The document discusses Nintendo's launch of the Game Boy Color in Canada. It identifies several issues including choosing the target market, marketing approach, pricing, and product offerings. For target market, it considers teens who already own Game Boys and new kid/tween users. For marketing, it evaluates in-store displays, mall tours, and a cross-Canada tour. For pricing, it looks at matching the US price or lowering the price. For products, it examines continuing the black and white Game Boy or bundling a game. The recommendations are to target both teens and kids, do a cross-Canada tour, price at $120 Canadian including a game, and discontinue the black and white Game Boy.
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Game boy
1. Nintendo
The Launch of Game Boy Color
Kazi Muhammad Mushtaq
Raheel Muneeb Khan
Owais Shafqat
Khursheed Ahmed
Syed Maktoom Hassan
2. Nintendo History
1889: Nintendo was founded by Fusajiro
Yamauchi as a manufacturer of 'Hanafuda -
Japanese playing cards.
The name 'Nintendo' actually means 'leave luck to
1970: first field of video entertainment after
creating the Beam Gun with opto-electronics
1980: launched Game & Watch which was an
LCD based platform that had 59 games
1983: introduced first home console, Nintendo
Entertainment System (NES)
1989: released Game Boy, a smaller portable
version of Game & Watch that had great potential
in terms of graphics and interchangeable games
3. Nintendo History
Since the release of Game Boy,
Nintendo has also introduced,
Super Nintendo, Nintendo 64,
and Game Boy Advance to the
1997: it was estimated that more
than 40% of U.S. households
owned a Nintendo game system
Nintendo is the worldwide leader
in home gaming systems.
4. Game Boy History
1989: Game Boy was initially released coupled with the addictive puzzle
game Tetris for $169
1993: Original Game Boy was offered in various colors including, blue,
yellow, and red
1993: Game Boy Pocket introduced to the market
1994: Super Game Boy was launched enabling gamers to play Game Boy
games on TV through the Super Nintendo system
1996: Original Game Boy was released in a new and improved slimmer
1997: Game Boy Pockets released in six new colors
July 1998: expected launch of Game Boy camera and printer additions
that will turn Game Boy into a digital camera with printable pictures and
November 23 1998: Anticipated launch of Game Boy color in North
America and Europe
7. Strengths
Game Boy is the most successful gaming platform in history
sold more than 70 million units during its almost 10-year life
Nintendo was the leader in the worldwide US$15 billion retail video game industry.
Nintendo manufactured and marketed hardware and software for its game systems
Nintendo 64 is named Time Magazines Machine of the Year for 1996.
Control of the games that ran on its game machines, keeping its third-party software
providers under tight control
o In 1994, an add-on for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System was launched,
enabling gamers to play Game Boy games on that system.
o In 1996, Game Boy was relaunched in a slimmer housing with further improvements
in screen clarity.
o In 1997, Game Boy Pocket was introduced in six new colors..
The new Game Boy color would display sharp and vivid color graphics. Game Boy
Colors screen was also not backlit, which meant two AA batteries would last about 12
Nintendo Canada would have access to a broad selection of ads from the US that could
appeal to all the target segments being considered for their launch plan.
9. Weaknesses
Both Game Boy hardware and software sales had declined steadily
from 1992 to 1996 on a worldwide basis.
By 1998, support of third-party developers for Game Boy was
waning. Many viewed it as a spent force in the market and were
reluctant to invest the US$200,000 to US$300,000 to develop a new
Game Boy cartridge, when there were more attractive opportunities
in the much larger console market.
The marketing communications budget for Nintendo in Canada was
only a small fraction of the Nintendo budget in the US. Also,
Nintendo Canada selected its ads from the pool developed by
Nintendo in the US.
When the original Game Boy was launched in 1989, it had been
priced slightly higher in Canada than the US, attributing to Game
Boys proportionately greater sales in the US.
11. Opportunities
On November 23, 1998, a color version of Nintendos
Game Boy would be released simultaneously in North
America and Europe, one of the most important
launches in Nintendos history.
Game Boy Camera and Game Boy Printer were
scheduled to be released in July 1998.
Retailers had open to buy dollars that could be shifted
around during the year to support the hot products.
Sega and other competitors lacked new exciting
software for their handheld hardware. Handheld users
seemed to want exciting, current software.
Six new games, specifically developed to take
advantage of the 56-color palette on Game Boy Color,
were expected to be available at the launch date.
