and interventions related to innovative livelihoods keeping in view the specific contex t
 Design, implement, monitor and evaluate the programs of enterprise development and entrepreneurship
 A technical person to guide and mentor partners and other stakeholders for programme designs and delivery
 Engagement of private sector and development of model synergistic interventions
 Plan and design with other stakeholder to bring people, nature and markets in harmony with each other
3.2 Aga Khan Rural Support Programme (AKRSP)
AKRSP is a private, non-profit company, established by the Aga Khan Foundation in 1982 to improve the quality of life of the
people of Gilgit Baltistan and Chitral (GBC). The overall goal of the organization is to improve the socio -economic conditions of
the people of northern Pakistan
Lead Market Development: August 2014 to Sep 2015
 To lead the market development team and section
 Lead the process of planning, budgeting, implementation, monitoring and reporting
 Coordination and liaison for the better flow of communication and processes
 To be among the team player to acquire new resources
 To get the results as per the years plans
 Be an active member of senior management team
 To come up with new ideas, approaches, resources and networks
 Mentoring of the teams
 Reporting and meeting donors and institutional requirements
 Meeting Stakeholder expectation
3.3 Save the Children
Save the Children is the leading independent organization creating lasting change in the lives of children in need in the United
Statesand around the world.
Food Security and Livelihoods Specialist/ ManagerEconomic Empowerment: Oct 2010 to July 2014
to date
 Responsible for designing, managing and implementing multi million dollars cash transfer programming - funded by
USAID, DEC, AUSAID to help affecttees of floods 2010 in Pakistan.
 Managing food vouchers,cash grants,enterprise grants and cash for work from design to implementation and monitoring
 Technical lead on effective project /Program management  design,implementation,monitoring,learning and evaluation
for long terms development projects to reduce poverty and child labour
 Conducting assessments, market survey and need analysis
 Design, implement, monitor and evaluate the programs of enterprise development
 Design, implement, monitor and evaluate vocational and employable skills for income and employment
 Promotion of entrepreneurship skills among working children families through enterprise incubation /support
 Women empowerment though value chains - Product innovation and design innovation and appropriate linkages and
education for sustained income and market activity
 Market access for parents of working children
 Work on market development, value chains for inclusive businesses  farm and off farm both
 Developing implementation strategies,ensuring implementation of Standard operating procedures and quality standards
 Tracking the interventions for results and effectiveness (financial, programmatic and impact level)
 Successfully developed multi input (services and advocacy) model for eradication of child labour in cotton farming areas
of Pakistan
 Advocacy for legislations and implementation of laws
 Gender Analysis and role of family members to reduce child labour and improving lives
 Leading, managing and motivating the teams to get the maximum results
 Managing, improving and maintaining the quality and impact of the program on the ground.
 Designing systems for effective implementation of cash transfer programming, economic empowerment, child protection
and other interventions
 Enhancing capacities and capabilities of implementing partners
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 Well versed in both experiences self- implementation (by Save the children and implementing with local partners
 Strong team player, coordination and management
 Systems Development and strong support Management
3.4 Karakoram Area Development Organization KADO 2006 to July 2010 (Full time)
Karkoram Area Development Organization KADO is one of the civil society organizations in Hunza, formed and fostered by the
community and is known for its grass root innovative approach, development and enterprise.
Chief Executive Officer:
Introduced and nurtured local organization capable of taking lead interventions in areas of livelihoods, women empowerment,
entrepreneurship, market access, information technology, Disaster, knowledge management and community development in the
mountains of Karakoram, Himalay and Hindukush:
 Program cycle management, leadership and stewardship for communities
 Board coordination and strategic planning, management and resource mobilization
 Evolved,promoted and branded a small grass root organization into a trusted and capable organization ofchoice to work
with and to learn from.
 Communication and better coordination with donors, communities, stakeholders
 Strategic planning
 Civil Society
 Program Management
 Women empowerment
 Donor and community communication
 Systems Development and Management
 Support function  HR, admin, Finance, policy designing and implementation
 Community Development
 Proposal writing
 Resource mobilization
 Donor reporting
3.5 ICT4D a Project of KADO Jan 2005 to August 2006
Information and communication Technology for Development project was pioneering step to introduce internet and computer
technology for village planning,tourismpromotion,distant learning and setting the culture in the region to use the technology for
the mountain people in difficult terrains;
Project Manager
 With the core responsibility for: project planning including design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation.
