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Simon Su x Sunny Hu / 201708
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大家好,我們是Google Cloud Platform
User Group (GCPUG) 台灣分支,我們是一
個Google Cloud Platform 相關技術的民間
Cloud Platform 上的一些技術與使用經驗。
歡迎對 Google Cloud Platform 有興趣的朋
● Google Container Engine (GKE) Introduction
● Cloud Source Repositories
● Container Registry service
● Container Builder with CICD
Lab 0 - Join GCPUG.TW
Google Container Engine Intro.
GKE - Easily Create Cluster
● 5各節點以下,代管Master Node
● 無痛升級
● Host自動擴展機制
● Cloud logging整合
● Stackdriver監控整合
● 與Cloud Console介面整合
GKE - Features
Should be ready...
● 連線您的GKE集群
gcloud container clusters get-credentials [cluster_name]
--zone [cluster_zone]--project [cluster_project]
● 連線了的GKE Dashboard
kubectl proxy
從Nginx服務的建立過程,來看Google Container Engine為您做了什麼....
Step 1:
kubectl run --image=nginx mynginx --port=80
Step 2:
kubectl expose deploy/mynginx --type=LoadBalancer
Step 3:
kubectl get all
Lab 1 - 從Nginx看GKE
Cloud Source Repositories
Cloud Source
● 大家熟悉的git repository
● 與gcloud認證整合
● 整合cloud debugger
● 連結 GitHub 或 Bitbucket 存放區
● 原始碼瀏覽器
將本地端專案複製到Cloud Repository
從Cloud Repository中複製專案原始碼...
Step 1: 建立您的專案
mkdir myproject
cd myproject
echo ‘Hello GKE!’ > index.html
Step 2: 建立Dockerfile
cat << EOF > Dockerfile
From nginx
Add . /usr/share/nginx/html
Lab 2 - Create your project
Step 3:
git init
git remote add google https://source.developers.google.com/p/[project-id]/r/[repo-name]
git add .
git commit -m “init”
git push --all google
Lab 2 - Create your project
Lab 2 - 成功
Container Registry service
What is Google
Registry service?
● gcr.io
● Google代管的Container Registry
● 無限量空間
● 無需架設服務器
● 可以管理版本與Tag資訊
● 以GCP專案為存取範圍
● Build triggers
● Build history
● 安裝gcloud sdk
curl https://sdk.cloud.google.com | bash
● 認證gcloud sdk
gcloud init
● 安裝kubectl模組
gcloud components install kubectl
Step 1:
docker build -t gcr.io/[my-project-id]/[image-name] .
docker tag nginx gcr.io/[my-project-id]/[image-name]
Step 2:
docker push gcr.io/[my-project-id]/[image-name]
gcloud docker -- push gcr.io/[my-project-id]/[image-name]
Lab 3 - Push your image to gcr.io
Step 1: 在Lab2的專案中,執行build動作
docker build -t gcr.io/[my-project-id]/myweb .
Step 2: 將image放到container registry
docker push gcr.io/[my-project-id]/myweb
Lab 3 - 成功
Container Builder with CICD
What is
● 繼承GCP的高速網路,上
● 具備Google Level 隱私權與
● 可整合持續部署功能
Lab 4 - Auto Build Docker Image
Step 1:
設定build trigger,使用Tag = v0.1這樣的方式來Build image
Step 2:
設定完成,檢視log與Cloud Builer
Step 3: Push new tag
git tag v0.1
git push google v0.1
Lab 4 - 成功

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Simon Su

GCPUG.TW meetup #28 - GKE上運作您的k8s服務