This document provides an overview of the Year 10 General Science elective subject which covers three topics: Heating and Cooling, Chemical Reactions, and Microbiology. Students investigate concepts of energy, temperature, chemical changes and reactions, and microorganisms through experiments, calculations, graphing, and microscope use. While not a prerequisite for further science study, the course provides a well-rounded introduction to aspects of chemistry, physics, and biology that may be useful for students considering science subjects in the future.
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General Science
1. Year 10 General Science Three topics are covered in this elective subject: Heating and Cooling Chemical Reactions Microbiology
2. It is a useful subject, because it provides a good standard of instruction in each of Chemistry, Physics and Biology within the one elective subject; however, it is not a pre-requisite for further Science study at VCE level Students who are thinking of continuing with any science subject in the future, are advised to take this elective and combine it with other electives of interest.
3. Heating and Cooling – investigates the concepts of energy and temperature. Students investigate the different heat capacities of substances. Some mathematical calculations and graph work are performed and analysed.
4. Chemical Reactions investigates a variety of chemical reactions which are used to highlight the concept of chemical change. Factors affecting the rate of chemical reactions are studied by a series of experiments
5. Microbiology studies micro-organisms. The main groups of micro-organisms and the diseases/useful applications associated with each type. Micro-organisms viewed under a microscope
6. Assessment includes topic tests, experiment reports, data analysis tasks, project work and final examination. Petri dishes are used to grow micro-organisms Many different types of microscopes are used