The company provides a wide range of event planning and logistical support services including team building projects, medical conferences, incentive travels, and cultural tours. They coordinate all aspects of events from transportation, accommodations, catering to activities, equipment, and communication. Their specialized event managers ensure clients' needs are met through customized solutions and qualified staff.
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1. o v ing energy
Thanks to very specialised and selected We study a project based on the clients
providers we are able to coordinate all needs. We elaborate tailor made team
the logistic and organizational sides. buildings programs, offering specific
We can offer single services based on activities and qualified staff.
you needs: personal event manager, We take care of the event communication
secretariat, event followup, Interpreters, and promotion. We can provide many kind
official plurilingual guides, Hostesses and of entertainments: sport competitions, music
stewards, incoming assistance, Private performances, testimonials participation.
transfers by car or bus, phototraphers, We have selected exclusive locations as
video shooting and editing, Hotel, flight well as succesfull catering services.
and restuarnts bookings, Catering, We offer technical equipments, set ups and
insurances. mountings, personalized promotional items.
EVENTS events & communication dmc
We organise cultural, sport and adventure
We can provide a full service for travels.
delegates participating to national and We develop reward and incentive travels
international congresses. projects accordingly to the image, style
We organise CME courses and take care and company requirements.
Authorized travel agency and tour operator
of the logistical aspects too.
with great national and international
We organise meetings as well as mono/pluri
experience and selected partners
sponsored courses and visits to research
laboratories and manufactoring plants.
2. Details make the difference.
inc om in g
No place is far if you know how to reach it.
meeting onvention e C
Any palce can be wonderful.
team bulding
When all do their best, the success is assured. we know how to get there