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A virtual reality football experience
Market Demand
Customer Persona
User Scenario
Sales Funnel
Customer Journey Map
Individual & Community Impacts
Figure 1
Figure 2
Figure 3
Figure 4
Figure 5
Sales Funnel
Customer Journey Map
Pricing Structure
POE Model
USP Model
Spectator Sports has been one of the worst hit sectors in the UK during Covid-19. There is
still widespread uncertainty regarding when fans will be allowed back in the stadiums espe-
cially in full capacity. Consumer expenditure on spectator sports attendance is dominated by
football, which accounts for around 60% of all spending (Mintel, 2020)
Football clubs have lost 贈700 million during the 19/20 season and continue to lose approx-
imately 贈100 million a month due to the absence of fans. (Mintel, 2020) While fans arent
allowed in stadiums right now they demand to attend live matches still stays strong with fans
willing to take rescheduled tickets over refunds. December 2020 saw the return of 2000 fans
across a few selected stadiums across the UK but recent increase in infections has halted that
for the time being with no guarantee on when they will be able to return.
The proposed product here is a platform called Game On. It is a digital platform that will
use VR (Virtual Reality) technology to create an alternative to physically attending live
football matches by simulating the real experience.
While fans showed enthusiasm to return to stadiums for their love of football, they still
remain sceptical with only 12% adults (Mintel, 2020) stating they are ready to return to
stadiums as soon as they open. Amongst these 25% were 16-24 year olds who are com-
paratively less susceptible to the worst effects of the virus. (Mintel, 2020)
Image 1
Image 2
Game On: A virtual reality football experience
Charlotte, a tech savvy graphic designer, has been
a fan on and off over the past few years, having
attended live matches twice. She got further in-
vested in football during lockdown and actively
started looking for football content on social me-
dia which made her want to attend a live match
She is at home watching her teams match while
browsing her phone for upcoming match tickets.
She notices that all tickets are reserved for sea-
son ticket holders for when the stadium reopens,
hence she wont be able to attend a match anytime
soon. She googles third party retailers to check if
they have any tickets for next season but with no
luck. She spots Game On in the search results and
clicks the link out of curiosity.
The link opens the website where shes delighted
to find that Game On has football content that she
hasnt seen on social media. Reading the tagline
piques her interest. She clicks the about page and
FAQs to learn more. Being a technophile, shes
curious to try the platform and remembers that
her partner owns a VR headset, but is apprehen-
sive due to her previous VR experiences. The free
trial offer pops up on the screen and she decides
to sign up to try the technology out.
Ben is an enthusiastic football fan. He tries to
watch as many football matches as possible but a
busy lifestyle limits him from doing so.
Ben is browsing his emails for the second time to
check if hes been selected for the lottery of the
next set of fans who can attend live matches, but
he hasnt been selected.
He wishes that he could have his football content
(news, analysis) and matches consolidated in one
place to make his experience smoother and so he
doesnt miss out any news. While browsing for
football news he comes across Game On. He nav-
igates to the home page and starts reading about
the platform.
He is excited about the prospect of experiencing
live football but hesitant about using new technol-
ogy. He refers to the virtual assistant (VA) with his
queries. The VA promptly answers them and pro-
vides links to purchase the VR headset. He is also
delighted to see the workout classes feature and
ultimately signs up for the free trial. He also sees
the referral program and decides to email links to
his friends to join.
Jeremy is an ardent football fan who never miss-
es a football match. He has never attended a live
match due to expensive tickets.
He discovers Game On through an ad on Twitch.
He is very eager to give it a shot if it means being
closer to the real experience as hes always strug-
gled to find tickets due to the complex ticket struc-
Since he owns a VR headset he immediately signs
up for the free trial and really enjoys the platform,
especially the game features which really excites
him as a gamer . He misses watching matches at
the pub with his friends so after learning about
the engagement features he gets his friends to sign
up for the free trial so they could watch matches
He is very keen to get a membership but is wor-
ried about the price so he asks his friends if they
want to split the group subscription which is more
economical . Upon discussion they all decide to
sign up for the yearly group subscription.
