Great picturesOscar MorandiniThis collection of images and captions seems to depict various humorous situations involving animals and objects. The captions describe a cat stacking coins, a backpack that might function as a parachute, a cat using a person as a chair, a cat reading a sign, a cat finding a box less comfortable than expected, a static-charged cat, a cat floating in clear water, a cat apologizing for being in someone's spot, and a cat being told it must eat the food provided even if unhappy with it. The images cover everyday animal antics and interactions with people.
2009 ppc11 michaelheitzmannRock ManThe document presents research on developing natural fiber composites made solely from the Castor plant for aircraft cabin interior materials. It summarizes that the composites use polyamide 11 resin derived from Castor oil and Castor plant fibers. The composites showed good mechanical properties and weight-specific properties compared to other materials. Further research is needed on fire resistance, the manufacturing process, and the effects of fiber quality and processing.
Victoria's Secret Fantasy BraStylightBilder och historier om alla års Fantasy Bras - Fakta och kuriosa om Victoria's Secret mest berömda underklädesplagg och världens mest uppmärksammade behå.
Course material S15 Psy1000Hmichael jonesThis document provides information about a PSY 1000 Honors course including:
- An overview of course structure including seminar schedule, textbook, and rat lab requirements.
- Contact information for the professor and teaching assistants.
- Details on assignments, grading policies, attendance policies, and academic integrity.
- Information on earning optional activity points through participation and feedback.
- A note that the textbook is new and seeking student feedback for continuous quality improvement.
SAP_MobileGuide 2013Jann YipThis document is an introduction to the SAP Mobile Services Mobile Operator Guide 2013. It discusses several major trends in the mobile industry including the growth of SMS, evolution to LTE networks, rise of mobile commerce, and importance of building customer loyalty. The guide features over 40 industry experts providing insights on challenges, strategies and opportunities across these areas as mobile networks and technologies advance in an increasingly competitive landscape.
Environmental Awareness L1 PresentationrfeltersThis document provides information about a Level 1 Award in Environmental Awareness. By the end of the session, learners will understand common environmental terminology, be aware of the impact of environmental change, understand resource efficiency, and identify ways to reduce environmental impacts. Learners will define terms related to climate change, ecological footprints, carbon management, and sustainable development. They will also identify key features of climate change science, ecological footprints, and major impacts of environmental change. Finally, learners will discuss ways to reduce consumption, reuse resources, identify recyclable materials, and reasons for business resource efficiency.
Environmental Awareness PresentationrfeltersThe document provides information about environmental awareness and sustainability. It outlines the session outcomes which are to introduce principles of environmental awareness, common terminology, impacts of environmental change, resource efficiency, and ways to reduce impacts. It then defines key terms like climate change, ecological footprint, carbon management, and sustainable development. Finally, it discusses commonly used resources, how to reduce and reuse resources, and materials that can be recycled.
H&M Designersamarbeten - En sammanfatting av kollektionernaStylightEtt bildspel om H&M och de bästa designsamarbeten genom tiderna, från Karl Lagerfeld till Isabel Marant. En sammanfattning av de bästa kollektionerna och dess fakta. Varje år lanserar H&M en kollektionen gjord i samarbete med någon av världens toppdesigners. I år har Isabel Marant fått ansvar för höstkollektionen och förväntningarna är höga. Dessa samarbeten och kollektioner har alltid blivit stora succéer både för H&M och dess designers
Best Practices [Twitter]Gabriela GotayHow to post news on Twitter? Follow these simple guidelines.
Grupo BAnibemes CAEl documento presenta las estadísticas de bateo y pitcheo de varios equipos de la Liga Independiente de Anotadores para la temporada regular. Incluye las líneas de bateo, los lanzadores y sus estadísticas como ganados, perdidos, hits permitidos y efectividad para los equipos Astros, Marin 2004 y otros.
Lean ITP 1.10.2016 Class 1Jen van der MeerThis document describes a 2-week Lean Startup workshop at NYU ITP in January 2016. The workshop will introduce participants to Lean startup methodology through lectures, videos, role plays, customer interviews and mentorship. Participants will form teams around ideas and problems, conduct customer development activities like 30 customer interviews per team per week, and present hypotheses and learning daily. The goal is for participants to learn how to validate ideas, build and test minimum viable products, and develop scalable and sustainable business models. Mentors from startups, venture capital and NYU will provide guidance and feedback to help participants supercharge their network capital.
Royal weddings - De 10 mooiste trouwjurken van de afgelopen jaren (BE)StylightWat zijn de mooiste koninklijke trouwjurken? Ter gelegenheid van het huwelijk van Prins Carl Philip van Zweden en Sofia Hellqvist op 13 juni 2015, blikken we terug op de 10 mooiste bruidsjurken van de afgelopen jaren. Welke bruid had de langste sleep en wie droeg de diadeem van Napoleons vrouw Josephine? Dit en nog veel meer in de diavoorstelling!
SAP_MobileGuide 2013Jann YipThis document is an introduction to the SAP Mobile Services Mobile Operator Guide 2013. It discusses several major trends in the mobile industry including the growth of SMS, evolution to LTE networks, rise of mobile commerce, and importance of building customer loyalty. The guide features over 40 industry experts providing insights on challenges, strategies and opportunities across these areas as mobile networks and technologies advance in an increasingly competitive landscape.
