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 In English- and French-speaking countries, newspaper 
publishers have applied the name Gazette since the 17th 
century; today, numerous weekly and daily newspapers bear 
the name The Gazette. 
 The gazette is a title of several newspsper and magazines 
 In England, with the 1665 founding of The Oxford 
Gazette (which became the London Gazette), the 
word gazette came to indicate a public journal of the 
government; today, such a journal is sometimes called 
a government gazette. For some governments, publishing 
information in a gazette was or is a legal necessity by which 
official documents came into force and entered the public 
domain. Such is the case for documents published in The 
Gazette of India and in the Royal Thai Government 
Gazette (est. 1858).
For example 
 The government of the United Kingdom requires 
government gazettes of its member countries 
 Publication of the Edinburgh Gazette, the official 
government newspaper in Scotland, began in 
 The Belfast Gazette ofNorthern Ireland published 
its first issue in 1921. 
 The Gazette of India;depatment of 
publication,government of india founded.1950
 Gazette is a loanword from the French 
language; in turn, the French word is a 16th-century 
permutation of the Italian gazzetta, 
which is the name of a particular Venetian coin. 
Gazzetta became an epithet for newspaper 
during the early and middle 16th century, when 
the first Venetian newspapers cost one 
gazzetta.(Compare with other vernacularisms 
from publishing lingo, such as the British penny 
dreadful and the American dime novel.) This 
loanword, with its various corruptions, persists 
in numerous modern languages
Briefly define of gazette definition 
 A gazette is a public journal, a newspaper of record, or simply a newspaper 
 Public journal;- A government gazette (official gazette, official journal, official newspaper or 
official diary. 
 Newspaper of record; A newspaper of record is a major newspaper that has a 
large circulation and whose editorial and news-gathering functions are 
considered professional and typically authoritative a newspaper of record may 
also be a publicly available newspaper that has been authorized or maintained 
by a government to publish public or legal notices, and therefore serves as a 
"newspaper of public record 
 A "newspaper of public record", sometimes referred to as an "official newspaper", 
refers to a publicly available newspaper that has been 
authorised by a government to publish public or legal notices.It 
is often established by statute or official action and publication 
of notices within it, whether by the government or a private 
party, is usually considered sufficient to comply with legal 
requirements for public notice.
Journals of legislative bodies 
 Several jurisdictions also publish a separate 
periodical record of the proceedings of their 
 United Kingdom 
 United States
Briefly define 
 United Kingdom 
 The journals of the British Houses of Parliament, alongside the Hansard, 
contain an official record of the Houses of Parliament. The journals are 
a lengthened account written from the "Votes and Proceedings" (in the 
House of Lords called "Minutes of Proceedings"), made day by day by 
the Clerks at the Table, and printed on the responsibility of the Clerk of 
the House. In the Commons the Votes and Proceedings, but not the 
Journal, bear the Speaker's signature in fulfilment of a former order 
that he should "peruse" them before publication. The journals of the 
British House of Commons begin in the first year of the reign of Edward 
VI in 1547, and are complete, except for a short interval under Elizabeth 
I. Those of the House of Lords date from the first year of Henry VIII in 
1509. Before that date the proceedings in parliament were entered in 
the Rolls of Parliament, which extend from 1278 to 1503. The journals 
of the Lords are "records" in the judicial sense; those of the Commons 
are not.The Hansard, which is available from 1803, contains printed 
transcripts of parliamentary debates.
Briefly define 
 United States 
 The Congressional Record is the official record of the 
proceedings and debates of the United States Congress. It is 
published by the United States Government Printing Office, and 
is issued when the United States Congress is in session. Indexes 
are issued approximately every two weeks. At the end of a 
session of Congress, the daily editions are compiled in bound 
volumes constituting the permanent edition. 
