Presented by Breeding and genetics (Aynalem Haile and Joram Mwacharo), Reproduction, (Mourad Mourad Rekik) Feed (Jane Wamatu) Health (Solomon Gizaw) and Markets (Girma Tesfahun) at the SmaRT Ethiopia workshop and field day on Small Ruminant Community Based Breeding Program (CBBP), Hosaena, Ethiopia, 27–28 March 2018
Improving livestock productivity and resilience in Africa: Application of gen...ILRI
Presented by Julie Ojango, Yumi Mingyan, Raphael Mrode and Okeyo Mwai at the Workshop on Animal Genetic Research for Africa (Biosciences for Farming in Africa), Nairobi, 10-11 September 2015
Livestock sector is an important sector in indian economy. To boost the productive performance of existing livestock population in india, biotechnolgy plays a key role to fullfill this.
Participatory evaluation of cattle fattening innovations of smallholder farm...ILRI
Poster prepared by Azage Tegegne, Yoseph Mekashaand Tesfaye Dubale for the Tropentag 2016 Conference on Solidarity in a Competing World—Fair Use of Resources, Vienna, Austria, 19–21 September 2016
On-farm hormonal oestrus synchronization and mass insemination of cows for sm...ILRI
This document summarizes research on on-farm hormonal oestrus synchronization and mass artificial insemination of cows for smallholders in Ethiopia. It finds that while a researcher-led approach showed promise, scaling required institutional changes. Working with regional partners to train staff, over 600,000 cows were synchronized and inseminated from 2011-2015 across four regions. New technologies like progesterone tests helped with estrus detection and pregnancy diagnosis. The Ethiopian government's Livestock Master Plan now aims to increase crossbred cows to 5 million in 5 years to boost milk production and incomes.
Marker assisted selection can be used to accelerate genetic change for economic and production traits in cattle. It allows for more direct selection compared to phenotype-based selection alone. This can increase profitability through improved feed efficiency, carcass value, and other traits. While marker assisted selection may increase uniformity across breeds, variation is still important for adaptation to different environments. Breeders need to consider how to balance selection for market traits while maintaining breed distinctions and ability to adapt. Genomic technology can help improve the accuracy of estimated breeding values by linking DNA information to performance data.
Increasing productivity of chickens through the African Chicken Genetic Gains...ckmtraining
Presented by Jasmine E. Bruno at the Technologies, Platforms and Partnerships in Support of the African Agricultural Science Agenda, Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire, 5th April 2017
Dr. Mark Allen - Present & Future: Bovine Genetic & Reproductive TechnologiesJohn Blue
Present & Future: Bovine Genetic & Reproductive Technologies - Dr. Mark Allan, Director Marketing and Genomics, Trans Ova Genetics, from the 2014 NIAA Annual Conference titled 'The Precautionary Principle: How Agriculture Will Thrive', March 31 - April 2, 2014, Omaha, NE, USA.
More presentations at
Dr. Sushil Neupane's notes on "Introductory Genetics and Animal Breeding" for the 2nd year, 1st semester of the Diploma in Animal Science (latest syllabus of CTEVT) provide a comprehensive overview of key concepts and principles related to genetics and animal breeding. The notes cover fundamental topics in genetics and their practical applications in livestock production and breeding programs.
Livestock-derived foods and the first 1000 days: The essential role of livest...ILRI
Presentation by Boitshepo Giyose, Klaus Kraemer, Lora Iannotti, Maya Stewart, Osman Dar and Silvia Alonso at a side event at the 45th session of the United Nations Committee on World Food Security, Rome, Italy, 15–19 October 2018.
Alpaca Breeding Technologies provides assisted reproductive services to alpaca breeders to accelerate genetic gains and maximize profits, including embryo transfer, artificial insemination, sperm assessment, pregnancy diagnosis, and treatment of reproductive issues. Their mission is to deliver these techniques along with nutrition and genetic improvement consultancy through workshops and training courses.
This PPT covers “Daily Current Affairs” and the topic details “Cattle Genomics Scheme”. The topic “Cattle Genomics Scheme” has relevance in the “Economy” section of the UPSC CSE exam.
