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Gen Quiz
QM- Sutej
 The Quiz consists of 2 rounds, namely Pounce & Bounce and a Buzzer
 DM me all the pounces on Whatsapp
 QMs decision is final
 May the dp/dx be with you
General Quiz - 2022
Round 1 : Pounce and Bounce
 12 questions in this round
 +20/-10 on pounce
 +10/0 on bounce
 Direct goes to the team, which is next in the clockwise order of the
team who answered the last question (except for the 1st question
which goes to Team 1)
General Quiz - 2022
 The name Arctic originates from the word 'arktos' which is a Greek word
that means bear.
 Whereas, Antarctica means 'no bears'. It is true that there are no bears
in Antarctica, but the name comes from a Roman version of the Greek
word that is antarktike. Anti- is commonly a synonym for the
opposite in English as well as in Greek. Thus, Antarctica means opposite
of Arctic land, Anti- plus the Arctic which forms a compound word.
 So why is the Arctic named after bear, and similarly because of absence
of what Antarctica is named anti-arctic?
The bear refers to Ursa Major and Ursa Minor,
which is only visible in the northern hemisphere
 During the end of 20th century, top companies in the industry adopted
an idol factory model where they select young teenagers and other
than their primary skill, they are also trained physically, taught public
skills up to 16 hours every day.
 These youngsters are taken away from their families at a young age,
not allowed to have a social life and even after they become successful,
are not allowed to have a proper social life. They are also made to learn
English and Japanese to dominate the global market.
 For which multi-billion dollar business do these kids go under these
rigorous measures?
 What distinction is often
attributed to Alaska because of its
geography but is officially held by
the state of Maine?
 Also tell me why is the distinction
attributed to Alaska? (the image is
very helpful)
State of Maine
Alaska being the easternmost state of USA, because
it crosses the dateline and is east of Greenwich
 On ocean voyages between Britain and India, the most desirable
cabinsthe ones that didn't get the afternoon heatwere on the
port side out and on the starboard side home. These luxury tickets
were supposedly stamped with the letters X. One had a view of
Africa in both directions, rather than open sea.
 But there is no proof, that this is etymology of X, moreover for
what is known, it entered the English language in the early 1900s, in
a wholly un-nautical context, to mean "smart" and "stylish."
 Give me X!
POSH (Port Out, Starboard Home)
 Saudi Arabia was going through a rough economic patch in 2016 when
the global oil prices dipped to a record low. As part of far reaching
reforms to control the fiscal scenario, there was a 20% cut in salaries of
government officials.
 Further, the government made a long overdue change in its public
sector dealings. While this change, which was centuries in the making,
was touted as a leap into modernity, it was actually a clever cost-
cutting measure that would make government officials work 11 extra
days a year without any extra pay.
 What was this change, that automatically added 11 extra working days ?
Shift to Gregorian Calendar from
Islamic, thus adding 11 working days
 This particular sport, generally played among the masses to resolve
ties, has various tournaments with huge money on the stake organised
by different groups. Mr. Beast organised a tournament of this sport for
YouTubers with the winner receiving $250k, sometime in the 2020 .
 Though the Japanese version of this sport has frequent mentions
throughout the history, but this was originally conceived in China.
 Which sport is being talked about?
Rock Paper Scissors
 She made her first appearance on TV with the 2017 movie ____(not indicative).
She was introduced as the older sister of the three more famous original
sisters, having been absent during all their lives because of running away
when she lost control of her powers.
 She is portrayed as a teenager, taller and also with a darker skin. She is
capable of teleporting across short distances, and projecting white energy
from her body that her sisters do not possess, beyond the regular
superhuman strength, durability, enhanced agility, and flight.
 Who is being described here, created with sugar, spice and everything nice? (I
need the name of the character or the TV series, 10 bonus points for naming
the character)
Bliss from The Powerpuff Girls
 Adidas released a new pair of shoes called
Munchen, coated with special materials
making it unique, to celebrate the
Oktoberfest held in Munich from 16th
September to 3rd October of 2017.
 Considering the occasion of Oktoberfest,
tell me what purpose did these shoes
Beer and Puke repellent shoes
 Point Nemo or Oceanic point of inaccessibility is the farthest point
from any major landmass. It was named in reference to Jules Vernes
Captain Nemo, and literally means no man.
 In the year 2031, its going to be part of someones retirement and has
been in news since the retirement was announced.
 Whose retirement is being talked about, which was the brainchild of
US President Ronald Reagan?
 Aleiodes is a genus of the family Braconidae of parasitoid wasps,
also known as mummy wasps. One of the species of this genus
is named after a very famous person, due to the similarities of
technique used by these species to exit the host body and the
persons most famous work.
 The wasps of these particular species exits the host body by
cutting the whole back part of the host, instead of cutting a small
hole in the back, as done by other wasps.
 Id the literary work, in context of which this species is named.
