The 1841 British census contains less information than subsequent censuses, including each individual's full name, age rounded to the nearest 5 if 15 or older, sex, occupation, and county of birth. Later censuses from 1851-1911 ask similar questions about name, relationship to head of household, marital status, age, sex, occupation, county/country of birth, and address. These censuses are helpful for tracing ancestors born before 1837 due to recording birth information. Additional details recorded vary between censuses, such as disability status or number of rooms occupied. The 1911 census uniquely preserved original household surveys with additional comments.
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Genealogy British Census Records
1. British Census Records
The 1841 British census, the first British census to ask detailed questions about
individuals, contains a bit less information than subsequent censuses.
For each individual enumerated in 1841, you can find the full name, age (rounded down
to the nearest 5 for everyone 15 or older), sex, occupation, and whether they were born
in the same county in which they were enumerated.
The questions asked in the 1851, 1861, 1871, 1881, 1891, and 1901 census
enumerations are generally the same and include the first, middle (usually just the
initial), and last name of each individual; their relationship to the head of household;
marital status; age at last birthday; sex; occupation; the county and parish of birth (if
born in England or Wales), or the country if born elsewhere; and the full street address
for each household. The birth information makes these censuses especially helpful for
tracing ancestors born prior to the onset of civil registration in 1837.
1851 - This census additionally recorded whether an individual was blind, deaf or an
idiot; tradesmen usually identified as master, journeyman or apprentice; the numbers of
employees of a master
1861 & 1871 - These two census enumerations additionally asked whether a person
was imbecile, idiot or lunatic.
1881 & 1891 - The number of rooms occupied by a family if less than 5 was also
recorded, as was whether a working person was an employer, employee or neither.
1901 - The employer/employee question added in 1881 remained, with the addition of
recording those working at home. Four categories of disability were recorded: deaf and
dumb; blind; lunatic; and imbecile or feeble minded.
1911 - The first census for which the original household schedules were not destroyed
once details had been transferred into the enumerators summary books. For 1911 both
the original census surveys filled out in your ancestors own hand (complete with
mistakes and additional comments) and the traditional edited enumerators summary
are available. An infirmity column allowed reporting of family illnesses and conditions,
and the age at which these began. Details of children born to women in prison who
were aged three or under at the time of the census were also recorded.