Biotech 2019 - Leveraging Advances in Industrial Biotechnology in the Cellula...David Welch
The utilization of animal stem cells to grow muscle and fat tissues in vitro for consumption, dubbed “cell-based meat,” offers an unprecedented opportunity to transform animal agriculture and produce meat in a humane and sustainable way. This nascent, interdisciplinary industry intersects cell biology, tissue engineering, biochemical engineering, and food science, with tangential impacts on issues relating to environmental science, human health, and regulatory policies. This talk will provide an industry snapshot and highlight the current challenges to scaling cell-based meat production, focusing on the needs and opportunities for industrial biotechnology to participate in the development of new tools, resources, or optimizations required to reach price parity with traditional animal meat. Finally, applications for industrial biotechnology in the broader "cellular agriculture" fields will be discussed.
The CGIAR Research Program on Agriculture for Nutrition and Health (A4NH) is hosting a brownbag discussion series on our program to participants from our lead center, IFPRI.
The series will cover commonly-asked-questions about our research portfolio, how we engage with partners, and areas for scaling up research.
This presentation outlines collaborations between A4NH and the Markets, Trade, and Institutions Division at IFPRI.
ILRI's strategy focuses on using livestock research to improve food security and reduce poverty in Africa. It has three strategic objectives: 1) develop and promote sustainable, scalable practices that improve lives through livestock; 2) provide scientific evidence to persuade decision-makers to invest more in livestock; and 3) increase stakeholders' capacity to make better use of livestock science and investments. Key research areas include addressing the biomass crisis in intensifying smallholder systems, managing vulnerability and risk in drylands, improving food safety and addressing aflatoxins, advancing vaccine biosciences, and mobilizing biosciences to achieve food security in Africa. ILRI aims to prove livestock's potential, influence investment, and ensure sufficient capacity to effectively use
The document discusses the role of assisted reproductive techniques (ARTs) in building a competitive livestock industry. It covers the timeline of ARTs from artificial insemination to cloning. It then discusses various ARTs in more detail, including artificial insemination, embryo transfer, in vitro fertilization, and cloning. The document also summarizes the experience and results of In Vitro Africa in applying these techniques. It concludes that ARTs can help increase livestock productivity and alleviate poverty and hunger in developing countries by allowing for faster genetic improvement.
This document summarizes genetic improvement programs in poultry breeding, focusing on chickens. It discusses the selection of chickens for desirable traits, genetic improvement in broilers through selection for traits like growth and feed efficiency, and genetic improvement in laying hens through selecting for traits like egg number, quality, and feed conversion ratio. The quantitative genetics approach has been applied effectively in industrial chicken breeding to reach high performance levels for growth and egg production in specialized lines.
An Overview of Genomic Selection and FertilityDAIReXNET
This document summarizes research aimed at improving dairy cattle fertility using genomics. The research objectives are to develop novel genetic markers of fertility, identify genetic variants associated with daughter pregnancy rate, and provide markers to improve genomic selection for fertility. Genome-wide association studies identified single nucleotide polymorphisms associated with fertility. Many genes associated with daughter pregnancy rate were found to not be associated with milk production. The expected outcomes are better genomic tools to predict reproductive traits and more rapid genetic progress in improving dairy cow fertility.
Meat and milk from farmed animals including livestock (cattle, goat and buffalo) and poultry are sources of high quality protein and essential amino acids, minerals, fats and fatty acids, readily available vitamins, small quantities of carbohydrates and other bioactive components.1?The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) 2008 estimate shows that meat consumption has grown with increase in population. The average global per capita meat consumption is 42.1 kg/year with 82.9 kg/year in developed and 31.1 kg/year in developing countries in a recommended daily animal-sourced protein per capita of 50 kg per year2. Milk on the other hand is consumed in various forms: liquid, cheese, powder, and cream at a global per capita consumption of 108 kg per person per year which is way below the FAO recommended daily consumption of 200 kg.