 Successfully implemented the project with the result:
 Wider use of Internet at households, offices, schools became increasingly prevalent and interesting  due to our
interventions as action research;
 Hundreds of the studentslearned how to use Internet, more than 4000 girls and household women learned how to use the
computer  as a part of women empowerment through skills,
 10 to 20% of the girls availed local jobs and some of them embarked on online work with Sama Source
 Managed more than 40 centers means 40 teams (15 computers, training 90 girls in three months.
 Managed the research project successfully and made available wider information on the research finding and report
through IDRC website. Link: www.idrc.ca/en/ev-51829-201-1-DO_TOPIC.html, www.ideeaz.com/altithunza
 Developed community based IT infrastructure in even small villages
3.6 KHDP Handicraft Value Chain 2001 to 2004 (Full time)
KarakoramHandicraft Development Pgrogramme KHDP was a vocational project. This project was initiated with the support of
Swiss Agency for Development and Co-operation SDC with the strong willingness and urge of the local communities to revive art
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and crafts in order to preserve history, identify and heritage and at the same time making it as economic and social empowerment
tool for the women and disable people. Result was surprising very successful:
Manager Product, Market and Brand;
o Businessplanning,skill development,product development,marketing,assessments and evaluations,analysisand strategy
o Worked comprehensively on the Value Chain for handicrafts
o Helped achieving exponential growth in sales from only Rs. 15,000 pa in 1996 to 6,000,000 pa in 2000 by bringing skills,
local resources and women together. Best time for the spurring growth in cottage industries and women participationin
economic endeavors;
o Increased the breadth of the products from 3 to more than 100;
o Developed marketing and sales channels for the products. In a phase of difficult time after 9/11 designed marketing
strategy to be remained the same level of sales and results; Development of brand a distinguished name, Thread Net
Hunza, the only recognized name in the market;
o Successful managed and turned the donor-funded project into independent women owned businesses where women are
not that much literates;
o Worked on Ecommerce selling traditional crafts online weblink: (www.idrc.ca/en/ev-9816-201-1-DO_TOPIC.html)
3.7 AKRSP Gilgit August to December 2000 (Fulltime)
Since 1982, the Aga Khan Rural Support Programme (AKRSP) in Pakistan has been working in a poor and rugged region located
among four of the highest mountain rangesof the world, including the Karakorum,Himalayas,Hindukush and Pamirs. The region
comprises six districts, five in the federally administered Northern Areas and one, Chitral, in the North West Frontier Province.
Was responsible for promotion and marketing of the fresh fruits from Gilgit Baltistan into other cities of Pakistan as a viable and
rewarding business for farmers:
o Apples and other fresh fruits introduced from Gilgit Baltistan to other different cities of Pakistan included Rawalpindi,
Islamabad, and Lahore
o Developed a business model for agri produce
o Conducted market assessment and developed linkages the city traders and auctioneers in cities
o Build the local entrepreneurs capacity in negotiation, record keeping, pricing and profitability analysis, post harvest
4. Personal details:
Nationality Pakistani, Marital status (married with two kids), date of birth: 13/05/1973
5. Interests, languages and volunteer work:
o Reading, listening music, trekking, photography, gardening, ideas generation and creativity, social work.
o Fluent English, Urdu, Brushahki, little bit Wakhi, Persian and other dialects of Gilgit Baltistan
o Ex Honorary Secretary and Board Member Aga Khan Economic Planning Board for Pakistan for His Highness Shia
Imami Ismaili Council.

