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Situation Analysis
Situation AnalysisGap Inc. BackgroundLaunched Old NavyStarted online retailingGapBody (women)Multi shop with own brandsAcquired Banana RepublicGap kids, Baby GapMulti shopSelling Levis jeans concept of anti-fashion    1970s               1980s             1990s           2000s
Situation AnalysisIndustry  TrendTrend2001: Apparel sales was $184.366 billion, 1.3% growth2002: Expected to grow at the same nominal rateEstimate sales: $186.77 billionStore TypeMall-Based Specialty Store: GapMass Merchant or Promotional Department Store: K-mart or TargetTraditional Department Stores: Marshall Fields or MacysNational Chain Stores: J.C Penny, Sears, and Kohls
Situation AnalysisCompetitorsStyleClassic, BasicJ.CrewJC PennyTargetAEGapYoungerOlderOld NavyAeropostaleA&FTrendy
Situation AnalysisCompetitorsGapJ. CrewA&FAeropostaleAEJC Penny20.63.1%1.2%69.9%5.1%
What is the Problem?
Situation AnalysisBalance sheet for the Years 2000 and 2001Add 000 to all figures except earnings per share.
Situation AnalysisFour Division Sales  2000, 20015 %Figures in billions.
Situation AnalysisGap Domestic Performance12 %
Key Issues
KeyIssuesKey IssuesUrgencyLMarket ShareProfitImportanceHLShort-term SalesBrand Re-PositioningH
SegmentationBaby BoomersBorn between 1946 and 1965 (37~56 years old)
Household income: $57,695
Spending power: $2.1 trillion
Listen to the radio (21 hours per week),   two hours more per weekFavorite activities:    Shopping, 31%   Outdoor activities 16%   Contribute 50% of sales to shopping mall
SegmentationGeneration XBorn between 1965  1980 (22~37 years old)
Average household income: $45,498
Best educated generation
Spending Power: $736 billion
Price is the leading motivator   when shop for fashion items
SegmentationGeneration YBorn between 1977 and 1994 (8~25 years old)
One out of nine high school students   have a credit card co-signed by a parent Teens have an average of   $100/week disposable income 75% teenagers are on-line  93% of those ages 15-17 are computer users
TargetingPrimary target:
Baby boomer
Generation XBasicBaby boomerG en XGen YSecondary target:
Generation YTrendyHigh LoyaltyLow Loyalty
positioningStyleClassic, BasicGapJ.CrewJC PennyTargetAEGapYoungerOlderOld NavyAeropostaleA&FTrendy
AlternativesAlternative 1: Product line AdvertisingAlternative 2: Brand Image AdvertisingAlternative 3: Mixed Advertising
AlternativesAlternative 1: Product line Advertising
AlternativesAlternative 2: Brand Image Advertising
AlternativesAlternative 3: Mixed Advertising
ObjectivesMarketing ObjectivesShort-term   To maintain last year net sales ($5.2M) and market share,   acquiring new core customers (the older generation and Xers) in the customer mix by  15% in first year while re-  positioning the brand as all of generation  Long-term  To recover the Gaps brand reputation of the basic casual      cloth and position as market leader in five years
ObjectivesThe Ostrow ModelMedia Objectives17-22Within one year, aim to communicate the target customers with level of frequency 7Source: the Ostrow Model577
ObjectivesMedia Objectives1Within one year, aim to communicate the target customers with level of frequency 72Inform 2/3 of the reached customers that the Gap will bring benefits for style3Convince 2/3 of informed customers that the Gap is American style apparel for everyone4Stimulate desire within 2/3 the convinced customers for try the Gap apparel
Budget &AllocationMedia Budget Maintain market share from 2002 (Domestic) 2.90% $5.61Billion Domestic sales , $102.3 million on Advertising  1.8% of the Domestic sales2003 The Total Sales of the Industry is estimated by the same           growth rate as 2002 3%  $ 189.19 billion2002 $ 5.48 Billion (Estimated Domestic sales) 1.8% of sales and 8.9% of annual advertising cost growth Estimated spend for Advertising: $106.43 million Estimated Gap Domestic sales 5.48 Billion2003 8.9%* $106.43 (Estimated spend for Advertising 2002) 115.9 Million
Budget &AllocationBudget Allocation
Budget &AllocationBudget Allocation
Budget &AllocationMedia Flow Chart
Media Planning
TVReason for SelectionGood Mass Market CoverageThe Gaps Broad Target AudienceAppealing to the SensesBrand Image Advertising                           (The Gaps new campaign)
TVBudgetTotal Budget for TV: $60,919,370 (52.56%)70%90%Primary TargetNational Network TV$ 42,643,559$ 54,827,43330%10%Secondary TargetCable TV$ 18,275,811$6,091,937