 The City Record is the official journal of New York City. It is 
published each weekday (except legal holidays) and contains 
legal notices produced by city agencies, including notices of 
proposed and adopted rules, procurement solicitations and 
awards, upcoming public hearings and meetings, public 
auctions and property dispositions, and selected court 
The Gazette of India 
Type= government gazette 
Publisher= Department of Publication, Government of India 
Founded= 1950 
Language= english,hindi 
Headquarters= delhi
The Gazette of India 
 The Gazette of India (: 爐爐鉦ぐ爐 爐爐 爐萎ぞ爐爐爐む爐 Bharat kaa Rajpatra) is a public 
journal and an authorised legal document of the Government of India, 
published weekly by the Department of Publication, Ministry of Urban 
Development. As a public journal, the Gazette prints official notices 
from the government. It is authentic in content, accurate and strictly 
in accordance with the Government policies and decisions. The 
gazette is printed by the Government of India Press 
 The Publication Programme is executed as per the Government of 
India (Allocation of Business Rules) issued from time to time by the 
Cabinet Secretariat of the Republic of India. 
 The Department of Publication is headed by the Controller of 
Publications with the assistance of one Assistant Controller, one 
Financial Officer and an Assistant Director. The gazette employs more 
than 270 people under the supervision of the Ministry of Urban 
Development, headquartered in Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi. 
 The Ministry of Urban Development began publishing an electronic 
version of the gazette in 2008.
Lawmaking procedure in India 
 India is a federal country, therefore laws can be made 
separately at different levels, by the Union Government 
(Federal Government) for the entire country and by the 
State Governments for their respective states. 
The legislative procedure in India for the Union 
Government requires that proposed bills pass through the 
two legislative houses of theIndian parliament. The 
legislative procedure for states with bicameral legislatures 
requires that proposed bills be passed firstly in the 
state's Vidhan Sabha (Lower House) and then in the State 
Vidhan Parishad (Upper House). In states with unicameral 
legislatures, laws and bills need only be passed in the 
state's Vidhan Sabha, for there is no Vidhan Parishad
 Difference between a Bill and an Act 
 Procedure relating to an ordinary bill in the 
Union Parliament 
 First reading-introduction stage 
 Thirdreading-voting stage 
 Joint-session of boyh houses 
 Presidents approval
Thank you

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Gazette notification

  • 1. Gazette Notification by ShivamBaghel
  • 2. Introduction In English- and French-speaking countries, newspaper publishers have applied the name Gazette since the 17th century; today, numerous weekly and daily newspapers bear the name The Gazette. The gazette is a title of several newspsper and magazines In England, with the 1665 founding of The Oxford Gazette (which became the London Gazette), the word gazette came to indicate a public journal of the government; today, such a journal is sometimes called a government gazette. For some governments, publishing information in a gazette was or is a legal necessity by which official documents came into force and entered the public domain. Such is the case for documents published in The Gazette of India and in the Royal Thai Government Gazette (est. 1858).
  • 3. For example The government of the United Kingdom requires government gazettes of its member countries Publication of the Edinburgh Gazette, the official government newspaper in Scotland, began in 1699. The Belfast Gazette ofNorthern Ireland published its first issue in 1921. I The Gazette of India;depatment of publication,government of india founded.1950
  • 4. Etymology Gazette is a loanword from the French language; in turn, the French word is a 16th-century permutation of the Italian gazzetta, which is the name of a particular Venetian coin. Gazzetta became an epithet for newspaper during the early and middle 16th century, when the first Venetian newspapers cost one gazzetta.(Compare with other vernacularisms from publishing lingo, such as the British penny dreadful and the American dime novel.) This loanword, with its various corruptions, persists in numerous modern languages
  • 5. Briefly define of gazette definition A gazette is a public journal, a newspaper of record, or simply a newspaper Public journal;- A government gazette (official gazette, official journal, official newspaper or official diary. Newspaper of record; A newspaper of record is a major newspaper that has a large circulation and whose editorial and news-gathering functions are considered professional and typically authoritative a newspaper of record may also be a publicly available newspaper that has been authorized or maintained by a government to publish public or legal notices, and therefore serves as a "newspaper of public record A "newspaper of public record", sometimes referred to as an "official newspaper", refers to a publicly available newspaper that has been authorised by a government to publish public or legal notices.It is often established by statute or official action and publication of notices within it, whether by the government or a private party, is usually considered sufficient to comply with legal requirements for public notice.