The Road Not Taken by Robert Frost
 Brian Eno composed this very famous jingle, and stated all the
requirements/ details the company needed in an interview in 1996, a year
after the launch. The thing from the agency said, We want a piece of music
that is inspiring, universal, blah-blah, da-da-da, optimistic, futuristic,
sentimental, emotional, this whole list of adjectives, and then at the
bottom, it said and it must be 3.25 seconds long, Eno mentioned in the
 The ad campaign for the product also featured the The Rolling Stones Start
Me Up.
 Which famous jingle is being talked about?
Windows 95s jingle
 Even though X is in all shapes and manner a perfect example of Y, according
to official sources X is not a Y. The official explanation given for this was that
its not possible for a species to have more than two traits, and X could
already fly and use fire.
 According a reddit user, if X was to be flying Y, it shouldve been resistant to
water, which is not so, apart from the thing that the species have atmax two
 What was even more heartbreaking was the fact that a lot of species
classified as Y are not what youd expect Ys to be.
 Id X and Y.
Charizard-X and Dragons-Y
Round 2 : Buzzer Round
 10 questions in this round
 2 attempts on the buzzer
 Only if the 1st team to press it isnt able to answer the question, 2nd
fastest team on the buzzer gets to attempt
 +20/-10 on the 1st attempt
 +10/-5 on the 2nd attempt
Connect to an achievement (Non-exhaustive):
All of them finished 4th at the
 Which GOAT is associated with this logo?
General Quiz - 2022
 Connect these chess players to certain feat (exhaustive list):
Vishwanathan Anand
Alexander Alekhine
Anatoly Karpov
(Hint: other sports personalities to go in the list would be Cristiano
Ronaldo, Donald Bradman, Rafael Nadal, Roger Federer, etc.)
All have celestial bodies named after
 Id the Indian unicorn whose logo is inspired from this famous art:
General Quiz - 2022
 Which movies
timeline is this?
General Quiz - 2022
 From the Earth to the Moon, Five weeks in a Balloon and
Eight Hundred Leagues on the Amazon are the lesser known
titles of which famous French author, who invented the
science fiction genre, pretty much by himself?
Jules Verne
 Where have you seen this flag?
On the Moon
 Chilean ports were one of the
biggest revenue generators of
the country which declined in
the year 1914 due to major shift
in maritime industry.
 What caused severe drop in
traffic along the Chilean ports in
Opening of Panama Canal
 He was an inventor, an adventurer, a ladies'
man and finally a nutcase. Without being crazy,
was Howard Hughes., this was the explanation
given by someone when asked why did he
model X after Howard Hughes.
 Give me X.
Iron Man
 Which company launched this energy drink brand recently?

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General Quiz - 2022

  • 2. Rules The Quiz consists of 2 rounds, namely Pounce & Bounce and a Buzzer round DM me all the pounces on Whatsapp QMs decision is final May the dp/dx be with you
  • 4. Round 1 : Pounce and Bounce 12 questions in this round +20/-10 on pounce +10/0 on bounce Direct goes to the team, which is next in the clockwise order of the team who answered the last question (except for the 1st question which goes to Team 1)
  • 6. Q1. The name Arctic originates from the word 'arktos' which is a Greek word that means bear. Whereas, Antarctica means 'no bears'. It is true that there are no bears in Antarctica, but the name comes from a Roman version of the Greek word that is antarktike. Anti- is commonly a synonym for the opposite in English as well as in Greek. Thus, Antarctica means opposite of Arctic land, Anti- plus the Arctic which forms a compound word. So why is the Arctic named after bear, and similarly because of absence of what Antarctica is named anti-arctic?
  • 8. The bear refers to Ursa Major and Ursa Minor, which is only visible in the northern hemisphere
  • 9. Q2. During the end of 20th century, top companies in the industry adopted an idol factory model where they select young teenagers and other than their primary skill, they are also trained physically, taught public skills up to 16 hours every day. These youngsters are taken away from their families at a young age, not allowed to have a social life and even after they become successful, are not allowed to have a proper social life. They are also made to learn English and Japanese to dominate the global market. For which multi-billion dollar business do these kids go under these rigorous measures?
  • 11. K-pop
  • 12. Q3. What distinction is often attributed to Alaska because of its geography but is officially held by the state of Maine? Also tell me why is the distinction attributed to Alaska? (the image is very helpful)
  • 15. Alaska being the easternmost state of USA, because it crosses the dateline and is east of Greenwich
  • 16. Q4. On ocean voyages between Britain and India, the most desirable cabinsthe ones that didn't get the afternoon heatwere on the port side out and on the starboard side home. These luxury tickets were supposedly stamped with the letters X. One had a view of Africa in both directions, rather than open sea. But there is no proof, that this is etymology of X, moreover for what is known, it entered the English language in the early 1900s, in a wholly un-nautical context, to mean "smart" and "stylish." Give me X!