Environmental Awareness L1 PresentationrfeltersThis document provides information about a Level 1 Award in Environmental Awareness. By the end of the session, learners will understand common environmental terminology, be aware of the impact of environmental change, understand resource efficiency, and identify ways to reduce environmental impacts. Learners will define terms related to climate change, ecological footprints, carbon management, and sustainable development. They will also identify key features of climate change science, ecological footprints, and major impacts of environmental change. Finally, learners will discuss ways to reduce consumption, reuse resources, identify recyclable materials, and reasons for business resource efficiency.
Environmental Awareness PresentationrfeltersThe document provides information about environmental awareness and sustainability. It outlines the session outcomes which are to introduce principles of environmental awareness, common terminology, impacts of environmental change, resource efficiency, and ways to reduce impacts. It then defines key terms like climate change, ecological footprint, carbon management, and sustainable development. Finally, it discusses commonly used resources, how to reduce and reuse resources, and materials that can be recycled.
H&M Designersamarbeten - En sammanfatting av kollektionernaStylightEtt bildspel om H&M och de bästa designsamarbeten genom tiderna, från Karl Lagerfeld till Isabel Marant. En sammanfattning av de bästa kollektionerna och dess fakta. Varje år lanserar H&M en kollektionen gjord i samarbete med någon av världens toppdesigners. I år har Isabel Marant fått ansvar för höstkollektionen och förväntningarna är höga. Dessa samarbeten och kollektioner har alltid blivit stora succéer både för H&M och dess designers
Best Practices [Twitter]Gabriela GotayHow to post news on Twitter? Follow these simple guidelines.
Grupo BAnibemes CAEl documento presenta las estadísticas de bateo y pitcheo de varios equipos de la Liga Independiente de Anotadores para la temporada regular. Incluye las líneas de bateo, los lanzadores y sus estadísticas como ganados, perdidos, hits permitidos y efectividad para los equipos Astros, Marin 2004 y otros.
Lean ITP 1.10.2016 Class 1Jen van der MeerThis document describes a 2-week Lean Startup workshop at NYU ITP in January 2016. The workshop will introduce participants to Lean startup methodology through lectures, videos, role plays, customer interviews and mentorship. Participants will form teams around ideas and problems, conduct customer development activities like 30 customer interviews per team per week, and present hypotheses and learning daily. The goal is for participants to learn how to validate ideas, build and test minimum viable products, and develop scalable and sustainable business models. Mentors from startups, venture capital and NYU will provide guidance and feedback to help participants supercharge their network capital.
Royal weddings - De 10 mooiste trouwjurken van de afgelopen jaren (BE)StylightWat zijn de mooiste koninklijke trouwjurken? Ter gelegenheid van het huwelijk van Prins Carl Philip van Zweden en Sofia Hellqvist op 13 juni 2015, blikken we terug op de 10 mooiste bruidsjurken van de afgelopen jaren. Welke bruid had de langste sleep en wie droeg de diadeem van Napoleons vrouw Josephine? Dit en nog veel meer in de diavoorstelling!
3. Grupu politikas veidi:
• Communal groups – kopīgs
mantojums,tradīcijas,ģimenes,kastas,etniskās piederības
grupas,raksturīgs attīstības valstīm.
• Organizāciju grupas – Birokrātija,militārisms,Vācija,PSRS.
• Apvienību grupas – kopīgs,ierobežots mērķis,brīvprātīgas aktivitātes
ar kopīgām interesēm un viedokļiem,attīstītās valstis
4. Interešu grupas
Funkcionālās grupas
Promotional grupas
Insider grupas
Outsider grupas
• Aizsargā savu biedru materiālās
• biznesa
• Darba devēji,strādnieki,etnisko
grupu pārstāvji
• Civilās brīvības aizstāvēšana
• Priviliģēta un institucionalizēta
pieeja valdībai
• Outsaideru grupas – mazāk
valdības atbalstītas, vājības
5. Grupu modeļi
• Plurālisti - Iespēja dažādiem sabiedrības slāņiem un grupām paust un
īstenot savus uzskatus, aizstāvēt savas intereses politikā, valsts
pārvaldībā, kultūrā un citās jomās,kā arī būt demokrātiski atbildīgiem.
• Corporatism-sociālā teorija, kas uzsver privileģēto stāvokli, ko bauda
dažas grupas attiecībā uz valdību, dodot tiem iespēju
ietekmēt,formulēt un īstenot valsts politiku (Austrija,Zviedrija,Japāna)
• New right - antipātijas pret interešu grupām ir ideoloģiski iegūtas no
individuālisma, kas pieder pie neoliberālās ekonomikas. Visu veidu
kolektīvās grupas un kolektīvās struktūras new right modeli aplūko ar
6. galvenie faktori, kas nosaka grupas
• Politiskā kultūra
• Institucionālā kultūra
• Partiju sistēmu raksturs
• Sabiedriskās politikas raksturs un stils
7. Interešu grupas: par un pret
• Veicina debātes un diskusijas
• Pārbauda valdības
• Palīdz saglabāt politisko
• Veicina politisko nevienlīdzību
• Sociāli un politiski škelti
• Politiskos procesus veic
noslepumaini un slēgti
11. Uzdevums auditorijai
• Kur un kad tika dibināta pirmā interešu aizstāvības grupa? Pret ko tā
• Kādi ir interešu grupu tipi?
• Nosauciet galvenos faktorus, kas nosaka grupas ietekmi?