- Camera locations across the stadium to ensure a 360 degree panoramic view (eg: Home &
away bench, left & right goal)
- 8k video streaming (compatible with majority home internet connections)
- Lower processing requirements
- Zoom
- Free position head movement
- 3D object based audio
- Upon sign up, the user will be able to access the different rooms they can go into in VR mode.
The 2 rooms will be the stadium and the post match analysis room.
- Users will be able to build avatars of themselves which they can use across the platform.
The app will act as a controller and a keypad while using the platform, for navigation and to
chat with friends and engage with other users.
This section will show exclusive content on players, teams and managers. 30% of all fans are
looking to engage through exclusive and behind the scenes content. (IPA, 2020)
The platform will be connected to Game Ons social media accounts and will showcase the fans
of the week on the platform.
With other users:
VR can quickly become an isolated experience hence certain features will aim to mitigate this
issue and increase overall engagement in the platform.
A large part of watching football is the community aspect where the sport has proven to be a
kind of collective aspiration. Being a fan is not just a personal obsession, it is a cultural insti-
tution that draws thousands and connects people. (Guardian, 2020) Almost 77% of VR users
stated that they lack the element of social engagement while using the technology. (Forbes, 2018)
- Public chat rooms for users to engage in various topics about the sport, team, players etc
- Users can also create private chat rooms with their friends
- Users will also be able to chat with friends and strangers during the live matches on the chat
box that will appear on the side of the screen as an optional feature.
- Fan zones for each of the Premier League clubs where users can meet other fans of the team
they support, this will also intensify club rivalry which is a very integral part of watching football
- Users can tap on the player, team or manager during the match, to view all stats related to
With other users:
- Weekly Incentivised Quizzes and Polls for users to earn both virtual and real prizes. Eg: Quiz
prizes can include anything from a discount to their next payment or winning their favourite
teams merchandise.
- Polls will not be incentivised but will be essential in keeping users engaged while gaining valu-
able insights into their behaviour and preferences to keep improving user experience.
- Lucky Draws to win match tickets when stadiums start operating in full capacity.
Game On will be available through a website and a mobile app available on IOS and Android. It will initially be available to Sky and NowTv users hence only the Premier League fixtures that Sky Sports broadcasts will be available to
use with the technology. Game On will employ several engagement tactics to gamify the users experience by creating new goals and badges (Burke, 2014) they can earn while using the platform and encourage users to engage even when
matches arent on.
To enforce the social aspect of Game On, virtual fitness classes will be conducted by various
fitness trainers and sports personalities. Classes will be a mix of paid and unpaid. A group of
friends can also book a private class together.
Intrinsic motivation (IM) refers to engagement in behavior that is inherently satisfying or
enjoyable while Extrinsic motivation (EM) refers to performance of behavior that is funda-
mentally contingent upon the attainment of an outcome that is separable from the action
itself. (Legault, 2016) Game on contains features that culminate both of these features.
The Intrinsic features let users interact with their friends and other like minded people and
reinforce the feeling of community and togetherness which is a very vital aspect of football.
The platform aims to provide emotional satisfaction of not just watching the sport in a new
dimension but, the fitness class feature also motivates users to feel accomplished by doing
an activity especially during lockdown and achieve personal goals and hence a sense of sat-
isfaction even if they are doing it alone. The extrinsic features provide instant gratification
in the form of loyalty points, rewards and lucky draws keep users engaged and motivated to
use the platform.
Additional Feature:
Image 6
Figure 1
Figure 2
While Covid-19s long term effects are still unknown, it is expected to reduce consumer expenditure on
spectator sports attendance by 79% in 2020, due to fans being unable to attend rather than unwilling to
spend (Mintel,2020) A profound understanding of the sources of value for customers helps to avoid one
common error in pricing decisions: pricing truly innovative products far too low. (Hinterhuber, 2004)
Single day ticket Season Pass (one club) Season Pass (all matches)
贈20 贈380 (yearly) 贈600 (yearly)
贈15 (monthly) 贈25 (monthly)
贈130 (yearly) 贈210 (yearly)
- Prices above are all limited to one screen per person and up to four screens for group tickets.
- Extras: For 贈15 a month, an extra screen can be added to the monthly subscription.