  • 18. POSH (Port Out, Starboard Home)
  • 19. Q5. Saudi Arabia was going through a rough economic patch in 2016 when the global oil prices dipped to a record low. As part of far reaching reforms to control the fiscal scenario, there was a 20% cut in salaries of government officials. Further, the government made a long overdue change in its public sector dealings. While this change, which was centuries in the making, was touted as a leap into modernity, it was actually a clever cost- cutting measure that would make government officials work 11 extra days a year without any extra pay. What was this change, that automatically added 11 extra working days ?
  • 21. Shift to Gregorian Calendar from Islamic, thus adding 11 working days
  • 22. Q6. This particular sport, generally played among the masses to resolve ties, has various tournaments with huge money on the stake organised by different groups. Mr. Beast organised a tournament of this sport for YouTubers with the winner receiving $250k, sometime in the 2020 . Though the Japanese version of this sport has frequent mentions throughout the history, but this was originally conceived in China. Which sport is being talked about?
  • 25. Q7. She made her first appearance on TV with the 2017 movie ____(not indicative). She was introduced as the older sister of the three more famous original sisters, having been absent during all their lives because of running away when she lost control of her powers. She is portrayed as a teenager, taller and also with a darker skin. She is capable of teleporting across short distances, and projecting white energy from her body that her sisters do not possess, beyond the regular superhuman strength, durability, enhanced agility, and flight. Who is being described here, created with sugar, spice and everything nice? (I need the name of the character or the TV series, 10 bonus points for naming the character)
  • 27. Bliss from The Powerpuff Girls
  • 28. Q8. Adidas released a new pair of shoes called Munchen, coated with special materials making it unique, to celebrate the Oktoberfest held in Munich from 16th September to 3rd October of 2017. Considering the occasion of Oktoberfest, tell me what purpose did these shoes served?
  • 30. Beer and Puke repellent shoes
  • 31. Q9. Point Nemo or Oceanic point of inaccessibility is the farthest point from any major landmass. It was named in reference to Jules Vernes Captain Nemo, and literally means no man. In the year 2031, its going to be part of someones retirement and has been in news since the retirement was announced. Whose retirement is being talked about, which was the brainchild of US President Ronald Reagan?
  • 33. ISS
  • 34. Q10. Aleiodes is a genus of the family Braconidae of parasitoid wasps, also known as mummy wasps. One of the species of this genus is named after a very famous person, due to the similarities of technique used by these species to exit the host body and the persons most famous work. The wasps of these particular species exits the host body by cutting the whole back part of the host, instead of cutting a small hole in the back, as done by other wasps. Id the literary work, in context of which this species is named.
  • 36. The Road Not Taken by Robert Frost
  • 37. Q11. Brian Eno composed this very famous jingle, and stated all the requirements/ details the company needed in an interview in 1996, a year after the launch. The thing from the agency said, We want a piece of music that is inspiring, universal, blah-blah, da-da-da, optimistic, futuristic, sentimental, emotional, this whole list of adjectives, and then at the bottom, it said and it must be 3.25 seconds long, Eno mentioned in the interview. The ad campaign for the product also featured the The Rolling Stones Start Me Up. Which famous jingle is being talked about?
  • 40. Q12. Even though X is in all shapes and manner a perfect example of Y, according to official sources X is not a Y. The official explanation given for this was that its not possible for a species to have more than two traits, and X could already fly and use fire. According a reddit user, if X was to be flying Y, it shouldve been resistant to water, which is not so, apart from the thing that the species have atmax two traits. What was even more heartbreaking was the fact that a lot of species classified as Y are not what youd expect Ys to be. Id X and Y.
  • 43. Round 2 : Buzzer Round 10 questions in this round 2 attempts on the buzzer Only if the 1st team to press it isnt able to answer the question, 2nd fastest team on the buzzer gets to attempt +20/-10 on the 1st attempt +10/-5 on the 2nd attempt
  • 44. Q13. Connect to an achievement (Non-exhaustive):
  • 46. All of them finished 4th at the olympics
  • 47. Q14. Which GOAT is associated with this logo?
  • 50. Q15. Connect these chess players to certain feat (exhaustive list): Vishwanathan Anand Alexander Alekhine Anatoly Karpov (Hint: other sports personalities to go in the list would be Cristiano Ronaldo, Donald Bradman, Rafael Nadal, Roger Federer, etc.)
  • 52. All have celestial bodies named after them
  • 53. Q16. Id the Indian unicorn whose logo is inspired from this famous art:
  • 60. Q18. From the Earth to the Moon, Five weeks in a Balloon and Eight Hundred Leagues on the Amazon are the lesser known titles of which famous French author, who invented the science fiction genre, pretty much by himself?
  • 63. Q19. Where have you seen this flag?
  • 66. Q20. Chilean ports were one of the biggest revenue generators of the country which declined in the year 1914 due to major shift in maritime industry. What caused severe drop in traffic along the Chilean ports in 1914?
  • 69. Q21. He was an inventor, an adventurer, a ladies' man and finally a nutcase. Without being crazy, was Howard Hughes., this was the explanation given by someone when asked why did he model X after Howard Hughes. Give me X.
  • 72. Q22. Which company launched this energy drink brand recently?