Gabriela Cavalcante da Silva is a student of Information Technology at Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte who has experience developing with Python, Ruby, C#, and databases like SQLServer and MongoDB. She is also a co-founder of PyLadies Brazil and collaborates with the free software community PotiLivre.
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Gabriela Cavalcante CV
1. Gabriela Cavalcante da Silva
Undergraduate Researcher
I'm student of Information Tecnology at the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, and Ifinished the
course technic at informatic. I've been developing with Python and Ruby to build Web Systems, but Ialready
worked with C# and database SqlServe, but now use MongoDB. For build templates and GUI's web iuse Htm5,
Css, JavaScript and Iam studing Dart and Java. Iam also aof the founder of PyLadies of Brasil andI
collaborate with acommunity of free software called PotiLivre.
Undergraduate Researcher at UFRN
May, 2014
Development of graphical interface for service selection tool Cloud.
Python Developer at Anchor Loans
November, 2013 - March, 2014 (5 months)
.Net Developer (C#, SQLServer) and Web Developer at Print&Soft Informática
April, 2013 - October, 2013 (7 months)
Support and Maintenance at Instituto Federal de Educa??o, Ciência eTecnologia do Rio Grande do
January, 2012 - January, 2013 (1 year and 1 months)
Português Native
Inglês Level intermediate
2. Organizations
PyLadies Brazil
October, 2013 - Until now
We are an international mentorship group with afocus on helping more women become active participants
and leaders in the Python open-source community. Our mission is to promote, educate and advance adiverse
Python community through outreach, education, conferences, events and social gatherings.
September, 2013 - Until now
We are aGroup of Free Software users from Rio Grande do Norte. An independent organization, in order to
support the philosophy and use of Free Software. We aims be the main point of integration between the Free
Software communities of our state, and provide asupport network for developers and abridge to the Free
Software world.
Academic Background
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte
Bacharel em Tecnologia da Informa??o, Tecnologia da Informa??o, 2013 -2015
Instituto Federal do Rio Grande do Norte
Técnica em Informática, Informática, 2010 -2013
Women in Technology,
New Technology,
Business and Manage