Micro- transaction
- Features to customise avatars with paid features, eg: team jersey
- Paid fitness classes with trainers, ex-players (can be booked as individual sessions, or in groups)
- Pub quiz style football and sports quizzes (pay to enter)
Penetration pricing approach will be employed to devise the price ranges. Prices have been conceived consid-
ering stadium ticket prices and broadcaster (Sky, BT) monthly charges. Group prices have been set to provide
a cheaper alternative. Based on the success and market demand of the platform the prices will be revised
There arent any direct competitors as the concept is new. The only competing factor would be stadium
tickets. But since most clubs have a complicated ticket structure, a considerable section of consumers are
alienated due to inaccessible stadium tickets.
Promotions & Loyalty Program:
- Special offer with VR headset retailers, offering free one month subscription.
- 15% discount introductory promotional offer if buying for yearly membership
- 10% student discount
- Collect points for every monthly or yearly subscription to get a discount or special prizes (eg: stadium tickets)
Ticke Type
Image 7
Figure 3
Figure 4
- Due to Sky owning the majority of the airing rights, Game On will initially partner
exclusively with Sky (hence only show Premier League fixtures) and will look to expand
this with BT. (Mintel, 2020)
- The UK market is dominated by two sports broadcasters: Sky Sports and BT Sports
with Amazon as an up and coming competitor.
- Sky sports own the majority of the airing rights (4 out of 7 packages) while BT owns
one package and continues to bid for more. (Mintel, 2020)
- 31% sports viewers considers Sky Sports to be the paid sports service that offers the
best value for money. (Mintel, 2020)
Game On is a digital service, physical distribution and shipping costs arent required. The service will be
distributed through the following channels. These channels have been determined based on digital habits
of the target consumer. Game On uses both direct and indirect channels for distribution.
- Official Website
- Social media- 39% of consumers say their main inspiration for purchases comes from
social networks (PWC, 2017)
- Influencers, Gamers, Youtubers (affiliate links) roughly one in five of Gen Z and mil-
lennial respondents from the US and UK made a purchase inspired by an influencer or
celebrity post on social media (Droesch ,2020)	
- Sky and Now TV: Game On will be available to Sky consumers through their Sky or
NowTv subscription devices
- VR headset retailer websites
- Paid articles on blogs and magazines
All the devices that have SKy and Nowtv installed will have Game On available to
Smart TV
IOS and Android app store
Image 8
Game On: A virtual reality football experience
In the UK, football is more than just a sport. Loyal supporters who
have immense passion for the sport are often limited to watching
them at home. In 2019 the Premier League had an average of 14.5
million (Statista, 2019) spectators who attended live matches through-
out the whole season compared to 70% (46.7 million) of the total
UK population who watched these matches on TV. (Premier League,
2019). Watching football is a highly emotional experience. Loyal fans
are dedicated to watching the sport in whichever way possible. While
Game Ons practical goal is to make stadium football accessible, it is
also about rewarding these fans with an experience of the real stadi-
um which is incomparable to watching at home. The various emo-
tions are subjective but the thrill and excitement of watching in the
stadium are the same for all fans.
The growing GenZ population are seemingly getting alienated by
clubs due to unaffordable tickets. 82% of 18 to 24-year-olds find the
cost of tickets an obstacle to attending matches (Critchlow, 2017)
These fans are turning to football games over watching football.
Game On not only provides an affordable alternative but blends the
aspect of football and games by gamifying this unique experience for
the fans to enjoy either individually or with friends.
Football has a vast social value (Conn, 2018) and is a uniting aspect
for several communities in the UK. Research suggests that supporters
prioritise social and community values over the sport itself. (Conn,
2018) VR technology can be alienating and so can be watching foot-
ball alone. Game On is combating both of these with its chat and
community features which will be paramount in reinforcing these val-
ues amongst fans.
Team rivalry in football inculcates both individualistic and group
values. Game Ons club zones will not only re-enforce these feelings
amongst users but also offer a similar experience of watching a match
in a pub.
Upon internationalisation Game On has the potential to make stadi-
um football accessible to fans all over the world irrespective of their
location and strengthen the global community of fans irrespective of
their social and economic backgrounds.
