- The document discusses using SpriteKit to create games for the Apple Watch. It provides details on the Apple Watch's hardware specifications and input methods.
- It introduces SpriteKit and how it can be used to create 2D games and animations. It then explains how SpriteKit works specifically for the Apple Watch, which has limitations due to its small screen size and power constraints.
- The presenter provides a quick demo of a SpriteKit game running on the Apple Watch and cautions that the Apple Watch may not be well suited as a primary gaming platform due to its constraints, but could work as an extension to games on other Apple devices.
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Games on AppleWatch
1. Games on your wrist?
Peter Tuszy┰ski, CTO @ inFullMobile
10. Philosophies of ?Watch
? Watch is not another place to
spam your users with irrelevant
? Unlike building apps for iPhone,
Watch apps won¨t make you a
? Current iteration of AppleWatch
isn¨t iPhone 1.0
? It¨s not called an iWatch!
12. SpriteKit
? 2D rendering and animation framework shipped
with iOS SDK
? Allows to manage layers as hierarchical tree of
? Root of all nodes is SKNode -> UIResponder ->
? It¨s fairly simple to use (& debug!)
13. SKView
? In charge of displaying SpriteKit scene
? SKView -> UIView -> UIResponder -> NSObject
14. SKScene
? SKScene object is the root of all node trees
displayed in SpriteKit
? SKScene inherits from SKNode
? Displayed in UI by SKView (presentScene:)
15. SKSpriteNode
? Most common node type
? Can display images
(textures) or rectangular
area ?lled with a color
? Position = point where
sprite is drawn with
reference to its parent
Anchor point (0.5, 0.5)
16. SKAction
? Animation (or other event) which occurs over a
period of time
? Actions are run on sprite instances
SKAction *action = [SKAction
rotateByAngle:M_PI/2 duration: 1]
[mysprite runAction:action]
27. Recap
? Just because you can doesn¨t
mean you have to
? IMHO screen estate, performance
& power constraints greatly limit
Watch as a game platform
? Extension/Companion to a `big¨
game on AppleTV, iPad, iPhone