The document summarizes the June 20, 2013 general meeting of the Montgomery County CERT. It discusses an upcoming potluck party in August to celebrate the 10th anniversary of MCCERT. It also provides updates on operations, training, outreach, IT, and a survey of a recent training class. The agenda included a presentation by the Montgomery County Police Crisis Intervention Team.
2. MCCERT Potluck Party
DATE: Sunday, August 11, 2013 (Rain or shine)
TIME: 1:00p.m. 6:00p.m. (or later!)
LOCATION: Anne Culvers home - Silver Spring
RSVP: RSVP to and please
include how many family members will join you
We are excited to begin celebrating this years Tenth Anniversary of service by having
a potluck party for you and your family. The success of MCCERT could not be
accomplished without your involvement and dedication, so it is appropriate we begin
celebrating this milestone by getting everyone together to have some fun and say
thank you!
Please mark August 11th on your calendar as a day to come and have a great time
meeting fellow MCCERT members and families. We are planning some fun-filled
activities and encourage you to come experience the day! The party is potluck;
therefore it would be helpful if everyone brought a dish to share. More information
(directions, etc.) will be provided.
3. Tonights Agenda
Information Technology
Survey Results
Presentation by Montgomery County Police
Crisis Intervention Team
June 13th
4. On June 13th
at ~11:00am, IAR message sent regarding:
The days weather forecast,
Update on possible deployment(s)
SITREP development, and,
Status of the general meeting that evening
7. Tornado Warnings of June 13th
Thank you for providing SITREPS:
Pearce Hunt
Stephen Panossian
Anne Culver
Kathee Henning
Gary Frace
Thank you for being on standby for SM
monitoring potential
Katelyn Keegan and Patrick Benko
Ken Ow
Bob Marques
Carl Brill (two hats)
Carol Wisniewski
Richard Wells
8. External Appreciation
Thanks again for all of your help. I've shared it with
Chris and Chuck and they had great things to say -
The NWS in Sterling, VA expresses its appreciation to
those who assisted in conducting surveys and
provided information used during the
surveys...including members of the emergency
management... skywarn storm spotters... and
members of the public affected by these storms
10. Policies and Procedures
Operations Coordinator and Deputy have
begun working on populating the Operations
appendix of the P&P
Assistance provided by Communications
11. 3rd
Hosted by Fairfax County Fire and Rescue
Two day seminar/functional exercise for
CERT members in NCR
June 29th -lecture series
June 30th - hands-on drill
Weekly conference calls
MCCERT involvement in planning not as
evident as the past two
There is a need for mock victims for
For more info and to register:
Next year P.G. County CERT
13. Graduated largest class on May 11th
Mock victims included Boy Scouts and MCCERT family
15. Police-Sponsored Summer Camp
MCPD 6th
District provides a summer camp in
Montgomery Village for 30 middle schoolers
CERT has been asked to assist
Our training coordinator, Kathee Henning has
put together a team to assist in this event
Scott Zimmerman (MCPD) is our contact and
also a new member to MCCERT!
17. Recent Outreach Events
May 9 Boy Scouts (Paula Sind-Prunier)
May 13 MCPS Office of Community
Engagement & Partnerships (Jay Wilson)
May 20 Western Montgomery Citizens
Advisory Board Meeting (Jay Wilson & Any
May 22 CERT Presentation to Choice Hotels
18. Recent Outreach Events
May 23 City of Takoma Park Emergency
Preparedness Committee Meeting (Jay W.)
June 3 Career Day at MCPS Arcola
Elementary School (Georgianne Mitchell and Jeff
June 12 National Archives and Records
Administration Health and Safety Fair (CERT
Thank you to the members who had registered
19. County Fair: Aug 9th
MCCERT will not be in attendance at the Fair on August 11th
20. Upcoming Outreach
Bethesda Urban Partnership
Discussed CERT
Willing to include CERT in monthly newsletter/e-
Interested in partnership & training opportunities
Outreach will transition training responsibilities to
22. Jay KapLon (IT Coordinator) and Steve
Peterson attended two 2-hour recorded
will begin using CERVIS for its record keeping and
communication efforts soon
specific fields to the system must be identified
once customization of CERVIS is completed,
importing of data will begin
Volunteer Management
Software - CERVIS
23. Website
Hiccups with transitioning from iPage to
Did not transfer as initially envisioned
Links were lost
Formatting of site changed (although not too severe)
Reassessment of website and its functionalities is
CERVIS event registration component will be
embedded on the website
25. Apr-May 2013 Class Survey
32 trainees completed survey
89% strongly agreed or agreed with the
classroom and material questions
97% strongly agreed or agreed that instructors
were knowledgeable, well prepared, and
encouraged interaction for all Units
26. 32 trainees completed survey
89% strongly agreed or agreed
with the classroom and material
97% strongly agreed or agreed that
instructors were knowledgeable,
well prepared, and encouraged
interaction for all Units
. . . .
April/May SurveyJan/Feb Survey
29. 10 Year Anniversary
Celebration to
be held in
December with
our annual
holiday party
We are starting
off with the
potluck party in
30. Help Wanted
Need assistance with potluck party
Need assistance with coordination efforts for
the 10 year anniversary/holiday party, please
Need a webmaster
If interested, please email
31. Self-Activation Policy Reminder
Section 13.1 of the Policy and Procedures -
Activation, Call-Out, and Response Procedures and
Standards: During Emergencies
Activation is only by the authority of the MC-CERT
Program Manager or designee. At no time may any MC-
CERT or member acting as part of a team be activated or
activate themselves without authorization. Should a
member respond to an
emergency without official
activation, he/she is deemed
to be responding as a private
citizen, not as a CERT member.
32. Thank you
We hope you can make it to the Potluck
Please RSVP!