Gawain's shield depicts five virtues - friendship, generosity, courtesy, chastity, and piety. By keeping the green girdle a secret, Gawain values his reputation over honesty. Gawain is a dynamic character who learns humility after failing to live up to all the virtues, as he lacks complete chastity when tempted by the host's wife.
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1. Sir Gawain King Arthur The Host The Hosts Wife The Green Knight Morgan Le Faye
2. Gawains shield is illustrated with a five-pointed star that represents the five knightly virtues: friendship, generosity, courtesy, chastity, and piety
3. Arthurian legends are intended to provide a moral. What moral or lesson is this story trying to convey? By keeping his acquisition of the green girdle a secret, Gawain shows that he values what above what? Static characters remain the same throughout the entire story, while Dynamic characters experience a profound change. Do you think Gawain is a static character or a dynamic character? Why? Use at least 3 details from the story to back up your answer. The five knightly virtues represented on Gawains shield are friendship, generosity, courtesy, chastity, and piety. Does Gawain embody all of these virtues? Use one detail from the text for each to back up your answer.