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Gender At Birth
   AlmaEquivel, 43
   Andrea Leal, 41
   Beatriz Molina, 22
   Bryce Struyk, 31
   Fernanda Sanchez, 28
   Jennifer Casiano, 7
   Kevin Delacruz, 42

 We are Team Tots
Gender vs. Sex

        Gender and sex are not
        Sex: Biological and
        Gender: Behaviors,
         activities, and
         attributes approved by
         the society
Gender vs. Sex continued

 Aspects of sex hardly
 Gender aspects can
  vary greatly
 Sex Identities: Male or
 Gender Identities:
  Masculine or Feminine
Gender Identity

         Ones own perception
          of self
         Different from their
          biological sex
         Identifies themselves
          as the gender they
Society vs. Gender Identity

 Society and culture forms the gender roles

 Gender Identity Disorder (GID)
   Identity confusion
   Discontent with their gender
   Want to be other gender
Anne Fausto-Sterling

 Gender biology and
  sexual identity
 Born in 1944

 Professor at Brown
  University for over 35+
Anne Fausto-Sterling continued

                Gender differences in
                 behavior in early
                Author of several
                 scientific publications
                Notable work
                  The Five Sexes: Why
                   Male and Female Are
                   Not Enough
The Five Sexes


The Five Sexes continued




 Internal identity doesnt match what was assigned
                        at birth
           Transgender vs. Transvestite

 3-Step Process to
  become opposite sex
Cultural Views on Gender

 India- Nihidra, 3rd sex

 Samoa- Faafafine

 India- Bugis

                               Local Examples

                                 Chris Tina Bruce

                                 Ashley and Tony
Current Trends

 Thomas Beatie
   Underwent sex change
  surgery, kept female
     sex organs
   Gave birth to 3 children

         "I have the right to have a biological child."
Current Trends continued

 The X Option
     Female- F
     Male- M
     Indeterminate- X
   Hope to remove
    discrimination            Norrie May-Welby
   4% of Australians are       1st genderless
    affected by the intersex     person
    condition                   Man to woman
                                Became a Neuter
Anne Fausto-Sterling. http://www.annefaustosterling.com/welcome/fields-of-inquiry/
Anne Fausto-Sterling Biography.
Australian Passports Now Offer Gender Option X for Intersex People.
Briton Is Recognised As Worlds First Officially Genderless Person.
Gender Identity. http://emedicine.medscape.com/article/917990-overview
Gender Identity Disorder. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gender_identity_disorder.
Its My Right To Have Kid, Pregnant Man Tells Oprah.
"Neither Male Nor Female. Taboo. National Geographic Channel. 30 Sept. 2012. Television.
Norrie May-Welby: The Worlds First Legally Genderless person.
The Five Sexes. http://frank.mtsu.edu/~phollowa/5sexes.html
The Man Who Has Given Birth 3 Times. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-2111259/The-man-given-
What Do We Mean By Sex and Gender. http://www.who.int/gender/whatisgender/en/
What Is The Difference Between Sex And Gender? http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/232363.php
"X Now A Gender Option In Australian Passports. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/44532536/ns/travel-
Source Page

  Last Name, First Name        Participation By
   7         Casiano, Jennifer        Powerpoint/AnneFausto-
  42         Delacruz, Kevin         Handout/Gender Identity &
                                  Society vs. Gender Identity/Father
  43          Equivel, Alma        Skit/Current Trends/Mean Girl

  41          Leal, Andrea        Handout/ Transgender & Cultural
                                    Views on Gender/Mean Girl
  22         Molina, Beatriz       Paragraphs/Introduction/Mean
  28        Sanchez, Fernanda           The Five Sexes/Sister

