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Accelerating success.GenerationsColliers InternationalBy Ben I. Schaal
Generations: A Definition2A group of people who share similar historical and social life experiences of which the effects are relatively stable over their lifetime.- Rick Bottiglieri, CEO, Momentum Corporation LtdEach generation has specific characteristics and values that shape their social interaction and attitudes towards life.
Baby Boomers (Born 1945 to 1964)3Shaped by:
  Civil Rights Movement
  Space race
  Cold War
  Large class sizes
Self and career are staunchly connected
  Invented the 60 hour work week
  Competitive, materialistic, loyal
  Message they heard:  You can make the world a better    place.Generation X  (Born 1965 to 1980)4Shaped by:
 Fall of Berlin Wall

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Generations Powerpoint

  • 2. Generations: A Definition2A group of people who share similar historical and social life experiences of which the effects are relatively stable over their lifetime.- Rick Bottiglieri, CEO, Momentum Corporation LtdEach generation has specific characteristics and values that shape their social interaction and attitudes towards life.
  • 3. Baby Boomers (Born 1945 to 1964)3Shaped by:
  • 4. Civil Rights Movement
  • 5. Space race
  • 8. Cold War
  • 9. Large class sizes
  • 10. Self and career are staunchly connected
  • 11. Invented the 60 hour work week
  • 12. Competitive, materialistic, loyal
  • 13. Message they heard: You can make the world a better place.Generation X (Born 1965 to 1980)4Shaped by:
  • 14. Fall of Berlin Wall
  • 15. Rise of AIDS
  • 16. Development of World Wide Web
  • 20. Less likely to define themselves by their careers
  • 21. Likely to change jobs; loyalty not a big value
  • 22. Realistic, cynical, addicted to change
  • 23. Emphasis on family and need for freedom
  • 24. Message they heard: Youll never do as well economically as your parents did.Generation Y (Born 1981 to 2000)5Shaped by:
  • 28. Dot-com boom and fall
  • 29. W庄姻艶糸 安看姻鉛糸
  • 30. Crave freedom and fun do not want to sacrifice
  • 31. Work to live, not live to work compartmentalize work
  • 32. Do not feel the need to pay dues; want instant gratification
  • 33. Positive, optimistic, close to parents
  • 34. Message they heard: You are super! You can do anything you want!6Some information on local panelists . . . How old were you when you first traveled on an airplane?Boomer 22Boomer 14Gen X 15Gen X 10Gen Y 12Gen Y 5
  • 35. 7More on our panelists. . . .On a scale of 1 to 10 (1 = not important at all, 10 = very important) how important is it that you be paid very well?Boomer 10/9Boomer 8Gen X 9Gen X 8Gen Y 8Gen Y 7/6
  • 36. 8More on our panelists. . . .On a scale of 1 to 10, how important is it to you that you be able to wear comfortable clothing in your work environment?Boomer 2Boomer 7Gen X 4Gen X 4Gen Y 9Gen Y 8
  • 37. 9More on our panelists. . . .On a scale of 1 to 10, how important is flexibility to you?Boomer 10Boomer 10Gen X 9Gen X 7Gen Y 8Gen Y 8/7
  • 38. 10More on our panelists. . . .Were you asked your opinion on family decisions in your family of origin? Boomer: No, I was not involved at all.Boomer: No, my dad would issue pronouncements.Gen X: I would say . . . NO.Gen X: I was not consulted.Gen Y: We were asked our opinion, but Im not sure we influenced anything!Gen Y: Yes, for vacation decisions and pets.
  • 39. 11CommunicationIn general, Boomers believe that Gen X and Gen Y overestimate their written and oral communication skillsGen Y was 5 times more likely than Boomers and 2 times more likely than Gen X to find social networking sites valuable for building relationshipsInstant messaging has had an adverse impact on clear communications.42% of Baby Boomers agree with this statement41% of Gen X agree with this statement28% of Gen Y agree with this statement
  • 40. Survey said we agree . . . .12 Employers owe employees competitive salaries and benefits
  • 41. Employers owe employees fair treatment
  • 42. Employers should provide employees with interesting and challenging work that creates opportunities to learn, grow and advance
  • 43. Employees need to adhere to firm guidelines and support the goals of their supervisors
  • 44. Employees should make sacrifices to help the team succeed and go the extra mileBest Practices 13 Measure success and performance by results, not notions of face time and volumes of hours worked
  • 45. Be open to perspectives different from your own: One persons no big deal to miss is anothers significant sacrifice
  • 46. Challenge staff to make the task more efficient after they have done it once
  • 47. Create a clear learning path to career advancement with well marked milestones
  • 48. Similarly, create a clear project path with well-marked milestones in projectsThanks!