This document provides tips and techniques for monetizing mobile games. It discusses paid games, free games with ads, and freemium models. Specific examples are given for each model like Minecraft earning $250 million using paid games and Candy Crush Saga earning $600,000 per day with a freemium model. Tips include starting with a free plus ads model to enter the market quickly and focusing on "good enough" over perfection. The document also recommends creating additional apps that can generate quick money to fund game development.
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Game Monetization Tips & Techniques
1. Game Monetization Tips &
Mochammad Masbuchin
Monday, 13 January 2014
Aula Teknik Informatika ITS Lantai 2
8. 1. Paid Games
Instant money
Monetize without coding
Less attractive to users
Market is closed in some countries
Minecraft, $250M ( 2012 )
Angry Birds Space, $2M ( Estimates )
10. 2. Free + Ads
Easy install
Lots of ad network
Sometimes disturbing and intrusive
Bad ad network = Bad rating on app store/play store
Tebak gambar, $500-1K/Month ( Estimates )
Angry Gran Run, $10K/Month ( Estimates )
12. 3. Freemium
High income potential
Easy to promote
Longer development time
Candy Crush Saga, $600K/DAY ( Estimates )
Jetpack Joyride, $11,225/day ( Estimates )
13. Tips #1: Starts with free + ads
Paid app is only 10% of total revenue
Faster to enter the market
Get feedback from the reviews
See response to market faster
14. Tips #2: Good Enough is Fine
Perfectionist can be a bad thing
No software is perfect
Faster release, faster bug fix
Action is more important than thinking :D stop thinking about metrics
before finishing the app.
15. Tips #3: Prepare update for Freemium version
If there are lots of installs
Market responses has been confirmed
Power Thread
16. Tips #4: Quick Money
Game development is time consuming, create other apps that can get
you quick money so as not to run out of money, e.g.:
Create popular apps clone, sell it to marketplace
Create app template, release it with various title, add ads
Quick money guarantee our team to survive. Even though its not that
cool :v
Long term + Short term = $$$
Separate quick money account with your main account
20. A little secret
Before angry birds, rovio had made 51 games that... failed
Dont be afraid to fail, event failed project can become $$$. example:
Even though we cant get $, as long as our app is useful, we can still
get profit. At least we get list. More list = more money.
On our next meeting we will discuss about App Promotion: Free &
Paid. Including using Facebook to make lots of people install our app