Gamification techniques can be used to encourage employee engagement. While gamification is claimed to be an effective way to boost engagement, the document discusses whether it truly works. As an example, Google achieved 100% compliance for travel reimbursement using gamification. The key is that gamification does not always mean overt competitions, and there are more subtle implied gamification strategies that can be employed.
2. How to gamify employee engagement
Gamification is the application of typical elements of game playing (e.g. point scoring,
competition with others) to other fields of activity to encourage engagement with a
Employee engagement is crucial for the success of an organization and gamification is
claimed to be one of the best techniques for that
Now, the big question that you might be thinking is Does gamification work?
A link to the detailed post coming up in 3 slides
4. Gamification works!
Anyone who has to travel for work loves the experiences they gain, but hate what comes
Having to file for travel expenses is one of the most tedious and long-winded procedures
to have to endure, right on the heels of a refreshing and productive business trip.
But Google has managed to achieve 100% compliance in travel reimbursement thanks to
A link to the detailed post coming up in the next slide
5. Looking to read it as a blog? Here you go
Gamification for employee engagement -
6. Whats misunderstood about gamification
Most organisations fail to understand that gamification doesnt necessarily mean
everything needs to be called out on a leaderboard. There are many implied gamification
techniques that doesnt make it so obvious.
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