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 Our approach is to understand your ambitions and goals and then to ensure that everything we do contributes to achieving them.
Who are we? HURST was established in 1982 with the aim of helping ambitious private businesses achieve their strategic goals. Today HURST is one of the North Wests leading independent firms of chartered accountants with offices in Manchester and Stockport and our partner-led approach is delivered by a team of high calibre partners. The core of the business is the provision of audit and tax services to a range of businesses.  Wrapped around our core service is a range of business advisory services delivered by highly regarded tax planning, corporate finance, and other specialists. Today the firm consists of 12 partners and about 70 staff. HURST is a leading member of IGAF, a global group of accountancy firms which work together to ensure that clients with international business have local audit, tax and other business support in almost any country.
Why HURST? Expert specialist advice: Many of our partners and staff started their careers in Big 4 firms We offer dedicated specialist teams  We carry out international work We have ISO, IIP and many other quality accreditations. We also offer a service youll find refreshingly different: A genuine partner-led approach To us, youd be a very important client Sensible fees, agreed up-front Delivery on time and within budget Unlimited access to your team via telephone.
Our Services
Our Clients
Our Clients  Having been with a national firm of accountants we wanted a new team with fresh ideas who would make a significant contribution to our ambitious business growth plans. We were impressed with the energy and enthusiasm shown by HURST and are confident they will make a big different to our business.   - Bauer Millet  We need to invest to grow, and having an earlier picture of our cash position enables us to take on more work and larger projects. The HURST team really is giving us more business clout - theyve already made a big difference to our company. Their proactive approach to our business really is a refreshing change for us. 油 - Kestrel Interiors Ltd  We were keen to build a relationship with a firm of accountants and advisors that will take an active interest in our business and provide outstanding service. The fact that HURST has experience in international tax work, in particular in the US, will be particularly advantageous to us. 油 - J2 Retail Systems  We see HURST as a strong regional player with national reach, and we know their team will make a valuable contribution to the task of growing the economic and business wealth of the region. 油 - Manchester Enterprises 油
Hurst & Company Accountants LLP www.hurst.co.uk Hurst & Company Accountants LLP are registered to carry on audit work and regulated for a range of investment activities by The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England & Wales. HURST is a trading name of Hurst & Company Accountants Limited Liability Partnership.  Hurst & Company Accountants Limited Liability Partnership C enturion House 129 Deansgate Manchester M3 3WR  Tel 0161 477 2474. Fax 0161 476 4423. E-mail enquiries@hurst.co.uk

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An introduction to HURST

  • 2. Our approach is to understand your ambitions and goals and then to ensure that everything we do contributes to achieving them.
  • 3. Who are we? HURST was established in 1982 with the aim of helping ambitious private businesses achieve their strategic goals. Today HURST is one of the North Wests leading independent firms of chartered accountants with offices in Manchester and Stockport and our partner-led approach is delivered by a team of high calibre partners. The core of the business is the provision of audit and tax services to a range of businesses. Wrapped around our core service is a range of business advisory services delivered by highly regarded tax planning, corporate finance, and other specialists. Today the firm consists of 12 partners and about 70 staff. HURST is a leading member of IGAF, a global group of accountancy firms which work together to ensure that clients with international business have local audit, tax and other business support in almost any country.
  • 4. Why HURST? Expert specialist advice: Many of our partners and staff started their careers in Big 4 firms We offer dedicated specialist teams We carry out international work We have ISO, IIP and many other quality accreditations. We also offer a service youll find refreshingly different: A genuine partner-led approach To us, youd be a very important client Sensible fees, agreed up-front Delivery on time and within budget Unlimited access to your team via telephone.
  • 7. Our Clients Having been with a national firm of accountants we wanted a new team with fresh ideas who would make a significant contribution to our ambitious business growth plans. We were impressed with the energy and enthusiasm shown by HURST and are confident they will make a big different to our business. - Bauer Millet We need to invest to grow, and having an earlier picture of our cash position enables us to take on more work and larger projects. The HURST team really is giving us more business clout - theyve already made a big difference to our company. Their proactive approach to our business really is a refreshing change for us. 油 - Kestrel Interiors Ltd We were keen to build a relationship with a firm of accountants and advisors that will take an active interest in our business and provide outstanding service. The fact that HURST has experience in international tax work, in particular in the US, will be particularly advantageous to us. 油 - J2 Retail Systems We see HURST as a strong regional player with national reach, and we know their team will make a valuable contribution to the task of growing the economic and business wealth of the region. 油 - Manchester Enterprises 油
  • 8. Hurst & Company Accountants LLP www.hurst.co.uk Hurst & Company Accountants LLP are registered to carry on audit work and regulated for a range of investment activities by The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England & Wales. HURST is a trading name of Hurst & Company Accountants Limited Liability Partnership. Hurst & Company Accountants Limited Liability Partnership C enturion House 129 Deansgate Manchester M3 3WR Tel 0161 477 2474. Fax 0161 476 4423. E-mail enquiries@hurst.co.uk