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Game On: A virtual reality football experience

  • 1. GAME ON A virtual reality football experience 20LLP125 F031343
  • 2. CONTENTS 1 2 12 11 10 9 8 7 5 4 3 13 14 Background Market Demand Customer Persona User Scenario Product Sales Funnel Customer Journey Map Pricing Promotion Distribution USP Individual & Community Impacts References FIGURES Figure 1 Figure 2 Figure 3 Figure 4 Figure 5 Sales Funnel Customer Journey Map Pricing Structure POE Model USP Model
  • 3. Background Spectator Sports has been one of the worst hit sectors in the UK during Covid-19. There is still widespread uncertainty regarding when fans will be allowed back in the stadiums espe- cially in full capacity. Consumer expenditure on spectator sports attendance is dominated by football, which accounts for around 60% of all spending (Mintel, 2020) Football clubs have lost 贈700 million during the 19/20 season and continue to lose approx- imately 贈100 million a month due to the absence of fans. (Mintel, 2020) While fans arent allowed in stadiums right now they demand to attend live matches still stays strong with fans willing to take rescheduled tickets over refunds. December 2020 saw the return of 2000 fans across a few selected stadiums across the UK but recent increase in infections has halted that for the time being with no guarantee on when they will be able to return. GAME ON The proposed product here is a platform called Game On. It is a digital platform that will use VR (Virtual Reality) technology to create an alternative to physically attending live football matches by simulating the real experience. While fans showed enthusiasm to return to stadiums for their love of football, they still remain sceptical with only 12% adults (Mintel, 2020) stating they are ready to return to stadiums as soon as they open. Amongst these 25% were 16-24 year olds who are com- paratively less susceptible to the worst effects of the virus. (Mintel, 2020) 1 Image 1
  • 6. USER SCENARIOS Charlotte, a tech savvy graphic designer, has been a fan on and off over the past few years, having attended live matches twice. She got further in- vested in football during lockdown and actively started looking for football content on social me- dia which made her want to attend a live match soon. She is at home watching her teams match while browsing her phone for upcoming match tickets. She notices that all tickets are reserved for sea- son ticket holders for when the stadium reopens, hence she wont be able to attend a match anytime soon. She googles third party retailers to check if they have any tickets for next season but with no luck. She spots Game On in the search results and clicks the link out of curiosity. The link opens the website where shes delighted to find that Game On has football content that she hasnt seen on social media. Reading the tagline piques her interest. She clicks the about page and FAQs to learn more. Being a technophile, shes curious to try the platform and remembers that her partner owns a VR headset, but is apprehen- sive due to her previous VR experiences. The free trial offer pops up on the screen and she decides to sign up to try the technology out. Ben is an enthusiastic football fan. He tries to watch as many football matches as possible but a busy lifestyle limits him from doing so. Ben is browsing his emails for the second time to check if hes been selected for the lottery of the next set of fans who can attend live matches, but he hasnt been selected. He wishes that he could have his football content (news, analysis) and matches consolidated in one place to make his experience smoother and so he doesnt miss out any news. While browsing for football news he comes across Game On. He nav- igates to the home page and starts reading about the platform. He is excited about the prospect of experiencing live football but hesitant about using new technol- ogy. He refers to the virtual assistant (VA) with his queries. The VA promptly answers them and pro- vides links to purchase the VR headset. He is also delighted to see the workout classes feature and ultimately signs up for the free trial. He also sees the referral program and decides to email links to his friends to join. Jeremy is an ardent football fan who never miss- es a football match. He has never attended a live match due to expensive tickets. He discovers Game On through an ad on Twitch. He is very eager to give it a shot if it means being closer to the real experience as hes always strug- gled to find tickets due to the complex ticket struc- ture. Since he owns a VR headset he immediately signs up for the free trial and really enjoys the platform, especially the game features which really excites him as a gamer . He misses watching matches at the pub with his friends so after learning about the engagement features he gets his friends to sign up for the free trial so they could watch matches together. He is very keen to get a membership but is wor- ried about the price so he asks his friends if they want to split the group subscription which is more economical . Upon discussion they all decide to sign up for the yearly group subscription. SCENARIO 1 SCENARIO 2 SCENARIO 3 4
