The document contains 20 questions and their corresponding answers about various topics in history, science, mythology, and current events. Some of the questions and answers provided include: Kanishka being the Kushan king who presided over the fourth Buddhist Council where Buddhism split into the Mahayana and Hinayana sects; Argon being the noble gas discovered in 1894 whose name comes from the Greek word for lazy; and the Aum Shinrikyo sect being responsible for the 1995 sarin gas attack on the Tokyo subway system.
2. Question 1Question 1
Which Kushan king presided overWhich Kushan king presided over
the fourth Buddhist Council heldthe fourth Buddhist Council held
in Kashmir, where it split intoin Kashmir, where it split into
the Mahayana and Hinayanathe Mahayana and Hinayana
4. Question 2Question 2
Which Noble gas, whoseWhich Noble gas, whose
name comes from the Greekname comes from the Greek
word for lazy, was discoveredword for lazy, was discovered
by Ramsey and Raleigh inby Ramsey and Raleigh in
6. Question 3Question 3
By what name is the CollegiateBy what name is the Collegiate
Church of St. Peter OriginallyChurch of St. Peter Originally
a Benedictine monastery seta Benedictine monastery set
up by Queen Elizabeth inup by Queen Elizabeth in
1560, now known?1560, now known?
8. Question 4Question 4
Which mediaeval empire wasWhich mediaeval empire was
founded by the brothersfounded by the brothers
Harihara and Bukka in 1336Harihara and Bukka in 1336
10. Question 5Question 5
According to Hindu mythology,According to Hindu mythology,
which goddess is creditedwhich goddess is credited
with having inventedwith having invented
14. Question 7Question 7
Which muscular sheetWhich muscular sheet
separates the chest cavityseparates the chest cavity
from the abdominal cavity infrom the abdominal cavity in
the human body?the human body?
16. Question 8Question 8
Which Temple city in Gujarat,Which Temple city in Gujarat,
literally meaning City of Manyliterally meaning City of Many
Gates, was sacked by MahmudGates, was sacked by Mahmud
Begarha in the early sixteenthBegarha in the early sixteenth
century to get rid of the piratescentury to get rid of the pirates
stationed there?stationed there?
18. Question 9Question 9
In 1988 which dashingIn 1988 which dashing
batsman became the firstbatsman became the first
Indian to take 5 wickets in aIndian to take 5 wickets in a
One Day innings on twoOne Day innings on two
20. Question 10Question 10
Which trading house wasWhich trading house was
started in 1894 as astarted in 1894 as a
collaboration between Tatacollaboration between Tata
Sons and Volkart Brothers?Sons and Volkart Brothers?
24. Question 12Question 12
Which state on the coast ofWhich state on the coast of
Annam in South Vietnam wasAnnam in South Vietnam was
named after the capital of thenamed after the capital of the
ancient Anga country in theancient Anga country in the
lower Ganges valley?lower Ganges valley?
26. Question 13Question 13
Which imperial title was firstWhich imperial title was first
assumed by Ivan the terribleassumed by Ivan the terrible
in 1547?in 1547?
28. Question 14Question 14
Which light grey metal,Which light grey metal,
discovered in 1879, is nameddiscovered in 1879, is named
after a Russian mine officerafter a Russian mine officer
Colonel M. Samarski?Colonel M. Samarski?
30. Question 15Question 15
Which atomic scientist,Which atomic scientist,
quoting from the Bhagavadquoting from the Bhagavad
Gita, said, Now I haveGita, said, Now I have
become death, the detroyerbecome death, the detroyer
of worlds, after the firstof worlds, after the first
nuclear test in 1945?nuclear test in 1945?
32. Question 16Question 16
Which Asian uprising, at theWhich Asian uprising, at the
turn of the century, wasturn of the century, was
carried out by the secretcarried out by the secret
organisation, society oforganisation, society of
Harmonious Fists?Harmonious Fists?
34. Question 17Question 17
What did Akbar build at theWhat did Akbar build at the
mosque for Salim Chishti tomosque for Salim Chishti to
commemorate his victorycommemorate his victory
over MUzaffar Shah II ofover MUzaffar Shah II of
Gujarat in 1572?Gujarat in 1572?
36. Question 18Question 18
Which space mission in 1978Which space mission in 1978
intended for moon landing,intended for moon landing,
got cancelled because of agot cancelled because of a
ruptured tank in the serviceruptured tank in the service
40. Question 20Question 20
Which Sect, founded in 1987,Which Sect, founded in 1987,
was responsible for the sarinwas responsible for the sarin
gas attack on the Tokyogas attack on the Tokyo