This document discusses gaming services and platforms from the perspective of Ukrainian live action role play (LARP). It proposes using game development concepts like proof of concept and LARP to explore applications in areas like command, control, communications, computing, and intelligence for gaming innovations. Specific technologies are mentioned like augmented reality, machine learning, blockchain, and different communication protocols that could enhance gaming experiences and intelligence. The document advocates an approach using umbrella platforms and modeling human psychology and social behaviors to advance gaming through applications of command and control systems, communications, and artificial intelligence.
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Gaming services and platforms, expernce and perspective in ukranian larp
1. Gaming services and platforms,
experience and perspective in
Ukrainian LARP
for CGC: Gaming Innovation Supershow
KYIV October 10-11
息 S.Khylevych 2019
3. Conceptual approach
Game dev - > PoC - > LARP (live action role play)
PC games industry ->10- 15 % - >2.2 Bln total
Disclaimer: It NOT entertainment park as is !!!
7. Command
Cases for understand
- robots never made conversation with humans
- humans newer sends binary codes from body
- even one robots is complicated structure
Platforms as commands views for robots
The adaptation of interface for human adaptive
process end less
inventory creation and store
Scenarios/scripts creates and supervision
9. Control
Tomorrow Never Dies (1997)
Craisy history
Control processes:statements; actions; interactions
Controllers is NEVER stand alone by information source !!!
12. Communications
- the Communications provides the
connections from Command to Control(& to
Peripheral as well).
- Define the infrastructure (solution ) design
and architecture
- provode usability and operability of overal
- represent game content as is
Starlink ???
13. Communications
games socialization challenges
The community Crafting Networks?
supports games pre-set
supports games actions
supports topic based splitting
automatic interactions with environment
verbal ???
14. Computing
Big Data -> Machine Learning -> Deep Learning- > AND MORE much MORE
Brad Dourif Dr. Gediman, Alien Resurrection