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  • 1. Page 1 Ghulam Ali Address: House 41, Mountain View, Lalitpur, Nepal, Mobile: 977-9813046682 Emails: alinhunz@gmail.com Profile Summary: A competent professional with vast experience in leading and managing change. A change associated with peoples lives and livelihoodsprimarily affected due to poverty, disaster,emergencies and climate change. Got sixteen yearsof extensive experience and handson knowledge in not only to plan, implement and evaluate effectivenessof different interventions but also to design strategy, steer the processes, lead the teams and to evolve consistent pattern of communication and coordination among all stakeholders aimed at collective results and learnings. Began career making markets work for poor women in far remote mountains in the north of Pakistan with handicrafts linking with tourism value chain.At the same time led & evolved a grass root community institution as a model civil society organization with remarkable repute and exemplary interventions in environment, culture, rehabilitation, Information and communication enterprise, and above all continuous engaging multi-stakeholders forawarenessand education. Also, pursued a sustainable strategy with engagement community, private sector, markets and government institutions. Planned and steered various national level food security and livelihoods programs with Save the Children during the flood disaster 2010. Designed and managed cash transfer programs successfully included; food vouchers,cash grants, enterprise grants. Privileged to spend huge amount of money with no complains during emergency 2010. At the same time had the advantage to plan and manage long term programs with Save the Children with the perspective of improvements in livelihoods of children families. Asset transfer, vocational skills, household trainings, financial literacy, and micro entrepreneurship used as vehicles. Implemented holistic & integrated (with multi inputs / services health, education, economic development and child protection) programto ensure right of children and wellbeing of their families. Have the honor to lead and thoroughly enjoy market development approaches/ programs, value chains, vocational skills and business incubation programs, enterprise development and entrepreneurship as my favorite areas. Private sector engagement,also you development as entrepreneurs as well as future leaders has been fascinating work which I thoroughly enjoyed.Creating resilience, frameworks,practicesand policies in context of livelihoods approaches in context of climate change in mountain context has been cornerstone of recent work.Honorto attract private sector, knowledge and communities toward resilient communities.Drafted strategies and implemented variousprograms to blend the nature, people and biodiversity for greater harmony. Qualified MBA from Institute of Business Administration (IBA) Pakistan with strong analytical, programmatic, financial, and teammanagement skillswith proven abilities in addressing development issues being competent at both strategic and operations. Extensive work experience with grass root, national and international level. 1. Core areas of expertise: Core Areas Skills / Qualities Market Development, Entrepreneurship & Value chain Development Extensive knowledge oftheory and practice of value chain, market development approaches and entrepreneurship. Practical experience of managing various value chains.Toolsand education for entrepreneurship including business incubation. Strategic Management / leadership Always good at seeing things strategically being a good leader with honesty, ability to delegate, communication, sense of humor, Creativity, commitment, ability to inspire, and confidence,
  • 2. Page 2 Project management (included project design planning, implementation, monitoring and Evaluation,) Good at program cycle with analytical skills,people management, well versed in LFA design, know budget management & Implementation tools, aware about the complete toolkit including the Monitoring, evaluation and learning. Private sector Brining ownership and investment from private sector to sustain products and services within the less privileged communities by developing skills, innovating products, accessing markets, sharing risks, and increasing services Being bridge between communities and private sectors to create sustained conditions Livelihoods in emergencies, Cash Transfer Programming - food vouchers, cash transfer, cash for work, enterprise support), Design, implementation and monitoring of overall cash transfer programing with tools and methodologies, strategies, SOPS, training and mentorship, monitoring of teams, data and work, reports, case studies and communication Advocacy Lobbying with Govt. for effective policies and frameworks Technical Vocational Education, Education for employment Identification ofskills in demand,content and strategy development Rights based programming, withdraw child labour related interventions and strategies I have strong experience of right based as well as need based programing. Know and have experience of Integrated approach health, education, child protection and livelihoods Institutional Development, Governance trainings, change management, systems development Rural Development and advocacy Advisory on Natural resource management. Developing advocacy asks 2. Qualification, Trainings, and Workshops: o MBA from Institute of Business Administration Karachi, 2000 o Business Development Services training at Scotland Glasgow UK 2002 o Presentation Dare to share fair in Switzerland 