Welcome To Prime Technologies We are in the field of Gear Measuring machines and 100% Automated inspection and sorting Machines for Auto Parts. Prime Technologies was established in the year 1991 and we are devoted to Gear and Industrial Metrology Gear Measuring Machines CNC Gear Testers /CNC Gear Measuring center/ Computerised Gear Roll & Noise Tester Prime Technologies offers complete range of CNC Gear measuring Machines from world leaders In the field of Gear Metrology R&P Metrology , Carl Zeiss , Frenco , INPROQ , D&P etc Rebuilt , PC Retrofitted Gear Testers We also offer Rebuilt & PC Retrofit Gear Testers of various makes and models such Maag pH60 /SP60 /PH100 , Hofler EFRS 401/631 ,ZP260 , Klingelnberg PFS600/PFSU640 Goulder Mikron IL 600 , David Brown18T ,Osaka Seimitsu , FrencoSH450 , etc 100% High Speed Automatic Inspection ,Sorting Machine for Auto parts Don’t ship another bad part - Prime Tech can offer Zero Reject 100% Inspection Quality At Prime Technologies, inspection goes way beyond simple machine vision. With a broad spectrum of tools in our arsenal, we can offer a variety of inspection equipment from World leaders in this field. From robot-integrated machine vision for high speed sorting and packaging, to ultra-high resolution measurement systems to verify dimensions and inspection of surface craks on precision machined components, Prime Tech can offer inspection machines to complete the most demanding inspections. Some Precision parts for which we provide Inspection, Measuring & Sorting Machines are 1. Bearings 2.fasteners 3. Gaskets 4.Disc Springs 5. Brake Disc 6.Spool 7. Rotor 8.Cam Ring 9. Camshaft 10.Crankshaft 11.Camring 12. Casing and any mass produced precision part Training Division : Prime Technologies with more than 3 decades of experience has developed expertise in the field of Gear Metrology and Industrial Metrology . We offer provide high quality training to Industry professionals, Engineering college Students In 1. Gear Metrology 2. Surface and Form Metrology 3. Heat Treatment etc