Meelis Tammre and Anna Zilberberg from Estonia finished the "wife carrying" competition in Finland in the fastest time of 1 minute and 4 seconds. The annual competition involves men carrying their wives or partners through an obstacle course that includes hurdles and a chest-deep water pool. With up to 6,000 spectators, 36 couples from 8 countries participated in this year's event, which took place in a forest near the Arctic Circle despite bad weather. Tammre said he was exhausted but relieved to have finally won first place after coming in second three previous times.
Meelis Tammre and Anna zilberberg from Estonia finished the 245-meter obstacle course in the fastest time of one minute four seconds. The event involved 36 couples from eight countries where the man had to carry his wife or partner over challenging obstacles that included timber hurdles and a chest-high water pool. Up to 6,000 spectators watched as the couples competed in rainy conditions to complete the rough course in a forest near the Arctic Circle.
Meelis Tammre and Anna Zilberberg from Estonia finished the "wife carrying" competition in Finland in the fastest time of 1 minute and 4 seconds. The annual competition involves men carrying their wives or partners through an obstacle course that includes hurdles and a chest-deep water pool. With up to 6,000 spectators, 36 couples from 8 countries participated in this year's event, which took place in a forest near the Arctic Circle despite bad weather. Tammre said he was exhausted but relieved to have finally won first place after coming in second three previous times.
Meelis Tammre and Anna zilberberg from Estonia finished the 245-meter obstacle course in the fastest time of one minute four seconds. The event involved 36 couples from eight countries where the man had to carry his wife or partner over challenging obstacles that included timber hurdles and a chest-high water pool. Up to 6,000 spectators watched as the couples competed in rainy conditions to complete the rough course in a forest near the Arctic Circle.