Gangs are usually formed along ethnic or racial lines and engage in violent, unlawful or criminal activity to claim control over a territory. They thrive on intimidation and violence to maintain status. Gangs depend on individual participation but unlike legitimate groups, they do not have long-term identified leaders. Whoever is toughest, has the most guns or money may emerge as a short-term leader.
3. Why is this topic important? This topic is important because is about gangs, And what gangs do for get money.. Why I choose this topic? I choose this topic because I want to tell to the parents why gangs are ?and where they sell drugs? what do you want people to learn? I want to people to learn , how the gang get their guns for kill people and why they are very dangerous?.. And where gangs are?
4. What are gangs? Gangs are usually formed according to ethnic or racial guidelines. Traditional youth gangs structured along ethnic lines include Hispanic, Asian (e.g. Vietnamese, Laotian), Black, Pacific Islander. A gang is a group of people who form an allegiance for a common purpose and engage in violent, unlawful, or criminal activity. A gang may or may not claim control over a certain territory in the community.
5. What Gangs Do ? Gangs thrive on intimidation and notoriety. They often find violence glamorous and a necessity in order to maintain individual and gang status. Like most groups, street gangs depend upon both individual and group participation. Unlike legitimate groups or organizations, street gangs generally do not have an identified leader. The person who is the toughest, has the guns, or has the most money may emerge as the leader, but this status is generally short-lived.
6. How gangs function? Gangs thrive on intimidation and notoriety. They often find violence glamorous and a necessity in order to maintain individual and gang status. Like most groups, street gangs depend upon both individual and group participation. Unlike legitimate groups or organizations, street gangs generally do not have an identified leader. The person who is the toughest, has the guns, or has the most money may emerge as the leader, but this status is generally short-lived.