Greycells is India's leading quiz, knowledge services, and event management company. They help institutions and associations develop their brands by creating and delivering customized events. The company uses quizzing as an alternative educational platform and is led by Gautam Bose, one of the busiest and best quizmasters in India who has conducted over 200 events.
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Gautam Bose quizmaster can electrify quiz event
1. Greycells is the foremost quiz,
knowledge services, communication
and event management company.
As a nationally integrated company
we help institutions and associations
develop brands by creating and
delivering custom made events.
2. Greycells as the best Quiz
company uses the platform of
Quizzing as an alternative form of
3. Gautam Bose himself is
recognized as the best
Quizmaster in India who is
also an emcee, an
internationally certified NLP
expert and an occasional
He is now one of the busiest
Quiz Masters in India who
conducts more than 200