  31          Struyk, Bryce              Gender vs. Sex/Son

More Related Content

Gender atbirth present

  • 1. Gender At Birth AlmaEquivel, 43 Andrea Leal, 41 Beatriz Molina, 22 Bryce Struyk, 31 Fernanda Sanchez, 28 Jennifer Casiano, 7 Kevin Delacruz, 42 We are Team Tots
  • 2. Gender vs. Sex Gender and sex are not interchangeable Sex: Biological and physiological Gender: Behaviors, activities, and attributes approved by the society
  • 3. Gender vs. Sex continued Aspects of sex hardly vary Gender aspects can vary greatly Sex Identities: Male or Female Gender Identities: Masculine or Feminine
  • 4. Gender Identity Ones own perception of self Different from their biological sex Identifies themselves as the gender they prefer
  • 5. Society vs. Gender Identity Society and culture forms the gender roles Gender Identity Disorder (GID) Identity confusion Discontent with their gender Want to be other gender
  • 6. Anne Fausto-Sterling Gender biology and sexual identity development Born in 1944 Professor at Brown University for over 35+ years
  • 7. Anne Fausto-Sterling continued Gender differences in behavior in early childhood Author of several scientific publications Notable work The Five Sexes: Why Male and Female Are Not Enough
  • 8. The Five Sexes Male Female
  • 9. The Five Sexes continued Intersex Mermaphrodite Fermaphrodite Hermaphodite
  • 10. Transgender Internal identity doesnt match what was assigned at birth Transgender vs. Transvestite 3-Step Process to become opposite sex RLE HRT SRS
  • 11. Cultural Views on Gender India- Nihidra, 3rd sex Samoa- Faafafine India- Bugis Local Examples Chris Tina Bruce Ashley and Tony
  • 12. Current Trends Thomas Beatie Female-to-male transgender Underwent sex change surgery, kept female sex organs Gave birth to 3 children "I have the right to have a biological child."
  • 13. Current Trends continued The X Option Female- F Male- M Indeterminate- X Hope to remove discrimination Norrie May-Welby 4% of Australians are 1st genderless affected by the intersex person condition Man to woman Became a Neuter
  • 14. Resources Anne Fausto-Sterling. http://www.annefaustosterling.com/welcome/fields-of-inquiry/ Anne Fausto-Sterling Biography. http://www.brown.edu/Faculty/COSTS/people/facultypage.php?id=1100924089. Australian Passports Now Offer Gender Option X for Intersex People. http://news.blogs.cnn.com/2011/09/15/australian-passports-now-offer-gender-option-x-for-intersex-people/ Briton Is Recognised As Worlds First Officially Genderless Person. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/newstopics/howaboutthat/7446850/Briton-is-recognised-as-worlds-first- officially-genderless-person.html Gender Identity. http://emedicine.medscape.com/article/917990-overview Gender Identity Disorder. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gender_identity_disorder. Its My Right To Have Kid, Pregnant Man Tells Oprah. http://abcnews.go.com/Health/story?id=4581943&page=1#.UKAOeIenLK0 "Neither Male Nor Female. Taboo. National Geographic Channel. 30 Sept. 2012. Television. Norrie May-Welby: The Worlds First Legally Genderless person. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2010/03/18/norrie-may-welby-the-worl_n_502851.html The Five Sexes. http://frank.mtsu.edu/~phollowa/5sexes.html The Man Who Has Given Birth 3 Times. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-2111259/The-man-given- birth-times-With-broad-smiles-Beaties-look-like-normal-happy-family-Nothing-truth-.html What Do We Mean By Sex and Gender. http://www.who.int/gender/whatisgender/en/ What Is The Difference Between Sex And Gender? http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/232363.php "X Now A Gender Option In Australian Passports. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/44532536/ns/travel- news/t/x-now-gender-option-australian-passports/#.UKAc84enLK0
  • 15. Source Page Sign-in Last Name, First Name Participation By Number 7 Casiano, Jennifer Powerpoint/AnneFausto- Sterling/Mother 42 Delacruz, Kevin Handout/Gender Identity & Society vs. Gender Identity/Father 43 Equivel, Alma Skit/Current Trends/Mean Girl 41 Leal, Andrea Handout/ Transgender & Cultural Views on Gender/Mean Girl 22 Molina, Beatriz Paragraphs/Introduction/Mean Girl 28 Sanchez, Fernanda The Five Sexes/Sister 31 Struyk, Bryce Gender vs. Sex/Son