Meat and milk from farmed animals including livestock (cattle, goat and buffalo) and poultry are sources of high quality protein and essential amino acids, minerals, fats and fatty acids, readily available vitamins, small quantities of carbohydrates and other bioactive components.1?The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) 2008 estimate shows that meat consumption has grown with increase in population. The average global per capita meat consumption is 42.1 kg/year with 82.9 kg/year in developed and 31.1 kg/year in developing countries in a recommended daily animal-sourced protein per capita of 50 kg per year2. Milk on the other hand is consumed in various forms: liquid, cheese, powder, and cream at a global per capita consumption of 108 kg per person per year which is way below the FAO recommended daily consumption of 200 kg.
Cows, missing milk markets and nutrition in rural Ethiopiaessp2
This document summarizes a study on the relationship between cow ownership and child nutrition in rural Ethiopia. The study finds that owning a cow significantly increases the likelihood that a child ages 6-24 months will consume milk and the number of days they consume milk per week. Cow ownership is also found to greatly reduce the likelihood of stunting in children ages 12-24 months. These effects are stronger when the village lacks a food market. The document recommends policies to increase cow ownership, dairy productivity, and dairy market development to improve child nutrition, as undernutrition negatively impacts long-term human capital development.
This project aims to develop a probiotic-fortified recipe to combat stunting in pre-school children in Qalyubia, Egypt. A team from the National Research Centre and Health Tech for Integrated Health Solutions will:
1. Develop an innovative recipe using local ingredients, probiotics, and fulfilling 30% of daily nutrient requirements.
2. Produce the recipe at a pilot scale of 35,000 servings and apply it to 100 children for 350 days, evaluating its effects on stunting.
3. Upon confirmation of the recipe's effectiveness, register it with the Ministry of Health and produce it at an industrial scale for national and regional marketing, targeting 500,000 children within 3 years.
eOrganic Dairy Team OREI project overviewDebra Heleba
This project aimed to develop technical training and support materials for agricultural service providers and farmers in certified organic dairy production systems through online resources and regional learning hubs. The project would create various training materials including articles, videos, webinars and online courses to deliver to over 500 service providers and farmers. Regional learning hubs would serve as gathering places for farmers and service providers to access information and materials as co-learners.
How can Animal Biotechnology contribute to Agenda 2063, ST&I Strategy for Afr...ILRI
Animal biotechnology can help achieve development goals in Africa by increasing livestock productivity, improving animal health and resilience, and reducing environmental impacts. Key applications include developing disease-resistant animals, improving feed digestibility and reproduction, and selecting animals that produce less methane. Strengthening partnerships, regulatory systems, and Africa's own innovation capacities will be important to facilitate use of animal biotechnology for sustainable development.
Dr. Mark Allen - Present & Future: Bovine Genetic & Reproductive TechnologiesJohn Blue
Present & Future: Bovine Genetic & Reproductive Technologies - Dr. Mark Allan, Director Marketing and Genomics, Trans Ova Genetics, from the 2014 NIAA Annual Conference titled 'The Precautionary Principle: How Agriculture Will Thrive', March 31 - April 2, 2014, Omaha, NE, USA.
More presentations at
Dr. Sushil Neupane's notes on "Introductory Genetics and Animal Breeding" for the 2nd year, 1st semester of the Diploma in Animal Science (latest syllabus of CTEVT) provide a comprehensive overview of key concepts and principles related to genetics and animal breeding. The notes cover fundamental topics in genetics and their practical applications in livestock production and breeding programs.
Livestock-derived foods and the first 1000 days: The essential role of livest...ILRI
Presentation by Boitshepo Giyose, Klaus Kraemer, Lora Iannotti, Maya Stewart, Osman Dar and Silvia Alonso at a side event at the 45th session of the United Nations Committee on World Food Security, Rome, Italy, 15–19 October 2018.
Alpaca Breeding Technologies provides assisted reproductive services to alpaca breeders to accelerate genetic gains and maximize profits, including embryo transfer, artificial insemination, sperm assessment, pregnancy diagnosis, and treatment of reproductive issues. Their mission is to deliver these techniques along with nutrition and genetic improvement consultancy through workshops and training courses.
