The document contains a safety inspection report of three areas - KNCC, Senibina, and Louis Sullivan Studio Class. For KNCC, all safety requirements were met except for waste disposal. For Senibina, fire fighting equipment and inspection records were lacking. For Louis Sullivan Studio Class, fire fighting equipment and inspection records were absent. The report also noted issues like ceiling cracks, broken air conditioning, and lack of fire fighting equipment that required corrective action.
2. 1. Inspection record : yes
2. Fire fighting equipment : yes
3. Workshop premise and passage way : yes
4. Waste disposal : yes
5. Electric equipment : yes
6. Lighting : yes
7. Fuel, oil and paint : yes
3. 1. Inspection record : no
2. Fire fighting equipment : no
3. Workshop premise and passageway :
4. Waste disposal : yes
5. Electric equipments : yes
6. Lighting : yes
7. Fuel,oil and paint : no
4. 1. Inspection record : no
2. Fire fighting equipment :
3. Workshop premise and
passageway : yes
4. Waste disposal : yes
5. Electric equipment : yes
6. Lighting : yes
7. Fuel, oil and paint : no