TVNational Network TVVehicles selected by Rating/ 				                         Target Demographics/                                         CostsMayMar.Aug.Jul.Nov.Oct.Dec.$ 42,643,559
TVVehicle SelectionABCCBSUPNNBCFOXMon.Prison BreakCSI: Miami$229,000$160,669Tue.Americas Next Top ModelLaw & Order$32,669$191,776CSI: NYWed.$163,000NBC Saturday Night MovieABC Movie of the WeekSat.$53,175$94,300$1,474,068 per WeekDesperateHousewivesSun.60 Minutes$439,499$109,980Source: Advertising Age FactPack
TVCable TVVehicles selected by Rating/                                         Target/ 				                         Vehicles characteristicsFeb.Jan.Apr.Mar.Jun.Aug.Dec.Nov.Sep.$ 18,275,811
TVVehicle Selection  for Baby boomers & Generation X(%)P.TS.TP.TS.TA.RA.RA&ECNN6.872.084.475.571.563.572.471.982. familyESPNFoodHistoryP.T: Primary TargetS.T: Secondary TargetA.R: Average RatesSource: Simmons Choice3
TVVehicle Selection  for  Generation YP.TS.TA.R2.582.022.300. PlanetMTVFX TimeE! EntertainmentP.T: Primary TargetS.T: Secondary TargetA.R: Average RatesSource: Simmons Choice3
RadIOReason for SelectionIncreases effectiveness when using with TV Ideal for refreshing recall of product names and utilities immediately prior to purchaseBrand Image Advertising
RadIORadioVehicles selected by Rating/ 				                         Target Demographics/                                         Close to SalesMay.Dec.$ 8,117,087
RadIOVehicle SelectionIntensive between 7 am and 10 am. Immediately after that, between 10 am and 11.30 am, an initial wave of purchasing follows.On returning home, the audience again turns its attention to the radio between 11.30 am and 2 pm, before a second shopping wave from 2 pm to 4 pm.Source: Source: Radio advertising effectiveness, Uwe Domke and Christoph World Advertising Research Center 2005
Most population located in US states & cities: 21 states & 47 cities (268 stations)RadIOVehicle Selectionhttp://www.gaebler.com/Radio-Ad-Rates.htmhttp://www.radioandrecords.com/RRWebSite20/Members/Ratings.aspxhttp://www.arbitron.com/radio_stations/prodsched.htm
InternetReason for Selection & Budget Effective to target Generation YProduct line Advertising
InternetIAB Internet Advertising Revenue Report conducted by PricewaterhouseCoopers (PWC)
InternetKey WebsitesThe Most Commonly Used Media of Generation Y:Top 5 general web sites visited:1. eBay.com-banner2. Amazon.com-banner3. CNN-Keyword Search4. MTV-banner5. KaZaA-banner(*Source: www.volunteertoday.com/archives%202004/Aug04recruit.htm#ManagingY)Top Search Engines (Keyword Search)Google 60.94%Yahoo! 22.34%MSN 10.72%Source: Hitwise Press Releases 2006The Top 3 fashion websites
InternetKeywordYahoo, MSN, CNNPay-For-PerformancePremium Advertising; Advertising in premium listings enables you to appear on more search sites and reach 80% of active internet usersCost (bid): monthly fee min $20, Per-click through min $0.10Site match; Pay-per-click programCost (bid): $49 annual + bid cost per click($0.15~$0.30)Source: This report was compiled by TriDigital Inc. from a series of acticles appearing on SearchEngineWatch.com
InternetKeywordGoogle Adwords; premium listings program Cost (bid): activation $5, pay per $0.10Source: This report was compiled by TriDigital Inc. from a series of acticles appearing on SearchEngineWatch.com
InternetExecution  Keyword Search
InternetBudget & Execution -Banner
InternetBudget & Execution -SponsorshipSource: http://www.lovetoknow.com/top10/fashions.html
InternetBudget & Execution -SponsorshipSource: http://www.lovetoknow.com/top10/fashions.html
InternetBudget & Execution -SponsorshipSource: http://www.lovetoknow.com/top10/fashions.html
NewspaperReason for SelectionCheapest way to reach a mass audienceTiming is fastEasy to change adsHigh ReliabilityBrand Image Advertising
NewspaperNational Newspaper      Two national newspapersUSA TodayNew York TimesLarge circulation
Wide coverage
Expensive compared to local newspapersNewspaperLocal NewspaperSix local newspapers
 NY Daily News
 California Daily News
 The Atlanta Journal-Constitution
 Austin American-Statesman
 Morning News
Based on the states have the largest percentage of baby boomer and Xers:
New York, and adjacent states
GeorgiaNewspaperLocal NewspaperSix local newspapers

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