The Canadienne cow originated in Quebec, Canada in the 16th-17th century from breeds imported from France. It was bred for adaptability to rugged Canadian climates and produces high quantities of high fat, high protein milk. There are now well under 1,000 head remaining, mainly on rare breed farms and cheese makers. The breed faces issues like inbreeding, low improvement in udder quality and milk production. However, enthusiasm for the breed remains in Quebec, where it has a well organized breed society and is appealing for grass fed operations due to its hardiness.
2. IntoductionOriginally from Quebec CanadaCreated in the 16th-17th century from breeds imported from Normandy and Brittany(France)Bred for adaptability to rugged Canadian ClimateAre long lived and produce high quantities of milk which is quite high in fat and protein Current estimates – well under 1000 headMainly rare breed farmers and cheese makers.
3. The Ark of TasteReasons for being on the Ark of TasteHigh level of inbreedingLow level of improvement in udder quality and milk productionIssues surrounding productionThe introduction of geneticsNow, a bull must have 31/32 purity
4. Future of the Breed Enthusiasm for breed in QuebecA well organized and active breed societyIt produces well in low input managements systemsAppealing to grass fed operationsIts profile has risen due to its official heritage status