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BRIDGING THE GAP BETWEEN GENERATION Y AND THE WORKPLACE:  UNDERSTANDING A NEW GENERATION Wendy Walls, MS Technical College of the Lowcountry Director of Business and Community Relations 843-470-8405 [email_address]
OUTLINE AND OBJECTIVE OF PROJECT Develop a project, plan or program that would be of benefit to any of the 16 colleges in the state tech system.  The project, plan or program outline included: Charter- What is the plan? Scope- Who/what is being measured and how? Mentors/Resources Budget Close out- What was learned? How can this information be used in other institutions and communities?
THE PLAN Bring together local business owners and leaders with members of Gen Y.  Gen Y can be from local high schools, civic clubs or student groups on campus. Business owners and leaders can be from any business or civic organization in the service area.  Hold the meeting/session as an Open Forum with a moderator Allow Gen Y to tell businesses what they expect from the workplace. Allow business owners/leaders to tell Gen Y what they expect in the workplace. Encourage communication.
CHARTER Town Hall  Meeting/Forum Targeted to Generation Y, local business leaders, chambers of commerce, etc.
SCOPE Students were chosen at random and surveyed (Datatel) 74% of surveys were returned
WORK ENVIRONMENT SURVEY QUESTIONS What salary do you expect to earn when you enter the workforce? What length of time do you expect to work before receiving a promotion or raise? How do you feel about formal or traditional corporate/business dress policies in the workplace? How important is it for you to have current technology for use in the workplace? Would access to technology persuade you to work for one company over another? How long do you expect to work at your first position after graduation? How long do you anticipate working with a company in a position which pertains to your major?
RESOURCES/MENTORS Frank Gibson, III, Owner-  Lowcountry Insurance Services, Beaufort, SC. Nancy Weber, Vice-President- Continuing Education and Workforce Development,  Technical College of the Lowcountry,  Beaufort, SC.  Other resources include my time, the time of the mentors and the time of TCL students who were all necessary components of this study.
BUDGET $1,000
CLOSE OUT This program can be administered at any/all community colleges within the SCCCS where there is a business community willing to participate.  Lessons learned: The local business community is not  ready for Gen. Y Generation Y (overall) is optimistic about their futures and the effect that they will have on Americas workforce.
AN OVERVIEW OF GENERATIONS  The Silents   1925-1946 Baby Boomers  1946-1960 Generation  X 1961-1979 Generation  Y 1980-2004
CHARACTERISTICS Loyal Dedicated Thrifty Civil Duty  & Womens Rights
CHARACTERISTICS Rebellious Optimistic Buy now-pay later Love themselves Meet, Meet, Meet! Baby Boomers (Woodstock Generation)
CHARACTERISTICS Competitive Work-Hard, Play Hard Latch Key Kids Volunteers  Humorous We Want It Now! Outspoken Judgmental Work and Family Balance Generation  X (13 th  generation)
CHARACTERISTICS Social Multi-Cultural Optimistic Technology-Driven High Self-Esteem Unique Individual Teamwork Generation Y (Millennial)
WHAT IS GENERATION Y EXPECTING FROM THE WORKPLACE? Flexible work schedules- Overlook when he/she comes in or leaves Internet access at work -Facebook, Twitter, ESPN, Gmail, Word, Excel and Powerpoint  may all be open at the same time Work attire- Gen Y style is very casual Dont micromanage me- ever Explain how/why the work Im doing is contributing to the big picture or bottom line
6 WAYS GEN Y WILL CHANGE  THE WORKPLACE Expect only productive meetings Shorter work days Redefined retirement (many and mini retirements- multiple jobs and careers) Understand the importance of the HR office (happy people make a happy workplace) Promotion based on emotional intelligence Expectations of a higher starting salary

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Generation Communications

  • 1. BRIDGING THE GAP BETWEEN GENERATION Y AND THE WORKPLACE: UNDERSTANDING A NEW GENERATION Wendy Walls, MS Technical College of the Lowcountry Director of Business and Community Relations 843-470-8405 [email_address]
  • 2. OUTLINE AND OBJECTIVE OF PROJECT Develop a project, plan or program that would be of benefit to any of the 16 colleges in the state tech system. The project, plan or program outline included: Charter- What is the plan? Scope- Who/what is being measured and how? Mentors/Resources Budget Close out- What was learned? How can this information be used in other institutions and communities?
  • 3. THE PLAN Bring together local business owners and leaders with members of Gen Y. Gen Y can be from local high schools, civic clubs or student groups on campus. Business owners and leaders can be from any business or civic organization in the service area. Hold the meeting/session as an Open Forum with a moderator Allow Gen Y to tell businesses what they expect from the workplace. Allow business owners/leaders to tell Gen Y what they expect in the workplace. Encourage communication.
  • 4. CHARTER Town Hall Meeting/Forum Targeted to Generation Y, local business leaders, chambers of commerce, etc.
  • 5. SCOPE Students were chosen at random and surveyed (Datatel) 74% of surveys were returned
  • 6. WORK ENVIRONMENT SURVEY QUESTIONS What salary do you expect to earn when you enter the workforce? What length of time do you expect to work before receiving a promotion or raise? How do you feel about formal or traditional corporate/business dress policies in the workplace? How important is it for you to have current technology for use in the workplace? Would access to technology persuade you to work for one company over another? How long do you expect to work at your first position after graduation? How long do you anticipate working with a company in a position which pertains to your major?
  • 7. RESOURCES/MENTORS Frank Gibson, III, Owner- Lowcountry Insurance Services, Beaufort, SC. Nancy Weber, Vice-President- Continuing Education and Workforce Development, Technical College of the Lowcountry, Beaufort, SC. Other resources include my time, the time of the mentors and the time of TCL students who were all necessary components of this study.
  • 9. CLOSE OUT This program can be administered at any/all community colleges within the SCCCS where there is a business community willing to participate. Lessons learned: The local business community is not ready for Gen. Y Generation Y (overall) is optimistic about their futures and the effect that they will have on Americas workforce.
  • 10. AN OVERVIEW OF GENERATIONS The Silents 1925-1946 Baby Boomers 1946-1960 Generation X 1961-1979 Generation Y 1980-2004
  • 11. CHARACTERISTICS Loyal Dedicated Thrifty Civil Duty & Womens Rights
  • 12. CHARACTERISTICS Rebellious Optimistic Buy now-pay later Love themselves Meet, Meet, Meet! Baby Boomers (Woodstock Generation)
  • 13. CHARACTERISTICS Competitive Work-Hard, Play Hard Latch Key Kids Volunteers Humorous We Want It Now! Outspoken Judgmental Work and Family Balance Generation X (13 th generation)
  • 14. CHARACTERISTICS Social Multi-Cultural Optimistic Technology-Driven High Self-Esteem Unique Individual Teamwork Generation Y (Millennial)
  • 16. WHAT IS GENERATION Y EXPECTING FROM THE WORKPLACE? Flexible work schedules- Overlook when he/she comes in or leaves Internet access at work -Facebook, Twitter, ESPN, Gmail, Word, Excel and Powerpoint may all be open at the same time Work attire- Gen Y style is very casual Dont micromanage me- ever Explain how/why the work Im doing is contributing to the big picture or bottom line
  • 17. 6 WAYS GEN Y WILL CHANGE THE WORKPLACE Expect only productive meetings Shorter work days Redefined retirement (many and mini retirements- multiple jobs and careers) Understand the importance of the HR office (happy people make a happy workplace) Promotion based on emotional intelligence Expectations of a higher starting salary

