This document provides an overview of game development. It defines a game as an interactive form of entertainment and art differentiated from other media by user interactivity. It discusses major game genres and the large game market focused on mobile, console, PC, and online games. The document outlines the typical game development process including idea/documentation, design, development, and testing phases. It describes key activities in each phase such as concept art, gameplay design, programming, and quality assurance testing. In closing, it notes the appeal of game development is that it is very enjoyable to both play and create games.
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Game development
2. Outline
Define: Game
What is a game?
Game Genres
Game Market Overview
Game Development Process
Idea & Document
Why Game Development?
3. Define: Game
What is a game?
A Source Of
Movies, Music
A Software
Word, Excel, Ev
A Form Of
Painting, Movies
4. How is it different?
From other sources of entertainment and forms of art.
Heres how.
- Interactivity is what makes it different from other sources of
entertainment and forms of art.
- In movies, you see the hero in action but in games you play the
hero, you save the day, you make it all happen.
5. How is it different?
From other software products.
Heres how.
- With general software, the business need is useful while with
games the business need is fun.
- The development process, requirements, budget, time, etc.
15. Why Game Development?
However fun it is to play, its at least 10x as fun to
make! - corsiKa
How often do you get to play GOD? You create the
universe, you set the rules, you define good and