The general meeting notes covered several topics: Thomas Jury explained the role of SGA, a pop can drive fundraising event was scheduled for September 24th, volunteer opportunities were announced for an induction on September 15th and an adopt-a-highway clean-up on September 22nd. Upcoming social events included a cookout at Island Park on September 13th. Open board positions were announced to be filled via elections on September 17th.
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General meeting notes 9 10-13
1. General Meeting Notes
September 10, 2013
o Toilet paper game
Thomas Jury, SGA Representative explains what SGA is and his position
o Ashley Burkhardt – Fundraising chair
o Pop can drive – September 24th
@ 7:00 p.m.
 Carpooling from Pearce room 225 (meet here before 7:00 p.m.)
 Pop can slips must be a minimum of $5.00 and redeemed at a local store
(Meijer, Kroger, Walmart, etc.)
 T-shirts will be coming soon!
Community Service
o Nikki Stempien and Katie Gardner are currently fulfilling the roles of community
service chair people
o Help at induction is needed
 September 15, 2013
 Meet at 1:30 p.m. in Pearce 128
o Adopt-A-Highway clean-up
 Sunday September 22, 2013
 Meet at 11 a.m. outside of Park Library to carpool
 Bring a friend for an extra point!
o Animal Shelter
 Friday September 27th
12-2 p.m. or 2-4 p.m. (we will be signing up for one time slot per
o Social chair Megan Isabell
o Cookout at Island Park
 Friday September 13th
@ 4:00 p.m.
Meet at Park Library at 3:30 p.m. to carpool
Bring a passing dish
Hot dogs, hamburgers and buns are already supplied
Bring a friend for an extra point!
o Adopt-A-Highway counts as a social point also
2. o New member induction ceremony will take place on Sunday September 15th
2:00 p.m. in Pearce 128
o Volunteers are needed
Points system and becoming an active member
o Points system can be found on Orgsync
o Points system will be posted on the Facebook page as well!
o Open positions needed to be filled are:
 Community service
 Treasurer
 Star status coordinator
 Programming chair
o If you are interested in an E-board chair e-mail Nikki Stempien (President) at
o Elections will take place on September 17th
at 7:00p.m. in Pearce 225 (the next
o People who came to Mainstage are eligible for either an NSCS t-shirt or lanyard
o Alexa Shall – wins lanyard
Contact Information
o President - Nikki Stempien: 517-617-3424
o Vice President – Katrina Gardner: