This document compares the features of two 3D modeling programs, GameDraw and GameDraw Free. GameDraw Free has fewer features than the full GameDraw program, but includes basic modeling tools like editing vertices, triangles, and edges as well as extruding, welding, and moving pivot points. GameDraw has additional advanced features such as Boolean operations, decimation, UV mapping, and sculpting tools. GameDraw Free is free to use while GameDraw costs $45.
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1. Features GameDraw GameDraw
Copy and save models
 
General model info  
Export models 
Edit Vertices  
Edit Triangles  
Edit Edges 
Edit Elements 
Extrude  
Weld  
Smooth 
Move or Center Pivot  
Subdivide  
Assign mateirals  
Slice 
Soft Selection 
Freeform Translation 
Vertex Projection  
Split Edge 
Flip Faces 
Clone 