This document provides an overview of examining a respiratory case. It discusses preparing for the physical examination, including introducing yourself, explaining what will be done, and maintaining privacy. The examination involves assessing the patient's appearance, vital signs, and conducting a regional examination of the neck, chest, hands, and lower limbs. Signs related to conditions like cor pulmonale, pulmonary hypertension, and lung cancer are described.
- Introduce Yourself .
- Take Permission .
- Explain What You Are Going To Do .
- Maintain Privacy .
- Wash Your Hand .
- Exposure ( Full Exposure Of Trunk )
, Position ( Sitting OR Semi-Sitting
Position 45o ) .
7. ABCDE :
Appearance : Looks Well/Ill , Consciousness , Alert , Orientation To Time -
Palace - Person .
Body Built : Average , Thin , Obese ( Depends On BMI ) .
Color : Pale , Cyanosed , Erythematous .
Decubitus : Patient's Sitting & Position .
Deformities : Any Congenital Abnormality ( If You Find One Anomaly
Search For Others )
Distress : Difficulty In Breathing ( Dyspnic ) .
Environment : Any Connections To Patient ( IV Line , Catheter, O2 Mask ,
ECG , Wheelchair , Etc. "
13. NECK
Neck vein >>Engorged and pulsatile neck veins (due to cor
pulmonale) or engorged non-pulsatile veins in SVC obstruction.
JVP >> raised in pulmonary hypertension , tension pneumothorax or
large pulmonary embolism , superior vena cava obstruction
Lymph node >> sarcoidosis , malignancy , TB , Lymphoma
using of accessory muscles
14. HAND
Nicotine staining in nails (may be associated with
bronchial carcinoma).
Wasting (due to involvement of lower trunk of
brachial plexus by bronchial carcinoma, C8 and T1
Pulse: Tachycardia, pulsus paradoxus (due to
severe obstructive airway disease), high volume and
bounding pulse (due to CO2 excess).
Warm and sweaty hands (due to anoxic cor-
Flapping tremor (due to severe respiratory failure
and CO2 retention).
Signs of other diseases such as joint deformity in
rheumatoid arthritis, skin change in systemic
sclerosis or dermatomyositis (which may cause