This document outlines general requirements for ergonomics. It discusses performing ergonomic risk assessments to identify hazards. The organization will set annual targets to reduce or eliminate high-risk jobs through engineering and administrative controls. It will also implement a hearing conservation program that includes communicating the program, mapping noise levels, audiometric testing, providing hearing protection, and retaining records.
Ergonomic Risk Assessment
Elimination / Reduction of High Ergonomic Risk
Hearing Conservation
Q & A
Ergonomics means fitting the workplace to the
worker by modifying or redesigning the job,
workstation, tool or environment.
Company shall maintain and implement an
ergonomics program that identifies, prevents,
and controls ergonomic risk in accordance with
its applicable rules and regulations.
4. Elimination / Reduction of High Ergonomic Risk
The objectives of ergonomic risk evaluations
are to reduce the risk factors that lead to
cumulative trauma disorders and other related
injuries and diseases.
Company will set annual targets to reduce or
eliminate high ergonomic risk exposure to
employees / workers. This will be done by
effectively implementing engineering control
measures where practicable and focus
specifically on Administrative controls that
would include knowledge and training aspects.
5. Hearing Conservation
It is Company belief that Noise Induced Hearing Loss (NIHL)
is preventable. A hearing conservation program will be
implemented which includes but is not limited to:
揃 Communicate the program and train employees
揃 Develop mapping noise levels of the plant site
揃 Set up an audiometric testing plan
揃 Make hearing protection available
揃 Retain exposure and medical records