This document discusses SDG's transition from traditional to agile commerce. It provides tips and lessons learned, including forming a strategy with cross-departmental input, competitive research, and customer validation. Securing executive backing requires participation, an exciting vision, and addressing objections. Implementing an agile framework involves user-centered design, agile development, and establishing an innovation fund. While challenging, transitioning created the right conditions for SDG to win awards, improve sites, and better serve customers across channels.
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12. What is agile commerce?
An approach to commerce that
enables businesses to optimize their
people, processes, and technology to
serve customers across all
touchpoints. (Forrester)
16. Creating the Right Conditions
1. Form Strategy Need to formulate a winning strategy
Solid, well researched, and validated plan of attack across all levels
2. Get Backing Secure funds and backing
Without executive sign off and investment the strategy is worthless
3. Implement Framework Create a structure which empowers change
Need to bring blockers into the process and short but bureaucracy
17. Visit peers, go to shows, speak to vendors
If I have seen further it
is by standing on ye
sholders of Giants
19. 1. Form Strategy: 6 tips
1. Professional Treat it like a full business plan
After presenting hand out a bound copy of the strategy
2. Company Wide Form cross department working groups
Link plan to company vision & values, using facilitators and PMs
3. Competitors Reference market leaders
Builds social proof and makes it easier for execs to commit
4. Best Practice Use expert & researched advice
The Forresters and Econsultancys have done most the hard work for you
5. Customer Research Ask your own customer base
Back up your approach with the words of your customers
6. Validated Use an independent consultancy
Get plans validated by a ecommera or practicology
20. Break strategy into work streams
1. Marketing Attribution 2. Social & Community 3. Mobile
4. Personalisation 5. Content 6. Conversion
22. 2. Get Backing: 3 tips
1. Participation Get them to contribute
Run stakeholder interviews with the board to capture requirements
2. Sell the Vision Make it exciting
Paint a picture of them being an award winning innovator
3. Back it Up Cater to the CFO & COO
Ask senior finance to co-present and prepare responses to objections
24. Agile UCD Process with digital board
Customers heavily
involved in shaping
strategy and designs
Strategy UX & Design Agile Build Conversion
Capturing and evaluating The user experience Active projects drop into Responsible for driving
ideas & opportunities from teams then start to build agile work streams based conversion by managing
customers, business, and out and test prototypes on prior roadmap the testing program and
market with customers prioritisation optimise performance
Digital Board