  • 6. Journals of legislative bodies Several jurisdictions also publish a separate periodical record of the proceedings of their legislature United Kingdom United States
  • 7. Briefly define United Kingdom The journals of the British Houses of Parliament, alongside the Hansard, contain an official record of the Houses of Parliament. The journals are a lengthened account written from the "Votes and Proceedings" (in the House of Lords called "Minutes of Proceedings"), made day by day by the Clerks at the Table, and printed on the responsibility of the Clerk of the House. In the Commons the Votes and Proceedings, but not the Journal, bear the Speaker's signature in fulfilment of a former order that he should "peruse" them before publication. The journals of the British House of Commons begin in the first year of the reign of Edward VI in 1547, and are complete, except for a short interval under Elizabeth I. Those of the House of Lords date from the first year of Henry VIII in 1509. Before that date the proceedings in parliament were entered in the Rolls of Parliament, which extend from 1278 to 1503. The journals of the Lords are "records" in the judicial sense; those of the Commons are not.The Hansard, which is available from 1803, contains printed transcripts of parliamentary debates.
  • 8. Briefly define United States The Congressional Record is the official record of the proceedings and debates of the United States Congress. It is published by the United States Government Printing Office, and is issued when the United States Congress is in session. Indexes are issued approximately every two weeks. At the end of a session of Congress, the daily editions are compiled in bound volumes constituting the permanent edition. The City Record is the official journal of New York City. It is published each weekday (except legal holidays) and contains legal notices produced by city agencies, including notices of proposed and adopted rules, procurement solicitations and awards, upcoming public hearings and meetings, public auctions and property dispositions, and selected court decisions.
  • 9. The Gazette of India Type= government gazette Publisher= Department of Publication, Government of India Founded= 1950 Language= english,hindi Headquarters= delhi
  • 10. The Gazette of India The Gazette of India (: 爐爐鉦ぐ爐 爐爐 爐萎ぞ爐爐爐む爐 Bharat kaa Rajpatra) is a public journal and an authorised legal document of the Government of India, published weekly by the Department of Publication, Ministry of Urban Development. As a public journal, the Gazette prints official notices from the government. It is authentic in content, accurate and strictly in accordance with the Government policies and decisions. The gazette is printed by the Government of India Press The Publication Programme is executed as per the Government of India (Allocation of Business Rules) issued from time to time by the Cabinet Secretariat of the Republic of India. The Department of Publication is headed by the Controller of Publications with the assistance of one Assistant Controller, one Financial Officer and an Assistant Director. The gazette employs more than 270 people under the supervision of the Ministry of Urban Development, headquartered in Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi. The Ministry of Urban Development began publishing an electronic version of the gazette in 2008.
  • 11. Lawmaking procedure in India India is a federal country, therefore laws can be made separately at different levels, by the Union Government (Federal Government) for the entire country and by the State Governments for their respective states. The legislative procedure in India for the Union Government requires that proposed bills pass through the two legislative houses of theIndian parliament. The legislative procedure for states with bicameral legislatures requires that proposed bills be passed firstly in the state's Vidhan Sabha (Lower House) and then in the State Vidhan Parishad (Upper House). In states with unicameral legislatures, laws and bills need only be passed in the state's Vidhan Sabha, for there is no Vidhan Parishad
  • 12. CONTENTS Difference between a Bill and an Act Procedure relating to an ordinary bill in the Union Parliament First reading-introduction stage Thirdreading-voting stage Joint-session of boyh houses Presidents approval