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Genetic Modification
BY: Nombuso Siphiwe
For Grade: 12
It is important that people know more about
Genetic Modification (GM), so we will show you. You
will know what is GM, who started with the
experiences, the advantages and disadvantages,
some curious facts, examples of animals and food
that have been genetically modified, the countries
that produce more GM food and a statistic about
the opinion of Romanians people about it.
• Genetic engineering, also called genetic modification, is a
process in which genetic material is changed to make possible
the production of new substances or new functions to
animals, plants or humans using biotechnology. For example,
the crops can be resistant to cold, pesticides and diseases. Or
eliminate human hereditary diseases and change their
physical characteristics.
Gregor Mendel
• Gregor Mendel (1822-1884) was
born in an Australian Empire
and he was a scientist who
gained fame as the founder of
the new science of genetics. He
made experiences with plants
variation, implanting genes of
one organism to another starting
the genetic modification process.
Advantages of GMO
• Advantages:
1. Modified to make them more
resistant to unfavorable conditions
2. Produce higher yields
3. Use less fertilizers
4. Use lesser water
5. Pest resistance
6. Herbicide tolerance
7. Increasing food supplies in corelation with an increasing world
Harmful to environment
Harmful to humans
Give rise to 'super weeds‘
Super weeds' dominate the fields
and affect main crops
• Genes from the genetically
modified food could be transferred
to the pests which can make them
become resistant to the pesticides
and the pesticides become useless.
• Many people lie about the effects of GM many times because of
economical interest. But here are some true facts:
• The mutilation can lead to many unexpected changes like poor crop
performance, alteration in the nutritional content, toxic and allergenic
• It doesn’t reduce pesticide, it even increase.
• It doesn’t increase crop field potential but it makes it worst by destroying
the needing soil nutrients.
• Creates serious environmental problems, killing important animals.
• It doesn’t help solve climate change because of the increase of chemicals
• It won’t help to end up with the world hunger, the food is just badly
Genetic modification in animals

Glow-in-the-dark cats in South Korea

The Environing, is a pig more
environmentally friendly by
decreasing the phosphorous.

In New Zealand, the cow produces milk almost entirely free of a
protein which causes allergies. And the bigger size of the cow that
provides more meat.

Scientists of Taiwan, created three pigs that glow in the dark. Their objective
was use the glow dark pigs to study the combat of human diseases.
Trees that can clean up the
contamination of places

Bigger sheeps

Mixture of zebra
and horse
What is GM food?
• Genetically Modified (GM) foods are
produced from genetically modified
organisms (GMO) which have had their
genome altered through genetic engineering
techniques. The genes of plants can be
modified to make them more resistant to
unfavorable growing conditions and also to
produce higher yields with the use of lesser
fertilizers and water. Involving genetically
modified organisms (GMO) which are
potential environmental hazards. Examples
of this GM food are; soybean, corn, canola
and cotton seed oil.
Genetic modification
Misture of oranges and kiwi

Colour cabagges
The banana vaccine – To fight against diseases such
as cholera and hepatitis.

Salmon that grows faster – To feed more population
and its good by its properties.
Bigger, longer-lasting tomatoes - These are
engineered to produce tomatoes that can remain
fresh for longer and be bigger.
Cows that fart less - They have been produced to fight
the deleterious effects that cow flatulence can have on
the environment.
Genetic modification
Genetic modification
Now you know more about this
procedure. The main creator of
GM was Gregor Mendel in the
XIX century. And we could
see the good things about this
modern tecnique, but there are also
lots of problems that could rise
because of this.
America is the continent that
produces more GM food. And you
can be eating a lot of it without
even knowing though most of the
people doesn’t agree with GMO’s.
• http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1H9WZGKQeYg


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M_ztZGbLEJ0  other things based on this
Honour References
 Raquel Oliveira64, 2 months ago
in Spirituality.
 Joshua H. Cabarle BSED I-CNAT
SCI, 3 years ago.

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