  • 7. PRODUCT - Camera locations across the stadium to ensure a 360 degree panoramic view (eg: Home & away bench, left & right goal) - 8k video streaming (compatible with majority home internet connections) - Lower processing requirements - Zoom - Free position head movement - 3D object based audio 01 Technical: - Upon sign up, the user will be able to access the different rooms they can go into in VR mode. The 2 rooms will be the stadium and the post match analysis room. - Users will be able to build avatars of themselves which they can use across the platform. 02 Platform: The app will act as a controller and a keypad while using the platform, for navigation and to chat with friends and engage with other users. 03 App: This section will show exclusive content on players, teams and managers. 30% of all fans are looking to engage through exclusive and behind the scenes content. (IPA, 2020) The platform will be connected to Game Ons social media accounts and will showcase the fans of the week on the platform. 04 Content: With other users: VR can quickly become an isolated experience hence certain features will aim to mitigate this issue and increase overall engagement in the platform. A large part of watching football is the community aspect where the sport has proven to be a kind of collective aspiration. Being a fan is not just a personal obsession, it is a cultural insti- tution that draws thousands and connects people. (Guardian, 2020) Almost 77% of VR users stated that they lack the element of social engagement while using the technology. (Forbes, 2018) - Public chat rooms for users to engage in various topics about the sport, team, players etc - Users can also create private chat rooms with their friends - Users will also be able to chat with friends and strangers during the live matches on the chat box that will appear on the side of the screen as an optional feature. - Fan zones for each of the Premier League clubs where users can meet other fans of the team they support, this will also intensify club rivalry which is a very integral part of watching football - Users can tap on the player, team or manager during the match, to view all stats related to them. With other users: - Weekly Incentivised Quizzes and Polls for users to earn both virtual and real prizes. Eg: Quiz prizes can include anything from a discount to their next payment or winning their favourite teams merchandise. - Polls will not be incentivised but will be essential in keeping users engaged while gaining valu- able insights into their behaviour and preferences to keep improving user experience. - Lucky Draws to win match tickets when stadiums start operating in full capacity. 05 Engagement: Game On will be available through a website and a mobile app available on IOS and Android. It will initially be available to Sky and NowTv users hence only the Premier League fixtures that Sky Sports broadcasts will be available to use with the technology. Game On will employ several engagement tactics to gamify the users experience by creating new goals and badges (Burke, 2014) they can earn while using the platform and encourage users to engage even when matches arent on. 5
  • 8. To enforce the social aspect of Game On, virtual fitness classes will be conducted by various fitness trainers and sports personalities. Classes will be a mix of paid and unpaid. A group of friends can also book a private class together. Intrinsic motivation (IM) refers to engagement in behavior that is inherently satisfying or enjoyable while Extrinsic motivation (EM) refers to performance of behavior that is funda- mentally contingent upon the attainment of an outcome that is separable from the action itself. (Legault, 2016) Game on contains features that culminate both of these features. The Intrinsic features let users interact with their friends and other like minded people and reinforce the feeling of community and togetherness which is a very vital aspect of football. The platform aims to provide emotional satisfaction of not just watching the sport in a new dimension but, the fitness class feature also motivates users to feel accomplished by doing an activity especially during lockdown and achieve personal goals and hence a sense of sat- isfaction even if they are doing it alone. The extrinsic features provide instant gratification in the form of loyalty points, rewards and lucky draws keep users engaged and motivated to use the platform. 06 Additional Feature: 6 Image 6