Editor's Notes

  • #5: Introduce the idea of the town hall meeting that will promote networking, professional development, employment opportunities as well as open-communication between generations.
  • #6: Majors- Cosm. Gen. Bus. CJ, ECD. Qualitative Analysis- This survey as distributed to four different classrooms- in three different divisions
  • #7: Answers: Average Salary expectation $48,000 Expected to work 6 months before receiving a promotion or a raise Would possibly commit to a job for two years Gen Y is very casual with their dress. Business Casual will take on a whole new meaning with this generation.
  • #9: My budget is $1000 which will be used for food supplies and mailing costs. Will also use online networking such as Twitter, Facebook, etc. to advertise the event.
  • #10: In order for this project to operate successfully you must have buy in from businesses in the community. I plan to administer this survey with future classes at TCL. The town hall meeting should be held during the spring semester Ideally 4-6 weeks prior to graduation. Gen Y are ready to rock and roll their attitude is ready or not, here we come! And they are going to change the way you see and do business. We are more efficient and productive than any other generation. - Opinion
  • #11: A break down of generations Some examples of generations------ next slide. Helps to identify generations Now that you have located where you Belong heres a crash course in generations
  • #12: This generation was hired with the same company that they retired with 30 years later. VERY LOYAL. Spend thrifty- This generation was raised by parents who lived through the Great Depression. this generation- Do or Die! Stick to your guns never waver to fit in or to be part of the crowd. When they get behind a cause they stick with it. No matter what. Pillars of Strength!
  • #13: Can do attitude.- Anything is possible The sky is the limit! This generation loves to have meetings. Love to talk about the past and refer to it as A magical time. Love to discuss grandchildren, weekend plans, etc during meetings. If you know a boomer, please buy them a copy of Death by Meeting This generation will meet you to death! They love to have meetings that last for hours!!!!!! Love to discuss grandchildren, weekend plans, etc during
  • #14: Generation X- What can I say about my Generation? We are impatient. We want instant gratification and approval. Trustful until betrayed. Many in this generation come from single parent homes or were raised by grandparents. This generation was mommy going back to work and sometimes being the sole-bread winner in the family. Multi generational homes- Grandparents, parents, kids, etc. all in one house.
  • #15: Be yourself- no one else can be you. Very close to their parents- Lots of family support! Helicopter parents- HOVER! Less than 1/3 of this generation are Caucasian Technology is second nature to this age group- The old way of operating doesnt appeal with this group. 25% of this generation come from single parent homes Teamwork is very popular with this generation. If you have an opportunity to pair Gen Y up with Boomers, do it! And watch the magic happen!
  • #16: Insert definition of a helicopter parent- Tell story about Jade moving to Marshall : )
  • #17: Flexibility- we are currently seeing a little of that with working from your home office. Multi-taskers with the internet, software, cell phones, etc. Dont micromanage me- EVER. In other words give me room to work and I will do a good job. Need to know how they are contributing to the big picture. Dressing for work- well, they arent. Jeans , hats, ts, etc. Very casual. Gen Y thinks, if Im here, dont worry about what Im wearing. Accept me for what I am. Youre lucky that I could be bothered with coming to an office- I could have done this from my home. This is the generation of the self-made, young millionaire. Trust them!
  • #18: Productive meetings- very few paper handouts and less than 20 minutes long. They dont want the details of your personal life ie. Grandkids, weekend plans, your childs recital. Will see more electronic communication with this generation than every before. Will have many retirements. When they get tired of working, they will stop and do something different. Promotion based on emotional intelligence- are you well liked in the office, do you play well with others? Are you pleasant to work with? How do you interact with co-workers, clients, etc. ? Tell me what Im doing right or wrong when it happens Helicopter parents- coming to interviews/calling on their childs behalf. reviews. Tell me what Im doing right or wrong when it happens.
  • #19: Offer to send this presentation to others if requested. Thank everyone for their time.