Gabby O'Neill presented at the AITPM 'Back to Basics' seminar on the Safe System Approach. The presentation covered South Australia's road fatality data from 2007 to 2016 and examples of road safety treatments implemented, including guard rails, wire rope barriers, shoulder sealing, controlled right turns at signalized intersections, and raised intersection platforms. It concluded that while people make mistakes, road deaths are not inevitable, and using safe system thinking in infrastructure design with elements like lower speeds and dedicated turn lanes can help prevent crashes and reduce injuries.
11. Examples showing before and after treatment (Tea Tree Gully Mannum Rd)
Guard fence reduces the risk of runoff road crash by up to 30 per cent
Guard Fence
12. Motorcycle Crash Cushions
The motorcycle barrier system is attached
below the guard rails, absorbing fallen rider
impact and gently deflecting them back
towards the road.
Safer Roads for Motorcycling
21. Road Safety Treatments: Run-ofCrashesTreatment: Right Turns, Signalised Intersections
Signalised Intersections
Over 500 signalised intersections within South Australia.
Sites where crash rates are higher undergo investigations.
Volume of right turn traffic and or opposing traffic is high.
Visibility of oncoming traffic is less than required for safe
gap selection.
Reduce opportunities for motorists to filter right turn.
Controlled Right Turns are when the red arrow remains
on during the through vehicle phase.
Generally used because of the history of right turn crashes.
Positive results.
23. Over 500 signalised intersections within SA
Higher crash rate sites undergo investigations
Volume of right turn traffic &/or opposing traffic
is high
Visibility of oncoming traffic is less than required
for safe gap selection
Reduce the opportunities for motorists
unsuccessfully attempting to filter a right turn
Controlled right turns have the red arrow remain
on during the through vehicle phase
Signalised Intersections
25. People make mistakes but road
deaths are not inevitable
Use placemaking
Use safe system thinking to
design your infrastructure
Wire ropes
Guard rails
Audio tactile line marking
Full control signals
Lower speeds
Raised intersection
Wombat crossings
Wrapping Up