This PPT covers “Daily Current Affairs” and the topic details “Cattle Genomics Scheme”. The topic “Cattle Genomics Scheme” has relevance in the “Economy” section of the UPSC CSE exam.
Biotech 2019 - Leveraging Advances in Industrial Biotechnology in the Cellula...David Welch
The utilization of animal stem cells to grow muscle and fat tissues in vitro for consumption, dubbed “cell-based meat,” offers an unprecedented opportunity to transform animal agriculture and produce meat in a humane and sustainable way. This nascent, interdisciplinary industry intersects cell biology, tissue engineering, biochemical engineering, and food science, with tangential impacts on issues relating to environmental science, human health, and regulatory policies. This talk will provide an industry snapshot and highlight the current challenges to scaling cell-based meat production, focusing on the needs and opportunities for industrial biotechnology to participate in the development of new tools, resources, or optimizations required to reach price parity with traditional animal meat. Finally, applications for industrial biotechnology in the broader "cellular agriculture" fields will be discussed.
The CGIAR Research Program on Agriculture for Nutrition and Health (A4NH) is hosting a brownbag discussion series on our program to participants from our lead center, IFPRI.
The series will cover commonly-asked-questions about our research portfolio, how we engage with partners, and areas for scaling up research.
This presentation outlines collaborations between A4NH and the Markets, Trade, and Institutions Division at IFPRI.
ILRI's strategy focuses on using livestock research to improve food security and reduce poverty in Africa. It has three strategic objectives: 1) develop and promote sustainable, scalable practices that improve lives through livestock; 2) provide scientific evidence to persuade decision-makers to invest more in livestock; and 3) increase stakeholders' capacity to make better use of livestock science and investments. Key research areas include addressing the biomass crisis in intensifying smallholder systems, managing vulnerability and risk in drylands, improving food safety and addressing aflatoxins, advancing vaccine biosciences, and mobilizing biosciences to achieve food security in Africa. ILRI aims to prove livestock's potential, influence investment, and ensure sufficient capacity to effectively use
The document discusses the role of assisted reproductive techniques (ARTs) in building a competitive livestock industry. It covers the timeline of ARTs from artificial insemination to cloning. It then discusses various ARTs in more detail, including artificial insemination, embryo transfer, in vitro fertilization, and cloning. The document also summarizes the experience and results of In Vitro Africa in applying these techniques. It concludes that ARTs can help increase livestock productivity and alleviate poverty and hunger in developing countries by allowing for faster genetic improvement.
This document summarizes genetic improvement programs in poultry breeding, focusing on chickens. It discusses the selection of chickens for desirable traits, genetic improvement in broilers through selection for traits like growth and feed efficiency, and genetic improvement in laying hens through selecting for traits like egg number, quality, and feed conversion ratio. The quantitative genetics approach has been applied effectively in industrial chicken breeding to reach high performance levels for growth and egg production in specialized lines.
An Overview of Genomic Selection and FertilityDAIReXNET
This document summarizes research aimed at improving dairy cattle fertility using genomics. The research objectives are to develop novel genetic markers of fertility, identify genetic variants associated with daughter pregnancy rate, and provide markers to improve genomic selection for fertility. Genome-wide association studies identified single nucleotide polymorphisms associated with fertility. Many genes associated with daughter pregnancy rate were found to not be associated with milk production. The expected outcomes are better genomic tools to predict reproductive traits and more rapid genetic progress in improving dairy cow fertility.
Meat and milk from farmed animals including livestock (cattle, goat and buffalo) and poultry are sources of high quality protein and essential amino acids, minerals, fats and fatty acids, readily available vitamins, small quantities of carbohydrates and other bioactive components.1?The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) 2008 estimate shows that meat consumption has grown with increase in population. The average global per capita meat consumption is 42.1 kg/year with 82.9 kg/year in developed and 31.1 kg/year in developing countries in a recommended daily animal-sourced protein per capita of 50 kg per year2. Milk on the other hand is consumed in various forms: liquid, cheese, powder, and cream at a global per capita consumption of 108 kg per person per year which is way below the FAO recommended daily consumption of 200 kg.