13. Threats
In 1998 Nintendo began to lose momentum as some of the third-party developers
began focusing more of their development effort on Sony Playstation, which was
viewed as an easier platform on which to develop games, and the Sony business
model was viewed as being a more profitable one.
Sega had been much more aggressive in promoting its console business in Canada
than in the US.
Third-party developers were spending fewer marketing dollars in Canada due to the
relatively small size of the Canadian market. Canada represented only about 3
percent of the global Game Boy software market, whereas the US accounted for
between 35 percent to 40 percent.
As sales velocity slowed in the mid to late 1990s, retailers shifted more of their shelf
space to Nintendo consoles and competing platforms and reduced their advertising
and promotional support for Game Boy.
In the late 1990s, a number of specialty stores had delisted Game Boy because they
felt that they were not achieving competitive returns on their sales of Game Boy
hardware and software.
o Atari Lynx, the worlds first color handheld video game system.
o TurboExpress
o Segas Game Gear
o Segas Nomad
14. Issue Identification
Issue #1: Choosing the right target market and
the right positioning
Issue #2: Choosing the right market approach
Issue #3: How to price Game Boy
Color in Canada
Issue #4: Product
15. Issue #1: Target Market and Positioning
Alternative #1: Focus on teens who were
more likely to already own a Game Boy
Alternative #2: Focus on new kid/tween
16. Issue #2: Marketing approach
Alternative #1: In-store interactive display
Alternative #2: Mall tour
Alternative #3: Cross Canada tour
17. Alternative #1: Price Game Boy Color
according to the mid-1998 exchange rate
conversion of U.S. price
U.S.= $79.95 Cdn =$120
Alternative #2: Price Game Boy Color at a
lower cost of Cdn= $100
Issue #3: Pricing
18. Issue #4: Product
- Alternative #1: Continue to offer the Black
and White version of the product
- Alternative #2: Stop offering the black and
white version Game Boy
- Alternative #3: Bundle a game cartridge
with the Game Boy Color
- Alternative #4: Do not bundle a game
cartridge with the Game Boy Color
19. Group Discussions
Issue #1: Choosing the right target market and
the right positioning
Issue #2: Choosing the right market approach
Issue #3: How to price Game Boy
Color in Canada
Issue #4: Product
20. Issue #1. TM and Positioning
Alternative #1:Focus on teens who were more likely to already own a
Game Boy
If successful in getting teens to adopt, this might spur sales among kids and particularly
tweens, who often aspired to use the same products as teens
Teens tended to purchase machines with their own money, making their purchases all
year round, not just at holiday times
If teens already owned a Game Boy we know that they are
interested in this type of handheld device, and we know how to target
them because we have reached them in the past
If Nintendo Canada targeted teens that had used Game Boy in the past, they might view
the Game Boy as a product that was great when they were younger but not sophisticated
enough to meet their current gaming needs
If Nintendo was unsuccessful in getting teens to adopt, then perhaps kids and tweens
would avoid it as well
Many in this segment already had a black and white Game Boy and a library of five or six
games and viewed the product as old technology
Many teens appeared to have moved past the handheld machines to consoles, which
offered greater speed and game complexity
Only represent 6.7% of the total population of Canada
21. Issue #1: TM and Positioning
Alternative #2: Focus on new kid/tween users
If Nintendo targeted kids and tweens and was able to convince
kids/tween nonusers of Game Boy that Game Boy Color was a
cool product, it could become a gotta have for the younger set
This younger audience was less likely to already own a Game Boy
Kid/Tween users represent 19.9% of the total population of Canada
The difference between being cool or not cool with the younger set
was a very fine line
If focused on the kids and tweens, it might turn off the teens
because Game Boy Color was a kids toy
Game Boys were typically purchased for kids and tweens by their
parents as gifts, resulting in peak sales occurring in November and
December for holiday gift giving and in June as a graduation or
great report card present
22. Issue #2: Marketing approach
Alternatives #1: low-cost interactive display
generate brand/product awareness when teens/kids/tweens visit the
Estimated in store interactive displays would be used approximately
20 % of store hours for an average of 3 min/use.