  • 11. PRICING While Covid-19s long term effects are still unknown, it is expected to reduce consumer expenditure on spectator sports attendance by 79% in 2020, due to fans being unable to attend rather than unwilling to spend (Mintel,2020) A profound understanding of the sources of value for customers helps to avoid one common error in pricing decisions: pricing truly innovative products far too low. (Hinterhuber, 2004) Single day ticket Season Pass (one club) Season Pass (all matches) Single Group 贈12 贈20 贈380 (yearly) 贈600 (yearly) 贈15 (monthly) 贈25 (monthly) 贈130 (yearly) 贈210 (yearly) - Prices above are all limited to one screen per person and up to four screens for group tickets. - Extras: For 贈15 a month, an extra screen can be added to the monthly subscription. Micro- transaction - Features to customise avatars with paid features, eg: team jersey - Paid fitness classes with trainers, ex-players (can be booked as individual sessions, or in groups) - Pub quiz style football and sports quizzes (pay to enter) Penetration pricing approach will be employed to devise the price ranges. Prices have been conceived consid- ering stadium ticket prices and broadcaster (Sky, BT) monthly charges. Group prices have been set to provide a cheaper alternative. Based on the success and market demand of the platform the prices will be revised accordingly. There arent any direct competitors as the concept is new. The only competing factor would be stadium tickets. But since most clubs have a complicated ticket structure, a considerable section of consumers are alienated due to inaccessible stadium tickets. Promotions & Loyalty Program: - Special offer with VR headset retailers, offering free one month subscription. - 15% discount introductory promotional offer if buying for yearly membership - 10% student discount - Collect points for every monthly or yearly subscription to get a discount or special prizes (eg: stadium tickets) Ticke Type 9 Image 7 Figure 3
  • 13. PARTNERSHIP DISTRIBUTION - Due to Sky owning the majority of the airing rights, Game On will initially partner exclusively with Sky (hence only show Premier League fixtures) and will look to expand this with BT. (Mintel, 2020) - The UK market is dominated by two sports broadcasters: Sky Sports and BT Sports with Amazon as an up and coming competitor. - Sky sports own the majority of the airing rights (4 out of 7 packages) while BT owns one package and continues to bid for more. (Mintel, 2020) - 31% sports viewers considers Sky Sports to be the paid sports service that offers the best value for money. (Mintel, 2020) Game On is a digital service, physical distribution and shipping costs arent required. The service will be distributed through the following channels. These channels have been determined based on digital habits of the target consumer. Game On uses both direct and indirect channels for distribution. Direct - Official Website - Social media- 39% of consumers say their main inspiration for purchases comes from social networks (PWC, 2017) - Influencers, Gamers, Youtubers (affiliate links) roughly one in five of Gen Z and mil- lennial respondents from the US and UK made a purchase inspired by an influencer or celebrity post on social media (Droesch ,2020) Indirect: - Sky and Now TV: Game On will be available to Sky consumers through their Sky or NowTv subscription devices - VR headset retailer websites - Paid articles on blogs and magazines All the devices that have SKy and Nowtv installed will have Game On available to download: Smart TV IOS and Android app store Playstation Roku 11 Image 8
  • 15. INDIVIDUAL & COMMUNITY IMPACTS Individual In the UK, football is more than just a sport. Loyal supporters who have immense passion for the sport are often limited to watching them at home. In 2019 the Premier League had an average of 14.5 million (Statista, 2019) spectators who attended live matches through- out the whole season compared to 70% (46.7 million) of the total UK population who watched these matches on TV. (Premier League, 2019). Watching football is a highly emotional experience. Loyal fans are dedicated to watching the sport in whichever way possible. While Game Ons practical goal is to make stadium football accessible, it is also about rewarding these fans with an experience of the real stadi- um which is incomparable to watching at home. The various emo- tions are subjective but the thrill and excitement of watching in the stadium are the same for all fans. The growing GenZ population are seemingly getting alienated by clubs due to unaffordable tickets. 82% of 18 to 24-year-olds find the cost of tickets an obstacle to attending matches (Critchlow, 2017) These fans are turning to football games over watching football. Game On not only provides an affordable alternative but blends the aspect of football and games by gamifying this unique experience for the fans to enjoy either individually or with friends. Community Football has a vast social value (Conn, 2018) and is a uniting aspect for several communities in the UK. Research suggests that supporters prioritise social and community values over the sport itself. (Conn, 2018) VR technology can be alienating and so can be watching foot- ball alone. Game On is combating both of these with its chat and community features which will be paramount in reinforcing these val- ues amongst fans. Team rivalry in football inculcates both individualistic and group values. Game Ons club zones will not only re-enforce these feelings amongst users but also offer a similar experience of watching a match in a pub. Upon internationalisation Game On has the potential to make stadi- um football accessible to fans all over the world irrespective of their location and strengthen the global community of fans irrespective of their social and economic backgrounds. 13
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