Meat and milk from farmed animals including livestock (cattle, goat and buffalo) and poultry are sources of high quality protein and essential amino acids, minerals, fats and fatty acids, readily available vitamins, small quantities of carbohydrates and other bioactive components.1?The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) 2008 estimate shows that meat consumption has grown with increase in population. The average global per capita meat consumption is 42.1 kg/year with 82.9 kg/year in developed and 31.1 kg/year in developing countries in a recommended daily animal-sourced protein per capita of 50 kg per year2. Milk on the other hand is consumed in various forms: liquid, cheese, powder, and cream at a global per capita consumption of 108 kg per person per year which is way below the FAO recommended daily consumption of 200 kg.
Cows, missing milk markets and nutrition in rural Ethiopiaessp2
This document summarizes a study on the relationship between cow ownership and child nutrition in rural Ethiopia. The study finds that owning a cow significantly increases the likelihood that a child ages 6-24 months will consume milk and the number of days they consume milk per week. Cow ownership is also found to greatly reduce the likelihood of stunting in children ages 12-24 months. These effects are stronger when the village lacks a food market. The document recommends policies to increase cow ownership, dairy productivity, and dairy market development to improve child nutrition, as undernutrition negatively impacts long-term human capital development.
This project aims to develop a probiotic-fortified recipe to combat stunting in pre-school children in Qalyubia, Egypt. A team from the National Research Centre and Health Tech for Integrated Health Solutions will:
1. Develop an innovative recipe using local ingredients, probiotics, and fulfilling 30% of daily nutrient requirements.
2. Produce the recipe at a pilot scale of 35,000 servings and apply it to 100 children for 350 days, evaluating its effects on stunting.
3. Upon confirmation of the recipe's effectiveness, register it with the Ministry of Health and produce it at an industrial scale for national and regional marketing, targeting 500,000 children within 3 years.
eOrganic Dairy Team OREI project overviewDebra Heleba
This project aimed to develop technical training and support materials for agricultural service providers and farmers in certified organic dairy production systems through online resources and regional learning hubs. The project would create various training materials including articles, videos, webinars and online courses to deliver to over 500 service providers and farmers. Regional learning hubs would serve as gathering places for farmers and service providers to access information and materials as co-learners.
How can Animal Biotechnology contribute to Agenda 2063, ST&I Strategy for Afr...ILRI
Animal biotechnology can help achieve development goals in Africa by increasing livestock productivity, improving animal health and resilience, and reducing environmental impacts. Key applications include developing disease-resistant animals, improving feed digestibility and reproduction, and selecting animals that produce less methane. Strengthening partnerships, regulatory systems, and Africa's own innovation capacities will be important to facilitate use of animal biotechnology for sustainable development.
Revolutionizing the B2B Platform for the Italian Food & Beverage Industry.pdfAlysei
This presentation explores how our innovative B2B platform is transforming the Italian food and beverage industry, connecting producers, distributors, and buyers in a seamless digital marketplace. With advanced technology, streamlined logistics, and a commitment to authenticity, we empower businesses to expand their reach, enhance efficiency, and drive growth. Discover how our platform is setting new standards in the industry, fostering global connections while preserving the rich tradition of Italian gastronomy. Know more -
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Ang Chong Yi Singapore: Honoring India’s Sweet Heritage Through GenerationsAng Chong Yi
Ang Chong Yi Singapore invites diners on a flavorful journey that honors India’s rich sweet heritage, blending tradition with innovation. The restaurant brings Ang Chong Yi Celebrates India’s Sweet Tradition: A Legacy Passed Through Generations together centuries-old recipes and modern culinary techniques, ensuring the legacy of Indian sweets continues to thrive in an evolving world.