2004 o Project Monitoring workshopand training arrangedby Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) Islamabad 2003 o Presentations skills for Managers 2001 held at Pakistan Institute of Management Karachi. o Organization capacity assessment by NGORC a project of Aga Khan Foundation 2003 o Board Development workshop by NGORC 2004 o Board Development and Institutional development by Rona Howarth 2001 o GKP workshop on Resource Mobilization Sri Lanka, May 2006 o Written resource mobilization case on KADO in Goa, India 2007 in writeshop organized by IDRC o Team leader for a ICT4D presentation in GK3, Malaysia, 2007 o Change management training by Invent 2008 o Mountain Tourism Seminar China 2008 o Advocacy Workshop ICIMOD, Nepal November 2008 3. Career & Experience 3.1 International Centre Integrated Mountain Development ICIMOD Oct 2015 to date (fulltime) ICIMOD is a leading regional inter-governmental organization ofSAARC countries to create lasting impact for wellbeing of mountainsand its people Food Security and Livelihoods Specialist/ Manager Economic Empowerment: Oct 2015 to date Responsible for designing,managing and implementing with partners various livelihoods interventions and project aimed at improving livelihoods of the people. Add value in implementation and planning of value chains, enterprise and entrepreneurship interventions Creating ideas, frameworks, papers, content related to value chains,entrepreneurships,and integration of private sector To innovate and improve on and off farm livelihoods
  • 3. Page 3 Create resilience for market as well as developing production and supplies chain in wake of climate change challenges Design customized strategies and interventions related to innovative livelihoods keeping in view the specific contex t Design, implement, monitor and evaluate the programs of enterprise development and entrepreneurship A technical person to guide and mentor partners and other stakeholders for programme designs and delivery Engagement of private sector and development of model synergistic interventions Plan and design with other stakeholder to bring people, nature and markets in harmony with each other 3.2 Aga Khan Rural Support Programme (AKRSP) AKRSP is a private, non-profit company, established by the Aga Khan Foundation in 1982 to improve the quality of life of the people of Gilgit Baltistan and Chitral (GBC). The overall goal of the organization is to improve the socio -economic conditions of the people of northern Pakistan Lead Market Development: August 2014 to Sep 2015 To lead the market development team and section Lead the process of planning, budgeting, implementation, monitoring and reporting Coordination and liaison for the better flow of communication and processes To be among the team player to acquire new resources To get the results as per the years plans Be an active member of senior management team To come up with new ideas, approaches, resources and networks Mentoring of the teams Reporting and meeting donors and institutional requirements Meeting Stakeholder expectation 3.3 Save the Children Save the Children is the leading independent organization creating lasting change in the lives of children in need in the United Statesand around the world. Food Security and Livelihoods Specialist/ ManagerEconomic Empowerment: Oct 2010 to July 2014 to date Responsible for designing, managing and implementing multi million dollars cash transfer programming - funded by USAID, DEC, AUSAID to help affecttees of floods 2010 in Pakistan. Managing food vouchers,cash grants,enterprise grants and cash for work from design to implementation and monitoring Technical lead on effective project /Program management design,implementation,monitoring,learning and evaluation for long terms development projects to reduce poverty and child labour Conducting assessments, market survey and need analysis Design, implement, monitor and evaluate the programs of enterprise development Design, implement, monitor and evaluate vocational and employable skills for income and employment Promotion of entrepreneurship skills among working children families through enterprise incubation /support Women empowerment though value chains - Product innovation and design innovation and appropriate linkages and education for sustained income and market activity Market access for parents of working children Work on market development, value chains for inclusive businesses farm and off farm both Developing implementation strategies,ensuring implementation of Standard operating procedures and quality standards Tracking the interventions for results and effectiveness (financial, programmatic and impact level) Successfully developed multi input (services and advocacy) model for eradication of child labour in cotton farming areas of Pakistan Advocacy for legislations and implementation of laws Gender Analysis and role of family members to reduce child labour and improving lives Leading, managing and motivating the teams to get the maximum results Managing, improving and maintaining the quality and impact of the program on the ground. Designing systems for effective implementation of cash transfer programming, economic empowerment, child protection and other interventions Enhancing capacities and capabilities of implementing partners
