Gender inequality refers to unequal treatment of individuals bases on their gender. Women in Nepal barely seek for assistance form any source for violence they have experienced. Nearly 2 out of 3 have never told anyone about it. Womens are not dying because of the disease we cannot treat, they are dying because society have yet to make a decision that their life are worth saving.
- Dr. Mohammod Fatahalla
3. Gender issues
Gender inequality refers to unequal treatment of
individuals bases on their gender.
Gender equality also know as sex equality, sexual
equality, or equality of the genders, is the view that
everyone should receive equal treatment and not e
discriminated against based on their gender.
5. Magnitude of problem (Nepal 2011)
22 % of women age between 15 49 have
experienced physical violence at least once
2 out of 5 experienced spousal violence (physically
or sexually) and had physical injuries
The experience of violence during pregnancy
decline with education from 8% among women
with no education to 2% among women with an
SLC or higher education.
6. Women in Nepal barely seek for assistance form
any source for violence they have experienced.
Nearly 2 out of 3 have never told anyone about it.
Women who are divorced, separated, or widowed
are more likely to report experiencing violence
during pregnancy (10%) than women who are
currently married (6%)
16. Womens are not dying because of the disease we
cannot treat, they are dying because society have yet to
make a decision that their life are worth saving.
- Dr. Mohammod Fatahalla
17. Types of violence against women
Domestic violence
Sexual violence
Human trafficking and forced prostitution
honor killings
dowry violence
acid throwing
forced marriage
mistreatment of widows
accusations of witchcraft