No sales staff required to monitoring the displays ( easy to operate)
1000 potential outlets and Nintendo could achieve an 80%
placement rate
Low Cost
No one is there to explain the new product or the benefits of the
product if kids/tweens/teens have questions
Most sales clerks knew little about Game Boy Color hardware or
Competitors have similar displays Direct Competition
23. Issue #2: Marketing approach
Alternative #2: Mall Tours
Nintendo reprehensive is highly knowledgeable gamers, and
would show game insights and tricks that kiosk visitor could
use to improve their scores on popular games
Incentives encourage trial among teens/tweens/kids Mall
tour visitors can enter contests for Nintendo products and
would receive a temporary Nintendo tattoo when they left
6-8 minutes on the product ( more than store displays which
lasts only 3 minutes)
Teens/kids/tweens spend a lot of time in the mall
Expensive: $10,000 per Mall visit, means only 25 mall tours
per year
Mall selection problems
staff is limited/place is limited
24. Issue #2: Marketing approach
Alternative #3: Cross-Canada tour
Most likely to generate buzz/PR
Automatically high awareness due to scale of the events
More freedom to promote in a bold manner
Bigger kiosks, more staff to promote the new product
High reach due to the size of audiences attending each event
costly $150,000 per year for major regional or national events:
CNE, Klondike Days, and the Calgary Stampede
Events only take place in summer months
25. Issue #3: Pricing
Alternative 1: Price Game Boy Color according to the mid-1998
exchange rate conversion of U.S. price
Remain consistent with pricing in the US
Nintendo Canada wouldnt experience proportionately lower
sales than the US similar to when the original version had
been launched in 1989
Prevent black market trafficking and sales from the US to
Canada because of the cheaper price
produce a retail margin of 20% on Game Boy consoles
Hardware price would be too high to drive-high volume sales
in Canadian market
Higher cost make it unaffordable for kids/tweens market
Could lose business to competitors because of high cost of
gaming system
26. Issue #3: Pricing
Alternative 2: Price Game Boy Color at a lower cost of Cdn= $98
Lower price makes the gaming system more attractive and
affordable to buy, especially for kids/tween market segment
Retailers could make more profitable returns per square
Lowest sale price of Game Boy to date
Could lead to black market exporting of product to other
Nintendo Canada would only receive a gross margin of 5%
instead of the past 6%
With a lower margin received from each Game Boy sold,
retailers might chose to spend their money on carrying and
aggressively marketing other game systems
27. Issue #4: Product
Alternative #1: continue to offer the black and white version of the
Low price Cdn $49
Backward compatibility of game boy color games mean that
consumers could buy the black and white version and then
trade up at a later date with out making their games
With the low price, the black and white version would not
generate any profits
Cannibalizing sales of Game Boy color
28. Issue #4: Product
Alternative #2: do not continue to offer the black and
white version of the product
Avoid losing money producing the black an white
Avoid cannibalizing sales of Game Boy color
Excludes consumers looking for a more affordable
29. Issue #4: Product
Alternative #3: Nintendo Canada should bundle a game cartridge
with Game Boy color at Launch
Incentive to purchase
Teens/Tweens/Kids can see the difference between color
and black and white gamesand if they think color is
superior, they would keep purchasing the color games
instead of just keep using their old/already owned black and
white games
History could repeat itself with Game Boy having the same
success it experienced when packaging Tetris with the
original Game Boy
Increased perceived value of game system
A high price will be charge??
Lose revenue from independent game sales
30. Issue #4: Product
Alternative #4: Nintendo Canada should not bundle a game
cartridge with Game Boy color at launch
Avoid higher retail prices
Higher profits from the individual game sales
Less incentive to buy
Consumers may expect Game Boy to come with a
game cartridge because that is what they have
experienced in the past
31. Recommendations
Focus on both teens already own a Game Boy and new
kid/tween users
The best marketing approach is a cross-Canada tour because
we felt this is the best way to generate buzz and increase brand
awareness and same time it is the most informative way to
educate users on the new product. We also felt the other two
approaches can be carried along after the launch of Game Boy
we also recommended what has been stated in the case
Sales Reps visit leading magazine/web publications three month before
product launch and let the writers to play the game for 5-6 hours
We decided to price Game Boy Color at Cdn $120 to best satisfy
factors such as profitability, consumer price sensibility and
sufficient motivation for retailers to carry the product.
Lastly, we have decided that Nintendo should stop offering the
black and white version Game Boy and bundle a game cartridge
with Game Boy Color. This will not only encourage users to try
new Game Boy Color but also make them adopt to the new
product faster.
33. Implementations
focus advertisements and literature on the $120 price, which
includes a game cartridge, and towards both teen and new
kid/tween user markets
begin research and creation of the cross-canada tour
gather information about consumer response and satisifaction
advertise aggressively in the beginning to promote the new
Game Boy Color to both target markets with separate campaigns
focused at each market individually
execute the cross-canada promotions tour
sign a young celebrity as a spokesperson for Game Boy Color to
appeal to the young target markets