This document discusses generative modeling beyond using GANs to generate creepy images on Twitter. It provides examples of using generative modeling for tasks like generating video game levels, text, molecules, and music. Generative modeling involves modeling a distribution to generate new data points, while discriminative modeling involves classifying data points. Generative modeling has value in data augmentation, anonymization, and translating data from one domain to another.
15. Generative modeling:
A modeled distribution P(x|y),
where x - our data point and y
belongs to {cat, dog}
So, we can or create new cat from
P(x|y=cat), or check if some x_i
belongs to P(x_i|y=dog) using
well known maths
16. Generative modeling:
A modeled distribution P(x|y),
where x - our data point and y
belongs to {cat, dog}
So, we can or create new cat from
P(x|y=cat), or check if some x_i
belongs to P(x_i|y=dog) using
well known maths
17. Natural manifold hypothesis:
real-world high dimensional data
(such as images) lie on low-
dimensional manifolds embedded
in the high-dimensional space
Short tails, a little fur
Long tails, a lot of fur
22. The RAPIDD Ebola
forecasting challenge: Model
description and synthetic
data generation
GAN-based Synthetic Medical Image Augmentation for
increased CNN Performance in Liver Lesion
IoT data generation, aidrome
25. Medical Image Synthesis for Data
Augmentation and Anonymization using
Generative Adversarial Networks
Numerai / Erasure for financial data
35. Voice from the phone <-> Voice from HQ mic, SEGAN
ECG from hospital <-> ECG from a wristband, Mawi
Official text <-> Funny text, MaskGAN
Dressed person <-> Naked person, DeepFakes
CCTV camera <-> HD camera
36. 8x8 to 128x128 Super Resolution with Adversarial Autoencoders
38. Generative modeling >= Discriminative modeling
I do not understand things which I cannot create
We need to share data to third parties
We need to manipulate our data with simple factors
We need anomaly detectors and reject options
We need to adapt our data for some conditions