  • 4. Page 4 Well versed in both experiences self- implementation (by Save the children and implementing with local partners Strong team player, coordination and management Systems Development and strong support Management 3.4 Karakoram Area Development Organization KADO 2006 to July 2010 (Full time) Karkoram Area Development Organization KADO is one of the civil society organizations in Hunza, formed and fostered by the community and is known for its grass root innovative approach, development and enterprise. Chief Executive Officer: Introduced and nurtured local organization capable of taking lead interventions in areas of livelihoods, women empowerment, entrepreneurship, market access, information technology, Disaster, knowledge management and community development in the mountains of Karakoram, Himalay and Hindukush: Program cycle management, leadership and stewardship for communities Board coordination and strategic planning, management and resource mobilization Evolved,promoted and branded a small grass root organization into a trusted and capable organization ofchoice to work with and to learn from. Communication and better coordination with donors, communities, stakeholders Leadership Strategic planning Civil Society Program Management Women empowerment Donor and community communication Systems Development and Management Support function HR, admin, Finance, policy designing and implementation Community Development Proposal writing Resource mobilization Donor reporting 3.5 ICT4D a Project of KADO Jan 2005 to August 2006 Information and communication Technology for Development project was pioneering step to introduce internet and computer technology for village planning,tourismpromotion,distant learning and setting the culture in the region to use the technology for the mountain people in difficult terrains; Project Manager With the core responsibility for: project planning including design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation. Successfully implemented the project with the result: Wider use of Internet at households, offices, schools became increasingly prevalent and interesting due to our interventions as action research; Hundreds of the studentslearned how to use Internet, more than 4000 girls and household women learned how to use the computer as a part of women empowerment through skills, 10 to 20% of the girls availed local jobs and some of them embarked on online work with Sama Source (www.samasource.com). Managed more than 40 centers means 40 teams (15 computers, training 90 girls in three months. Managed the research project successfully and made available wider information on the research finding and report through IDRC website. Link: www.idrc.ca/en/ev-51829-201-1-DO_TOPIC.html, www.ideeaz.com/altithunza Developed community based IT infrastructure in even small villages 3.6 KHDP Handicraft Value Chain 2001 to 2004 (Full time) KarakoramHandicraft Development Pgrogramme KHDP was a vocational project. This project was initiated with the support of Swiss Agency for Development and Co-operation SDC with the strong willingness and urge of the local communities to revive art
  • 5. Page 5 and crafts in order to preserve history, identify and heritage and at the same time making it as economic and social empowerment tool for the women and disable people. Result was surprising very successful: Manager Product, Market and Brand; o Businessplanning,skill development,product development,marketing,assessments and evaluations,analysisand strategy development o Worked comprehensively on the Value Chain for handicrafts o Helped achieving exponential growth in sales from only Rs. 15,000 pa in 1996 to 6,000,000 pa in 2000 by bringing skills, local resources and women together. Best time for the spurring growth in cottage industries and women participationin economic endeavors; o Increased the breadth of the products from 3 to more than 100; o Developed marketing and sales channels for the products. In a phase of difficult time after 9/11 designed marketing strategy to be remained the same level of sales and results; Development of brand a distinguished name, Thread Net Hunza, the only recognized name in the market; o Successful managed and turned the donor-funded project into independent women owned businesses where women are not that much literates; o Worked on Ecommerce selling traditional crafts online weblink: (www.idrc.ca/en/ev-9816-201-1-DO_TOPIC.html) 3.7 AKRSP Gilgit August to December 2000 (Fulltime) Since 1982, the Aga Khan Rural Support Programme (AKRSP) in Pakistan has been working in a poor and rugged region located among four of the highest mountain rangesof the world, including the Karakorum,Himalayas,Hindukush and Pamirs. The region comprises six districts, five in the federally administered Northern Areas and one, Chitral, in the North West Frontier Province. Consultant Was responsible for promotion and marketing of the fresh fruits from Gilgit Baltistan into other cities of Pakistan as a viable and rewarding business for farmers: o Apples and other fresh fruits introduced from Gilgit Baltistan to other different cities of Pakistan included Rawalpindi, Islamabad, and Lahore o Developed a business model for agri produce o Conducted market assessment and developed linkages the city traders and auctioneers in cities o Build the local entrepreneurs capacity in negotiation, record keeping, pricing and profitability analysis, post harvest technologies. 4. Personal details: Nationality Pakistani, Marital status (married with two kids), date of birth: 13/05/1973 5. Interests, languages and volunteer work: o Reading, listening music, trekking, photography, gardening, ideas generation and creativity, social work. o Fluent English, Urdu, Brushahki, little bit Wakhi, Persian and other dialects of Gilgit Baltistan o Ex Honorary Secretary and Board Member Aga Khan Economic Planning Board for Pakistan for His Highness Shia Imami Ismaili Council. ***