The elementary school is continuing to collect plastic bottle caps to donate to Garrahan Hospital to help pay for the treatment of 18-month-old Bautista Soteras, who has Down syndrome and leukemia. The bottle caps are collected in Room 219 or in a white container by the door and should be from soda or mineral water bottles only. The hospital sells the recycled caps with the proceeds this year going to help cover the at least 8 months of expensive treatment Bautista needs.
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Garrahan hospital 2014
3. The ELEMENTARY SCHOOL continues collecting pl
astic bottle caps for the Garrahan Hospital.
Please send them to Mrs. Ana
Martinez's room 219
Drop them in the white container
next to her class door
They should be soda or mineral
water bottle caps ONLY.
4. The Garrahan Hospital sells the caps for recycling and the
this year the proceeds go to Bautista Soteras who is 18
months old. He has down syndrome and in March, was
diagnosed with leukemia. The treatment lasts for at least 8
months and is very expensive. The bottle caps help pay for
this treatment.
5. 臓Gracias!
Mrs. Arife
for delivering them to
the Hospital!!!