A Geiger-Muller counter consists of a gas-filled tube that detects ionizing radiation such as alpha particles, beta particles, and gamma rays. When radiation enters the tube, it ionizes the gas and produces a pulse of current that is counted by a scaler. To prevent additional pulses from a single radiation event, a small amount of quenching gas is added which absorbs excess energy and prevents further ionization of the main gas. The Geiger-Muller counter has a dead time after each detection where it cannot detect additional radiation as it re-establishes the electric field inside the tube.
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Geiger muller counting system
2. Introduction
Particle detector measures ionizing radiation
Detect emission of nuclear radiation: alpha particles,
beta particles or gamma rays
Detect radiation produced by ionization produced in a
low pressure gas in a geiger muller tube
Each particle detected produces a pulse of current
Used for measurement in health, physics, industry,
geology and other fields
3. Setup
Geiger-Muller (GM) Counter consists of a GM tube
having a thin end window (e.g. made of mica)
a high voltage supply for the tube
a scaler to record the number of particles detected by
the tube
and a timer which will stop the action of the scaler at
the end of a preset interval
any particle capable of ionizing a single atom of the
filling gas of the tube will initiate an avalanche of
electrons and ions in the tube
4. The collection of the charge thus produced results in
the formation of a pulse of voltage at the output of the
The amplitude of this pulse, on the order of a volt or
so, is sufficient to operate the scaler circuit with little
or no further amplification
The pulse amplitude is largely independent of the
properties of the particle detected, and gives therefore
little information as to the nature of the particle
8. Fill gases and Quenching
Because of the fact that the Geiger counter is based on
positive ions that will be formed inside of the tube,
gases that form negative ions, such as oxygen, should
be avoided at all costs.
Usually noble gases are used as the main component in
the Geiger counter.
There is a mixture of two gases in this chamber,
however, to allow for quenching.
9. As radiation enters the detector it ionizes the gas inside the chamber.
These ions drift away from the anode wire after the termination of a
Geiger discharge. When these ions drift out to the cathode wall, they
are neutralized by combining with an electron from the cathode
In situations where the liberated energy is greater than the cathode
work function, it is energetically possible to liberate more than one
This is a significant issue that needs to be addressed as the free electron
can drift into the anode and trigger another Geiger discharge which
would penultimately cause the liberation of more free electrons and
ultimately cause the Geiger counter to produce a continuous output of
In order to deal with this, a second gas, known as the quench gas, is
added to the Geiger chamber in addition to the main gas having an
ionization potential that is lower than and a more complex structure
then the main gas.
10. Typically, concentrations of 5 10% are present inside the
The positive ions created from incident radiation are
mostly the primary gas in the chamber. As these ions drift
to the cathode wall, they interact with the quench gas and
will transfer their charge due to the difference in ionization
The goal here is to have the quench gas bring the positive
charge to the cathode wall. This is desirable because the
excess energy will go into the disassociation of the quench
gas molecule instead of liberating another electron.
Ethyl alcohol and ethyl formate havebeen popular choices
for quench gas inside modern Geiger counters.
11. Dead time
The geiger muller has an unusally large dead time.right
after a geiger discharge, the electric field is reduced
below the critical level to trigger chain avalanches.
This time takes the geiger counter to build the electric
field back up to critical levelis known as dead time.