This document discusses gender inequality in India. It notes that gender inequality is deeply ingrained in society and difficult to eradicate. It provides examples of discrimination women face, such as notions that restrict their freedom and assumptions about their limitations. Statistics show that women have lower employment rates, higher mortality rates during childbirth, and make up a small percentage of national parliaments. While some policies aim to address issues, lack of awareness and proper implementation limit their effectiveness. Suggested solutions include improving access to education, legal protections, political participation, and changing social attitudes.
2. What is gender inequality
The notion that girls should not go out in
The notion that they are weak to do certain
Keep telling them about their limitations.
-Apart from Rapes, molestation, eveteasing, female feticide, Dowry system.
3. The basic problem:
The major problem with gender inequality is
that, its eradication is difficult, as the
prejudice is integrated at such fine level, and
day to day basis, that even if made
out, cannot be eradicated properly, within a
short period of time.
4. Why are women prone to
discrimination Because they are weak, physically.
Because they are not smart and capable to
handle themselves and their freedom, safety.
They are not good at IQ.
They have always been meant to
compromise, expecting them to become
epitome of sacrifice, forcedly.
Because this has been happening over the
ages, long back.
5. Statistical data
1)Population, total (millions)1,236.69 2012 GNI
per capita, Atlas method (current
US$)$1,580 2012 Poverty headcount ratio of
$1.25 a day (PPP) % of
populatioin32.7% 2010 Fertility rate, total
(births per woman)2.5 2011
6. Statis 2
Share of women employed in the nonagricultural
sector (% of total non-agricultural
employment)19% 2010 Maternal mortality ratio
(modeled estimate, per 100,000 live
births)200 2010 Number of weeks of maternity
leave12 2009 Proportion of seats held by women in
national parliaments (%)11% 2013
7. 3
India ranks 4th most the dangerous place for
Ranks 55th in maternal mortality rate, which is
mostly due to ignorance towards the pregnant
8. 4
No of woman per men was recorded, as 962
per 1000 men, in 1901. But after a century, it
was recorded as, 933 per 1000 men.
The work participation rate of Indian men, at
51.9% was nearly double the work
participation of Indian woman, at 25.7%
9. 5
As a whole, India stands 132 out of 187
countries, in the context of gender
inequality, which is still very far from getting a
safe country for the development of women.
10. *The solution that is already there
but is in the darkness due to the lack
of awareness and proper
Single girl child scheme : A no. of benefits
have been said to be provided to the single
girl child, given the lack of awareness, in the
grass-root level leaves this policy ignored.
11. Different solutions suggested to
decrease the bias at social level
Opening all girl schools, in the underdeveloped sub-urban areas, so that the girls
go there, even if due to the exclusivity of it.
Awareness at the grass root level. If the
mothers would be taught, she will make sure
that the girl child, too is given proper
12. To reduce the crime rate:
1 )A toll free no should be made available, so
that when they see the trouble around, they
must at-least contact the given
helpline, immediately.
2)A women cell should be present in every
organization, to avoid the office harassment of
the employees.
13. 3)Making the police a bit more attentive, and
less insensitive towards the victims of gender
inequality of any type.
4)The complaints must be registered, without
creating any hitches.
5)Strict actions against the lender and the
receiver of the dowry.
14. 6) Involvement of woman in politics, active
7)Involvement of woman, in police patrolling
teams, and training those woman
separately, in order to give special attention to
victims of bias in any way.
15. Reducing it at the intellectual level
1) Family , especially parents should take care
that the girl child does not feel excluded in any
2) Treating mothers, right at the first place is very
important to cultivate a sense of dignity and
security in the mind of the girl, and retaining a
sense of respect in the psyche of the male
-After all, we learn what we see, and
observed, preaching hardly helps.