Vertical farming is an innovative approach to agriculture that aims to meet the growing food demands of urban populations while addressing the challenges of limited arable land, resource scarcity, and environmental concerns. By utilizing vertically stacked layers or structures, this method integrates advanced technologies to grow crops in controlled environments, such as buildings, shipping containers, or specialized facilities. Vertical farming offers a sustainable and space-efficient solution to meet the increasing demand for these valuable plants. This abstract explores the role of vertical farming in the cultivation of aromatic and medicinal plants, highlighting its benefits, challenges, and potential to revolutionize the production of these valuable crops. By integrating IoT devices, the system aims to monitor and control various parameters such as environmental conditions, nutrient levels, and irrigation, optimizing the growth and quality of aromatic and medicinal plants.
Анализ на Интелиагро върху оранжерийното производствоbILIANA PANCHEVA
Genetic strategies of beef cattle breeding
1. Genetic Strategies of Beef Cattle Breeding
Khandkar Shaharina Hossain
M.Sc student at Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering
Khulna University,
Khulna, Bangladesh.
Presented By
2. Overview
? Animal Breeding and its objective
? Genetic strategies of animal breeding
? Market demand
? Choosing a breeding system
? Strategies
? Future
? Conclusion
3. Animal Breeding
Animal breeding is a branch of animal science that addresses the evaluation of the genetic value
(estimated breeding value) of livestock. It involves the selective breeding of domestic animals
with the intention to improve desirable (and heritable) qualities in the next generation.
? A breeding objective is generally specific to a particular market, therefore it is important to
understand customer and market requirements.
? Depending on the target market, some traits or characteristics have greater economic
importance than others eg: growth rate as an influencer of live weight at sale.
4. Genetic strategies of Beef Cattle Breeding
?Market demand
?Choosing breeding system to serve the demand
? Strategies
5. Trends in milk prices Trends in hides prices
Market demand of beef cattle derived products
6. Market demand of beef cattle derived products
Trends in meat prices
7. Choosing a breeding system
Setting up a breeding program starts with the definition of a breeding goal and is followed by the
design of a scheme that is able to deliver genetic progress in line with this goal.
A Breeding Goal is the specification of the traits to be improved including the emphasis breeding
goal given to each trait. It gives the direction in which we want to improve the population.
In this case , our breeding goals are:
-Mature body with less feed
- Highest Milk production
11. ? An IVF collection, called an Aspiration or Ovum Pick Up (OPU), is the process of harvesting
unfertilized oocytes, (unfertile eggs) directly from the ovaries of a donor cow.
? Recovered oocytes are fertilized after one day
? Transferred seven days after fertilization in recipient.
IVF (In vitro Fertilization)
13. Advantage:
? Performed on every week or every other week
? Can be fertilized multiple donors with a single straw of semen
? Less cost for breeding per procedure for IVF
? Requires highly skilled professionals to perform IVF
? Some countries either do no have protocols or still developing protocols for IVF
14. Practical applications of transgenics in livestock production include
? increased feed utilization and growth rate,
? improved milk production and composition,
? modification of hair or fiber, and
? increased disease resistance.
The production of transgenics provides methods to rapidly introduce ‘new' or modified genes and
DNA sequences into livestock without crossbreeding or hybridizing.
16. Advantages:
? Medical treatments,
? Greater specificity and accuracy,
? Few feed supplements.
? Insertion of foreign gene may upset the expression of the genome.
17. ? Nuclear transfer can be considered as another tool for the strategy of conservation and
utilisation of biodiversity.
Example : “Enderby Island”
? Pregnancy rate is comparatively higher than other cloning method
Nuclear transfer or embryo cloning
19. Advantages:
? Production of drugs and protein needed in the field of medicine.
? Increase the supply of meat and milk in the market for consumption.
? Reproduce extinct species.
? Process is tedious and can be costly.
? Inefficient process with loss of fetus
22. Depending on the specific needs of a breeder’s program, various approaches can be taken. It is
important for producers to understand how each and every reproductive technology can be used
to benefit our operation.
Recent advancements and successes are manifestations that in the future, these methods might
just be ordinary. However, despite the success in most animal cloning and transgenics attempts
and its potential benefits socially and economically, it still has yet to prove that its advantages
outweigh the disadvantages. On the other hand IVF may not be the answer for every donor
program, many have realized it is a tool that offers unique opportunities to extend elite genetics
provided by both proven donors and rare or expensive sires.